cybersecurity Labs

Log in to the course at Saint Leo University and complete Jones and Barlett labs for web services security COM 545 and system security Management COM 520. Must be familiar with the portal. 

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Lab #1 – Assessment Worksheet

Implementing Access Controls with Windows Active Directory

  • Course Name and Number:
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  • Student Name:
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  • Instructor Name:
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  • Lab Due Date:
  • ________________________________________________________________

    Lab Assessment Questions

    1. Relate how Windows Server 2012 Active Directory and the configuration of
    access controls achieve CIA for departmental LANs, departmental folders, and

    2. Is it a good practice to include the account or user name in the password? Why
    or why not?

    3. To enhance the strength of user passwords, what are some of the best
    practices to implement for user password definitions to maximize

    4. Can a user who is defined in Active Directory access a shared drive on a
    computer if the server with the shared drive is not part of the domain?

    5. When granting access to network systems for guests (i.e., auditors,
    consultants, third-party individuals, etc.), what security controls do you
    recommend implementing to maximize CIA of production systems and data?

    6. In the Access Controls Criteria table, what sharing changes were made to the
    MGRfiles folder on the TargetWindows01 server?

    7. In the Access Controls Criteria table, what sharing changes were made on the
    TargetWindows01 server to allow ShopFloor users to read/write files in the
    C:\LabDocuments\SFfiles folder?

    8. In the Access Controls Criteria table, what sharing changes were made on the
    TargetWindows01 server to allow HumanResources users to access files in
    the C:\LabDocuments\HRfiles folder?

    9. Explain how CIA can be achieved down to the folder and data file access level
    for departments and users using Active Directory and Windows Server 2012
    R2 access control configurations. Configuring unique access controls for
    different user types is an example of which kind of access controls?

      Course Name and Number:
      Student Name:
      Instructor Name:
      Lab Due Date:

    1. Question 1:
    2. Question 2:
    3. Question 3:
    4. Question 4:
    5. Question 5:
    6. Question 6:
    7. Question 7:
    8. Question 8:
    9. Question 9:

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