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Chapters 5-7 Unit Discussion:

Read Federalist Paper # 10-the link is provided below: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

After reading Federalist # 10, please address the following:

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Explicate Madison’s assertions about the relationship between liberty, democracy, and factions.

After explicating Madison’s views on the relationship referenced above, explain how Federalist Paper # 10 reflects the fundamental differences between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists.  


Minimum length:

500 words

In text citations:

No less than three in-text citations from Federalist Paper # 10 are required. The in-text citation from Federalist Paper # 10 should read as follows: (Madison, 1787).

No less than three in-text citations from the textbook are required (these may be sourced from any chapter within the Unit, but must be contextually relevant to the topic at hand).

In-text citations from any of the Unit’s assigned videos are optional.

There is no requirement to respond to another discussant. The grade is based solely on the response to the topics specified above.

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