Assistance with Statement of Work Plan


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Need a Statement of Work (SOW) for the client Terrapin Construction Supply, Inc. based on the scope and requirements listed below:

The scope of this project is to plan for the design, construction, outfitting, and stocking of a new retail store in Canada for a home-based improvement company. This project will be constructed to deliver value in the retail supply chain by designing a technological advanced and physical retail environment that is consumer attentive, satisfactory, and creative with a unique customer experience.

You are informed that there are five major product groups at each TCS store: plumbing and electrical supplies; building materials; hardware and tools; seasonal, garden, and yard items; and paint, flooring, and wall coverings.

Each TCS store has a store manager, assistant store manager, bookkeeper, information systems manager, a manager for each of the five major product groups, customer service employees to assist with purchases on the store floor, cashiers, receiving and stocking employees, and maintenance and janitorial employees.

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The SOW for this project lists the following requirements:

•design the new store building, garage, parking lots, and landscaping

•obtain required licenses and permits

•prepare the site and lay the foundation

•construct the new store building and finish the interior

•construct the garage and garden center

•outfit the store with shelves, fixtures, and IT systems (e.g., communications and payment systems)

•pave the parking lots and landscape the exterior of the store

•stock the store with inventory (For this project, stick to a storewide, high-level inventory budget, though you may have to make estimates based on different product categories, such as lumber, hardware, appliances, etc.)


There will be a staff of a plumbing and electrical supplies manager; building materials manager; hardware and tools manager; seasonal, garden, and yard items manager; and paint, flooring, and wall coverings manager.

Each TCS will also consist of a store manager, assistant store manager, bookkeeper, information systems manager, a manager for each of the five major product groups, customer service employees to assist with purchases on the store floor, cashiers, receiving and stocking employees, and maintenance and janitorial employees.


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