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Select the performance evaluation technique you as a manager would use with your

employees. Defend your selection.


 In a role of manager performing performance evaluations, I would strive to use a multi-faceted approach tailored to the needs of the particular job in question. A more formal, technical aspect might include a rubric of job description compared to job performance to produce a numerical rating, but this would only be one part of a larger system (such a tool might be insufficient for jobs requiring a high technical performance or product output that a manager might only see personally performed infrequently by the evaluated employee). Secondly, I would look at performance aspects not directly tied to the job description, such as punctuality and attendance; ability to work with others; and the ability to improvise and adapt to unexpected needs on the job. Third, I would provide some type of employee self-evaluation tool; not only does this give the employee a chance to rate their own performance, but if done correctly can provide insight on how to better support the employee in question and train those coming on board in the future. All three components (formal numerical rating, social/improvisation ability, and self-evaluation) would give a more accurate description of how well an employee does on a day to day basis–particularly if the employee is not directly managed by me, or perhaps even works on a different shift/location. As a personal example I used to work as a crisis intervention trainer; though I wasn’t responsible for evaluating the employee once trained, a system like this would have been helpful. The numerical rating aspect would have been useful but limited, as the employees usually worked on a different shift than I did, and many technical aspects of the job (such as appropriate physical restraints) might occur infrequently or not at all during an evaluation period. Secondly, the employee’s ability to personally interact with clients, co-workers, etc., as well as improvise in crisis situations would be of utmost importance, but difficult to rate numerically on a formal rubric. Third, a self-evaluation would tell me what the employee felt they were doing well (whether or not that was accurate), and where they might feel they need more support–this in turn could reinforce my job as a trainer and allow me to adjust by instruction as necessary.

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Currently, I work for the federal government.  In our agency, we use a method that is very similar to the method discussed in “The Manager’s Guide to HR” which seems to work very well.  It is also a method that I would employ were I manager at a different organization.  Essentially, we have two reviews:  a mid-year review and a final review.  The mid-year review isn’t scored, but you and the manager sit down one on one to discuss how they feel you are performing in four specific areas:  Interpersonal Skills, Participation, Achieves Business Results and Job Knowledge.  During the mid-year review, your manager tells you what you are doing well in each category, what you could improve upon in each category and what you would need to be doing on a regular basis to receive the highest score in each category.

For the final review, employees are emailed 30 days before the review begins and are encouraged to provide a self-evaluation to be considered by management as they are doing the final scoring.  In each area you can receive one of three scores:  1-Not meeting expectations, 3-Meeting expectations and 5-Exceeding expectations.  Once the review is complete, you get a composite score which is used for awards.  If an individual has scored a one in any category, they are put on a performance plan where they must show improvement within 60-90 days.  I like this breakdown because you can provide positive feedback for areas in which an employee may excel even if they still have areas where improvement is needed.  Additionally, it is very clear from your mid-year evaluation what your manager has seen thus far and what they expect going forward.  At the end of your final yearly evaluation, you are provided with your expectations for the following year, which will be discussed again at the next mid-year review.  As an individual who needs feedback, both positive and negative, I find it to be very useful in keeping myself on track.

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