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Pick from the following list of Enterprise Risk Management topics for your research paper:

  1. Accounting for natural disasters: a study of BP
  2. Occupational safety and health: dealing with work hazards
  3. Financial risk management: finding ways to protect assets
  4. ISO 31000: working to reduce risk
  5. Risk pool: determining the best ways to group individuals
  6. Operational risk management: best methods and practices for warehousing industry
  7. Hazard Prevention: training and incentives that work
  8. Association of Management Consulting Firms: effectiveness
  9. Risk management tools for food industry
  10. Security risk: ways to prevent disaster

From the topics, narrow your topic down a little and then write how you would utilize Enterprise Risk Management for these topics.  You an narrow the topics down to a specific company but want the overall theme to align with the list.  Your research paper should be 6-10 pages and follow the following structure:

  1. Introduction – brief background of company and any issues the company has had in the past such as data breaches
  2. A narrative on the organization that you have chosen (to include strategy, core business activities, recent financial performance and corporate view of risk management)
  3. An analysis of the key political, economic, social, technical, legislative and environmental risks that the organization is currently facing
  4. Explore Traditional risk management methods.  Explain and define them.
  5. Explore Enterprise Risk Management methods. Explain and define them.
  6. What are the benefits and limitations in using ERM?
  7. What are the key roles and responsibilities for ERM?
  8. What are the key items the company needs to address and what are the risks associated with it?
  9. Provide recommendations for the company to improve their ERM.
  10. Conclusion
  11. References – APA format

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