Research Assignement


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Research and select three leadership theories. Explain how you will implement those theories in your leadership style. Be sure to include specific examples and articulate how the theory influences the outcome. Use this document to draft your initial post. The post must follow the APA style of writing.

PFA attached sample as reference 

Discussion Board Week 1

Research and select three leadership theories. Explain how you will implement those theories in your leadership style. Be sure to include specific examples and articulate how the theory influences the outcome. Use this document to draft your initial post. The post must follow the APA style of writing.

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Leadership Theory

Implementation of the leadership theory in your leadership style

Leadership theory influences the outcome

1. Participative Theory is the extent to which a leader involves others in making decisions for which the leader has formal authority and responsibility (Bryman, 2011, p. 287). Leaders who frequently use empowering decision procedures are called participative leaders.

*Note: In this column, list one of your top three leadership theories.

As the Academic Dean of Languages, Arts, and Social Sciences, I make all the final decisions regarding the schedule of classes. However, I do not compile the schedule of classes without the help of my Associate Deans and Executive Assistant. Because I empower my subordinates to develop the schedule based on their educational discipline, my style of leadership would imply participative. According to the text, participation in decision making is to solicit the input of others to make decisions (Bateman, Snell, & Konopaske, 2019, p. 351). I have the formal authority and responsibility of the schedule, but I allow others to assist which produces a more robust-inclusive offering of courses.

*Note: How is the theory implemented in your everyday work.

Because my leadership style is participative in developing the schedule of classes, the college has a better schedule due to collaboration. This participative style influences the outcome because of choice-variety in the schedule from semester-to-semester.

*Note: What is the outcome (if any) of your leadership theory to the desired task or goal.

2. *Note: Follow example above for #2

3. *Note: Follow example above for #3


Bateman, T., Snell, S., & Konopaske, R. (2019). Management: Leading & Collaborating in a Competitive World. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Bryman, A., Collinson, D., Grint, K., Jackson, B., & Uhl-Gien, M. (2011). The Sage Handbook of Leadership. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

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