Business Plan

I need you to combine the information from the attachments and make a 12 page Business Report FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONSNO PLAGIARISM12 PAGESUSE INFORMATION FROM ATTACHED DOCUMENTS AND RESEARCH ONLINE FOR MARKETING INFORMATIONDescription of Business (15 pts.)
General description of the business you are proposing, including:
Name of business and detailed description; the business concept; what needs does the product meet and who has these needs?
Type of business: (sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation) describe why you have chosen this form of ownership
Competitive differentiation (how is your product/service different from
What is the historical, current and possible future status of the industry?
Regulatory and Risk Analysis (10 pts.)
The legal considerations likely required for your business. Are there any special concerns you may have to consider?
Location Analysis (10 pts.)
Where will you locate your business and why?
Why this state, city and specific site?
Management Analysis (15 pts.)
How will the project be managed?Who are the managers and how are they qualified to make this business a success?
What is needed with respect to staff?
What needs to be considered with respect to operations? (special equipment, contracts, suppliers, maintenance)
Market Analysis (15 pts.)
This section should include:
Market segmentation – Market segments and target market: specifically describes the market segment(s) and target market(s) in terms of demographics, psychographics, and geographic location. Narrow it down to a manageable size. What common characteristics will make a difference in their purchasing/participation behavior?Competition analysis – Who are your competitors in general? Mainly, how do you differ (product/service differentiation) from competitors (benefits offered, target market(s), product, service, quality, price, promotion, image, distribution?)Promotion – What forms of media are you considering? What approach will you use initially?Conclusion/Summary (10 pts.)
Does this sound like a good idea?In your profile of a related business, what helpful insight did you gain for creating your own business concept?Clarity, Spelling, Grammar (10 pts.)

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