i would like someone to write the codes for the assignment i linked i need it as soon as possible please and the file type is jvs.

10/01/2020 ✖

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JS Coursework Challenge 2

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JS Coursework Challenge 2

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1. global failure


2. Characters: Create a word scoring func�on ‘sumOfCharacters’ that accepts a string and returns the sum of the values of its
UTF-16 character codes. e.g. ‘A’=65, ‘AB’=131 (i.e. 65+66), etc. Rerun

Source: at file:///C:/Users/david/Desktop/js_cwk_2_2019/tests.js:8:1

3. Words: Create a func�on ‘sentenceWordSums’ that takes one parameter which is a sentence (i.e. words separated by spaces),
The func�on must return an array containing the sum of the characters for each word. Rerun

Source: at file:///C:/Users/david/Desktop/js_cwk_2_2019/tests.js:28:1

4. Sentence Sums: Create a func�on ‘sumOfSentence’ that takes two parameters, the first is a sentence (i.e. space separated
words), the second is a number that represents a minimum length. The func�on must return a single number that is the sum of
the values of the sentences’ UTF-16 character codes. When summing the characters, words whose length is less than the
second parameter should be ignored. Rerun

Source: at file:///C:/Users/david/Desktop/js_cwk_2_2019/tests.js:68:1

5. Palindrome: Create a func�on ‘palindrome’ that accepts two parameters: a string parameter, and a boolean. The func�on
returns true if the string provided is a palindrome. If the second parameter is true, whitespace must be ignored by the test, so
e.g. both ‘a ha’ and ‘abb a’ would be recognised as palindromes. Rerun

Source: at file:///C:/Users/david/Desktop/js_cwk_2_2019/tests.js:150:1

6. Emojify: Create a func�on called ’emojify’ that accepts one parameter, a string, and converts special character sequences to
emoji before returning the improved string. The special sequences are ‘(TM)’, ‘<3', and ':-)'. Your func�on should convert them to ™ , ❤ , and ?, respec�vely. Rerun

Source: at file:///C:/Users/david/Desktop/js_cwk_2_2019/tests.js:221:1

7. Page Emojify: Create a func�on called ‘pageEmojify’ that accepts one parameter which is a CSS selector, and having selected
that element, uses the emojify func�on in order to replace any shortcuts with their respec�ve emoji. Rerun

Source: at file:///C:/Users/david/Desktop/js_cwk_2_2019/tests.js:244:1

8. Tree Emojify: Create a func�on called ‘treeEmojify’ that accepts one parameter which is a CSS selector. All child elements and
all text within the selected element should be modified such that all text is transformed using the emojify func�on. The func�on
must only change text inside the element, and inside child elements. The element structure of the document must not change.


Source: at file:///C:/Users/david/Desktop/js_cwk_2_2019/tests.js:274:1

9. Click A�acher: Create a func�on called ‘clickA�acher’ that accepts two parameters. The first parameter is a CSS selector and
the second is a class name. The func�on should add an event listener to all the selected elements iden�fied by the selector.
Create an event handler func�on that is invoked upon a ‘click’ event. It should toggle the provided classname on the clicked
element. Rerun

Source: at file:///C:/Users/david/Desktop/js_cwk_2_2019/tests.js:298:1

10. Write a drawSal�re func�on that accepts one parameter ‘elem’ which is a canvas. It should draw the Sco�sh flag to fit the
canvas. Rerun

Source: at file:///C:/Users/david/Desktop/js_cwk_2_2019/tests.js:366:1

11. Write a drawUnion func�on that accepts one parameter ‘elem’ which is a canvas. It should draw the Union Jack to fit the
canvas. Rerun













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Source: at file:///C:/Users/david/Desktop/js_cwk_2_2019/tests.js:380:1

12. Advanced Challenge: Write a makePi func�on that takes two parameters. The first parameter ‘elem’ is a container in which
your func�on should append a new canvas element that it creates. The second parameter ‘data’ is an array of data that needs to
be visualised. The data is composed of mul�ple objects. Each object has a name and a value, for example: [ {“name”: “apples”,
“value”: 25}, {“name”: “bananas”, “value”: 25}, {“name”: “carrots”, “value”: 10}, {“name”: “tomatoes”, “value”: 40} ] You may
present your pi chart any way you wish so long as we are able to interpret it. You will need to work with the arc func�on to
achieve this challenge… it is not trivial! Rerun

Source: at file:///C:/Users/david/Desktop/js_cwk_2_2019/tests.js:394:1




SoftEng(TM) 🙂

Do you <3 me now?


Emoji Advanced

SoftEng(TM) 🙂
Do you <3 me now? :-):-):-)<3<3<3

Click me

Click me
Click me
Click me
Click me

Draw the flag of Scotland


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It should look like this:

Draw the Union Jack

It should look like this:


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