4DB family practicum 1

discussion board Elder abuse /end of life planning -hospice discussion-advanced directives -proxy designation- life sustaining treatment approach

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 Discussions are 

not just opinion to obtain full points; postings must be based on supported fact, not 

simply opinion. Posting should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a 

maximum of two paragraphs.  Word totals for each post should be in the 100-200 

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words range.  Whether you agree or disagree, explain why with supporting 

evidence and concepts from the readings or related experience.  Include a 

reference, link, or citation when appropriate. APA 6th edition format for 

references as well as in-text citations is expected.

rubric(applied  for all DB during this semester )

-Utilizes appropriate (pertinent to FNP practice) and evidence-based citations to support postings.   

-Postings are informative and concise, serving to deepen understanding and inquiry.  

  -Participation Postings are timely and pertinent     Postings are thoughtful and analyze the content or question asked.    Postings Make connections to the course content and other experiences.     Postings are written in a respectful manner.      Grammar, Syntax, and APA    

– APA format, grammar, spelling, and punctuation are accurate, or with zero to one error.  


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