Annotated Bibliography for each Reference


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Annotated Bibliography for each Reference 

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 Description of why this is a credible source (author(s), publication, date) 

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 Summary of the article 

 Discussion of how this reference supports the existence of the general problem and the consequences of the problem identified in the general problem sentence (Critical Analysis of the Whistleblower incentives and protection: Are a way of applying investment banking incentives to control management unethical and illegal practices)  and the topic Relationship to Finance? 

Ayuso, S., Rodríguez, M. A., García-Castro, R., & Ariño. (2014, May). Maximizing stakeholders’ interests: An empirical analysis of the stakeholder approach to corporate governance. Business and Society, 53(3), 414-439. doi:10.1177/0007650311433122 

Bhal, K., & Dadhich, A. (2011, October). Impact of ethical leadership and leader member exchange on whistle blowing: The moderating impact of the moral intensity of the issue. Journal of Business Ethics, 103(3), 485-496. doi:10.1007/s10551-011-0876-z 

Brink, A. G., Lowe, D. J., & Victoravich, L. M. (2013, August). The effect of evidence strength and internal rewards on intentions to report fraud in the Dodd-frank regulatory environment. Auditing, 32(3), 87-104. doi:10.2308/ajpt-50449

Miceli Marcia P, Near Janet P and Dworkin Terry M (2009), “A Word to the Wise: How Managers and Policy-Makers Can Encourage Employees to Report Wrongdoing”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 86, No. 3, pp. 379-396.

Gundlach Michael J, Martinko Mark J and Douglas Scott C (2008), “A New Approach to Examining Whistleblowing: The Influence of Cognition and Anger”, SAM Advanced Management Journal , Vol. xxx, No. xxx, pp. 40-50

Hauserman Nancy R (1986), “Whistleblowing: Individual Morality in Corporate Society”, Business Horizons, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 4-9.

Heyes Anthony and Kapur Sandeep (2008), “An Economic Model of Whistle Blower Policy”, The Journal of Law, Economics & Organization, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 157-182.

Hwang Dennis, Staley Blair, Chen Ying T and Lan Jyh S (2008), “Confucian Culture andWhistleblowing by Professional Accountants: An Exploratory Study”, Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 504-526.

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