theoretical developments in leadership paradigms


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Evolving Leadership Models 

Recent theoretical developments in leadership paradigms seem more inclined to frame leadership concepts within the context of moral philosophy, interpersonal growth and spiritual values, topics discussed in business leadership models. Some examples include transformational leadership (Burns, 1978; Bass, 1990), Servant-Leadership (Greenleaf Center, 2002), Relational Leadership (Brower, Schoorman, & Hwee, 2000) and spiritual leadership (Mitroff & Denton, 1999). Conduct a preliminary search of these models, and select one that resonates best with your own leadership style and one that does not resonate to your own leadership style. Using the business article collections in the Library and other credible sources, respond to the following questions regarding the model you have selected: 

• Select two and compare and contrast these two models, with particular emphasis on the implications of these models for the leader follower-relationship and the organizational culture. • To what degree do these models represent a theory that is grounded in experience or fact, or just a “fad”? Defend your arguments with academic sources.

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