• PFLAG LGBTQIA+ terminology (Links to an external site.)
  • GLAAD Ally’s Guide to Terminology
  • 5 Good Reasons Why the “LGBTQIA+” Acronym Shouldn’t Include “Ally” (Links to an external site.)
  • Adding “allies” to LGBT acronym sparking controversy (Links to an external site.)
  • 9 Most Common Sexual Orientations (Links to an external site.)
  • The Asexual Spectrum: Identities in the Ace community ( 

Discussion 1

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 Think about the articles you read regarding whether or not the word “ally” should be included in the LGBTQIA+ acronym and do 3 things (300 words per question): 

                A. List 1 reason why you think the LGBTQIA+ acronym should include ally

                B. List 1 reason why you think LGBTQIA+ acronym should not include ally

                C. Do you think A should include ally? Explain your reasoning

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Discussion Post Guidelines:

  1. (20%) LENGTH. Each answer should be approximately 300 words in length. For example, if your Discussion 2 assignment requires you to answer 2 discussion questions, your entry for that week should be 600 words in length total (at least 300 words for each of the 2 questions for that week)
  2. (40%) COMPREHENSION. Demonstrate an understanding and application of the course readings and any other outside reading you may choose to use to answer the question.
  3. (20%) REFERENCES. You MUST cite using at least 1 citation per question: • All discussion postings are expected to integrate information from at least one of the readings, class materials, and/or from an outside empirical or reputable news source. You should cite both within the text and provide a full reference at the bottom of your post.
  4. (20%) RESPONSES. In addition to your post, you have responded to two other posts by classmates 

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