9 final

All the assignment is added below and the final project instructions.

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 For the assignment you did which is 7.2 

Teacher feedback-  NO mention of theory so you need to mention the theory. 

 Policy Recommendations: Policy Targeted- You need to be more in depths.

My topic is body cam and domestic violence.

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I just need 6 pages that do not include the title and reference every answer needs to be answered in depths follow the instruction in depths. 

  • CJ 520 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
  • Overview
    For your final project, you will develop a basic departmental policy recommendation to address a public need. You will analyze historical data and relevant state
    or federal policies, apply relevant criminological theories, and evaluate the potential impact of the departmental policy on the general public.

    Public policy can be defined as the decisions, actions, laws, and positions of both the state and federal government. A public policy issue is at the center of public
    policy, and the state and federal government react to the issue and make decisions such as creating laws and regulations to help address the public policy issue.
    Public policies also provide guidance and direction to public safety organizations and are the principles that guide the actions of the personnel. The term public
    policy is not normally used to denote what is actually done. Departmental policies are the procedures or protocols that are created to address this public policy
    issue, and these departmental policies are what will be scrutinized in a highly publicized incident. Therefore, it is vital that departmental policies are developed
    and updated to be consistent with public policy, to address issues within public policy, and to best serve the interests of the department and the community. To
    do so effectively, criminological theories are applied to address specific motives and underlying factors influencing the issue at hand. These theories assist in
    developing departmental policies that can stand the test of time, not conflict with public policy, and remain flexible enough to adapt to societal changes.

    The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final
    submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Three, Five, and Seven. The final product will be submitted in Module Nine.

    This assessment addresses the following course outcomes:

     Analyze criminological theories for their influence on the development of departmental and public policies
     Assess the extent to which public policies address the needs of the public and criminal justice system by applying criminological theories
     Evaluate the potential impact of policy recommendations on communities and the criminal justice system for informing appropriate policy development

    and implementation

     Analyze trends impacting the evolution of public policies for drawing informed conclusions on future policy development
     Propose policy recommendations for improving the delivery of criminal justice services

    For this project, you will play the part of an individual recently promoted in a criminal justice organization. Your new supervisor recognizes that you are an up-
    and-coming asset for the department and acknowledges that your advanced degree gives you an edge over some of the other employees in a project that needs
    to be completed as soon as possible. Your supervisor tells you that after some highly publicized news events, many departmental policies have been found to be
    outdated and insufficient in unspecified areas in relation to issues within public policy. The departmental policies need to be revised to include justification for
    the policies, as well as relevant theory to support the operations. Your supervisor has provided a list of public policy issues, and you will select one public policy
    issue as well as a related departmental policy that attempts to address the issue. You will be tasked with analyzing the public policy issue and developing

    recommendations to improve the corresponding departmental policy to better address the specific issue. To develop an informed departmental policy
    recommendation, you will also analyze relevant criminological theories and relevant public policies.

    Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

    I. Introduction: Describe your selected public policy issue, corresponding departmental policy, and explain the connection between the public policy issue
    and specific departmental policy.

    II. Historical Analysis: To inform your recommendations for the departmental public policy, you will analyze the history of the selected public policy issue,
    identifying key influential trends, and predict the potential future direction of the state or federal policies in supporting this issue. Specifically:

    a) Identify key trends, both modern and historical, that have shaped the evolution of the state or federal public policies surrounding your selected
    public policy issue, justifying your identifications. How have the policies around this issue evolved, and what trends have influenced this

    b) Identify court cases that have shaped the evolution of the public policies related to your chosen public policy issue, justifying your identifications.
    c) How have the previously identified historical events impacted the public’s perception of the relevant state or federal public policies? Provide

    specific examples. How has public perception evolved in relation to these specified events?
    d) Predict the potential future direction of the state or federal public policies based on the previously identified historical and modern trends. How

    might the state or federal public policy continue to evolve?

    III. Criminological Theory: Now that you have analyzed the related state or federal public policies, you will analyze relevant criminological theory.
    a) Select a criminological theory that best explains the development of the public policies related to the issue, justifying your selection. Consider

    how the theory explains the previously identified influence of the trends or court cases on the development of the policies.
    b) Draw connections between the selected criminological theory and the departmental policy. Where are there specific connections between the

    theory and the departmental policy?
    c) Draw connections between the selected criminological theory and the related state o r federal public policies. Where are there specific

    connections between the theory and the selected state or federal policies?

    IV. Needs: Now that you have analyzed the relevant state or federal policies and selected a related criminological theory, you will focus your analysis on your
    selected departmental policy. In relation to the departmental policy, you will identify the needs of the public and the relevant branch of the criminal
    justice system, and assess the extent to which the policy currently addresses these needs. Specifically:

    a) Identify specific needs of the public and the relevant branch of the criminal justice system at the center of the departmental policy, justifying
    your identifications.

    b) To what extent does the departmental policy address these specific needs?

    V. Policy Recommendations: In this section, you will provide specific recommendations to the existing departmental public policy to improve the delivery
    of criminal justice services, justifying your recommendations, and examining the impact of the recommendations on the public and specific branch of the
    criminal justice system. Be sure to:

    a) Outline the specific aspects of the departmental policy you are targeting for your recommendations, justifying your selections. What specific
    aspects of the departmental policy need improving and why?

    b) What specific recommendations do you have to improve the existing departmental policy?
    c) Justify how the recommendations will improve the delivery of criminal justice services. Provide specific examples.
    d) How does criminological theory support your recommendations? How do the recommendations support the public’s needs? Consider how

    theory justifies the appropriateness of the recommendations for the departmental policy.
    e) What are the potential impacts of the departmental policy recommendations on the public and the relevant branch of the criminal justice

    system? Provide specific examples. If the potential impacts are negative, how might you alter your recommendations?
    f) How does your assessment of the potential impacts inform your departmental policy implementation? For example, how can you capitalize on

    positive reactions in the implementation of the departmental policy? How might you create buy-in where there is possible conflict?

    Milestone One: Departmental Policy and Issue Selection and Introduction
    In Module Three, you will submit a 1–2-page document introducing the public policy issue that your departmental policy will seek to address. First, review the
    document A List of Public Policy Issues and select an issue. Next, review the document Examples of Departmental Policies and select a departmental policy that
    you plan to make improvement recommendations for to address this issue. Discuss related public policies (decisions, actions, laws, and/or positions) of both the
    state and federal government on the issue that you seek to address with your departmental policy. Describe your selected policy issue, the related state or
    federal positions or actions on the issue, and explain the connection between the departmental policy and state or federal guidance on the issue. This milestone
    is graded with the Milestone One Rubric.

    Milestone Two: Historical Analysis and Analysis of Relevant Criminological Theories
    In Module Five, you will submit the 2–3-page draft of your historical analysis as well as your analysis of criminological theories relevant to your public policy issue
    selection. You will analyze the history of the public policies (related decisions, actions, laws, and/or positions of both the state and federal government) related to
    your selected public policy issue. This draft should be as detailed as possible in order to allow the instructor to provide significant feedback. This milestone is
    graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.

    Milestone Three: Public Needs and Policy Recommendations
    In Module Seven, you will submit the 2–3-page public needs and policy recommendations sections of your final project. This milestone is really about drilling
    down more deeply into the “drivers” behind your recommendations to the selected departmental policy. As you write these sections, you will identify what
    public needs are targeted by this policy and determine how well the policy addresses these needs. You will also need to examine how this policy can be changed
    or improved upon to continue to address the identified need and how these changes can be accomplished while at the same time improving upon the delivery of
    necessary criminal justice services. Ensure that you support your recommendations with relevant criminological theory. The draft should also incorporate the
    research you have performed up to this point as set forward in Milestones One and Two. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.



    Final Submission: Policy Recommendation Report
    In Module Nine, you will submit your policy recommendation report. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final
    product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This final submission will be graded using the Final Project Rubric.


    Milestone Deliverable Module Due Grading

    One Departmental Policy and Issue Selection
    and Introduction

    Three Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric

    Two Historical Analysis and Analysis of Relevant
    Criminological Theories

    Five Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric

    Three Public Needs and Policy Recommendations Seven Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric

    Final Submission: Policy Recommendation

    Nine Graded separately; Final Project Rubric

    Final Project Rubric
    Guidelines for Submission: Your policy recommendation report must be 6–8 pages in length and adhere to standard formatting (double-spaced, 12-point Times
    New Roman font, one-inch margins) and citations must be in APA style.

    Most of the critical elements align with a particular course outcome (shown in brackets).

    Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

    Introduction Meets “Proficient” criteria and
    demonstrates keen insight into
    the connection between public
    policy issues and departmental

    Describes the selected public
    policy issue, corresponding
    departmental policy, and
    explains the connection
    between the public policy issue
    and departmental policy

    Describes the selected public
    policy issue, corresponding
    departmental policy, but does
    not sufficiently explain the
    connection between the public
    policy issue and departmental

    Does not describe the selected
    public policy issue and
    corresponding departmental
    policy, and does not explain the
    connection between the public
    policy issue and departmental



    Historical Analysis:


    Meets “Proficient” criteria and
    demonstrates keen insight into
    how trends have shaped the
    evolution of state or federal
    public policies surrounding the
    selected public policy issue

    Identifies key trends, both
    historical and modern, that
    have shaped the evolution of
    the state or federal public
    policies surrounding the
    selected public policy issue,
    justifying identifications

    Identifies key trends that have
    shaped the evolution of the
    state or federal public policies
    surrounding the selected public
    policy issue, justifying
    identifications, but with gaps in
    detail or accuracy or does not
    identify historical and modern

    Does not identify key trends
    that have shaped the evolution
    of the state or federal public
    policies surrounding the
    selected public policy issue,
    justifying identifications


    Historical Analysis:
    Court Cases

    Meets “Proficient” criteria and
    demonstrates keen insight into
    how court cases have shaped
    the evolution of the public
    policies related to the chosen
    public policy issue

    Identifies court cases that have
    shaped the evolution of the
    public policies related to the
    chosen public policy issue,
    justifying identifications

    Identifies court cases that have
    shaped the evolution of the
    public policies related to the
    chosen public policy issue,
    justifying identifications, but
    with gaps in detail, accuracy, or

    Does not identify court cases
    that have shaped the evolution
    of the public policies related to
    the chosen public policy issue,
    justifying identifications


    Historical Analysis:
    Public Perception


    Meets “Proficient” criteria and
    demonstrates keen insight into
    the impact of historical events
    on public perception of the
    relevant state or federal public

    Analyzes how the identified
    historical events impacted the
    public’s perception of the
    relevant state or federal public
    policies, providing specific

    Analyzes how the identified
    historical events impacted the
    public’s perception of the
    relevant state or federal public
    policies, but with gaps in
    support, detail, or accuracy

    Does not analyze how the
    identified historical events
    impacted the public’s
    perception of the relevant state
    or federal public policies


    Historical Analysis:
    Future Direction


    Meets “Proficient” criteria and
    demonstrates keen insight into
    drawing informed conclusions
    on future policy development

    Predicts the potential future
    direction of the state or federal
    public policies based on
    previously identified historical
    and modern trends

    Predicts the potential future
    direction of the state or federal
    public policies based on the
    previously identified historical
    and modern trends, but with
    gaps in detail or logic

    Does not predict the potential
    future direction of the state or
    federal public policies based on
    the previously identified
    historical and modern trends


    Theory: Select Theory


    Meets “Proficient” criteria and
    demonstrates keen insight into
    the appropriate selection of
    criminological theory that
    explains the development of
    public policies

    Selects criminological theory
    that best explains the
    development of the public
    policies related to the issue,
    justifying selection

    Selects criminological theory
    that best explains the
    development of the public
    policies related to the issue,
    justifying selection, but with
    gaps in detail, accuracy, or logic

    Does not select criminological
    theory that best explains the
    development of the public
    policies related to the issue,
    justifying selection


    Theory: Theory and
    Departmental Policy


    Meets “Proficient” criteria and
    demonstrates keen insight into
    the connections between
    criminological theory and
    public policies

    Draws connections between
    the selected criminological
    theory and the departmental

    Draws connections between
    the selected criminological
    theory and the departmental
    policy, but with gaps in detail or

    Does not draw connections
    between the selected
    criminological theory and the
    departmental policy


    Theory: Draw

    Connections to State
    or Federal Public

    Policies [CJ-520-01]

    Meets “Proficient” criteria and
    demonstrates keen insight into
    the connections between
    criminological theory and
    public policies

    Draws connections between
    the selected criminological
    theory and the related state or
    federal public policies

    Draws connections between
    the selected criminological
    theory and the related state or
    federal public policies, but with
    gaps in detail or accuracy

    Does not draw connections
    between the selected
    criminological theory and the
    related state or federal public


    Needs: Identify Needs


    Meets “Proficient” criteria and
    demonstrates keen insight into
    the application of
    criminological theory to
    identify needs of the public and
    criminal justice system

    Identifies specific needs of the
    public and the relevant branch
    of the criminal justice system at
    the center of the departmental
    policy, justifying identifications
    with selected criminological

    Identifies needs of the public
    and the relevant branch of the
    criminal justice system at the
    center of the departmental
    policy, justifying identifications
    with selected criminological
    theory, but with gaps in logic,
    specificity of needs, or

    Does not identify needs of the
    public and the relevant branch
    of the criminal justice system at
    the center of the departmental
    policy, justifying identifications
    with selected criminological


    Needs: Address


    Meets “Proficient” criteria and
    demonstrates keen insight into
    the assessment of policies to
    address needs and application
    of criminological theory

    Assesses the extent to which
    the departmental policy
    addresses the needs, justifying
    assessment with criminological

    Assesses the extent to which
    the departmental policy
    addresses the needs, justifying
    assessment with criminological
    theory, but with gaps in detail,
    logic, or application of theory

    Does not assess the extent to
    which the departmental policy
    addresses the needs, justifying
    assessment with criminological



    Policy Targeted


    Meets “Proficient” criteria and
    demonstrates keen insight into
    identifying specific aspects of
    public policies that need

    Outlines the specific aspects of
    the departmental policy that
    will be targeted, justifying

    Outlines the aspects of the
    departmental policy that will
    be targeted, justifying
    selections, but with gaps in
    detail, logic, or specificity

    Does not outline the aspects of
    the departmental policy that
    will be targeted, justifying




    Meets “Proficient” criteria and
    recommendations to improve
    existing policy are particularly

    Proposes specific
    recommendations to improve
    the existing departmental

    Proposes recommendations to
    improve the existing
    departmental policy, but with
    gaps in detail, logic, or

    Does not propose
    recommendations to improve
    the existing departmental


    Improve Delivery

    Meets “Proficient” criteria and
    demonstrates keen insight into
    how the recommendations will
    improve the delivery of
    criminal justice services

    Justifies how the
    recommendations will improve
    the delivery of criminal justice
    services, providing specific

    Justifies how the
    recommendations will improve
    the delivery of criminal justice
    services, providing specific
    examples, but with gaps in
    detail, logic, or support

    Does not justify how the
    recommendations will improve
    the delivery of criminal justice
    services, providing specific




    Meets “Proficient” criteria and
    demonstrates keen insight into
    the extent to which theory
    supports the recommendations
    for meeting the needs of the

    Justifies the appropriateness of
    recommendations in meeting
    the public’s needs, using
    criminological theory

    Justifies the appropriateness of
    recommendations in meeting
    the public’s needs, using
    criminological theory, but with
    gaps in detail, logic, or
    application of theory

    Does not justify the
    appropriateness of the
    recommendation in meeting
    the public’s needs, using
    criminological theory


    Potential Impacts


    Meets “Proficient” criteria and
    demonstrates keen insight into
    evaluating the potential impact
    of policy recommendations on
    the public and the criminal
    justice system

    Evaluates the potential impacts
    of the departmental policy
    recommendations on the
    public and relevant branch of
    the criminal justice system,
    providing specific examples,
    and explains how
    recommendations may be
    altered based on evaluation

    Evaluates the potential impacts
    of the departmental policy
    recommendations on the
    public and relevant branch of
    the criminal justice system, and
    explains how
    recommendations may be
    altered based on evaluation,
    but with gaps in detail, logic, or

    Does not evaluate the potential
    impacts of the departmental
    policy recommendations on the
    public and relevant branch of
    the criminal justice system,
    providing specific examples




    Meets “Proficient” criteria and
    demonstrates keen insight into
    implementation strategies
    based on assessment of
    potential impacts of the policy

    Draws informed conclusions on
    implementation strategies
    based on assessment of
    potential impacts of the
    departmental policy

    Draws conclusions on
    implementation strategies, but
    conclusions have gaps in detail
    or logic

    Does not draw conclusions on
    implementation strategies,
    based on assessment of
    potential impacts to the policy


    Articulation of

    Submission is free of errors
    related to citations, grammar,
    spelling, syntax, and
    organization and is presented
    in a professional and easy-to-
    read format

    Submission has no major errors
    related to citations, grammar,
    spelling, syntax, or organization

    Submission has major errors
    related to citations, grammar,
    spelling, syntax, or organization
    that negatively impact
    readability and articulation of
    main ideas

    Submission has critical errors
    related to citations, grammar,
    spelling, syntax, or organization
    that prevent understanding of


    Total 100%

      CJ 520 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
      Milestone One: Departmental Policy and Issue Selection and Introduction
      Milestone Two: Historical Analysis and Analysis of Relevant Criminological Theories
      Milestone Three: Public Needs and Policy Recommendations
      Final Submission: Policy Recommendation Report
      Final Project Rubric

    Running Head:

    Public Policy Issues


    Public Policy Issues 1
    Public Policy Issues

    Shawnette Howard


    The public policy I have selected is domestic violence and child neglect, and the equivalent policy will be body cameras. Nobody should be vulnerable to domestic violence or even child abuse but, unfortunately it does happen all the time and when it does happen there is support for the victims. There are nine types of abuse that can occur there are physical violence in which violence in the fore-front and something object are used to belittle the victim. There is sexual abuse when a person is force against their will to perform sexual act. There is emotional abuse when someone says something to make a person feel worthless. Psychological Violence when the suspect uses threat to scare that victim. Spiritual Violence when a person uses someone religion to manipulate them. Cultural Violence is when a person is harmed because of their culture there is also verbal abuse where a person is talking down to by using expletive language. Financial Abuse when a person feels that you need them to survive, they abuse that power and neglect when a person is your stole providing and they are supposed to provide for you, but they do not so, all of these plays a part in domestic violence (Violence Prevention Initiative 2014). The body camera corresponds with domestic violence because individual have rights to their home but when a domestic violence occurs, and a body camera is worn it can retrieve a perfect picture of the crime scene and the people that are involve in the situation so nothing could be misconstrued. In comparison, body cameras record video and auditory evidence as opposed to the body microphones that certain law enforcement officers have. Inherently more invasive than most criminal interrogation methods are the ability to collect these visual images in one person’s house. It is therefore vital to know that whenever the officers are called to a house on a family abuse or abuse attack, the situations are humiliating for the parties involved and likely uncomfortable. Presumably unpredictable and dangerous to safety. Law enforcement personnel may meet victims, offenders, and people without simple clothes who are bellicose or stubborn, swallowed or otherwise impaired. When looking for police assistance, the victim is certain to know and assume that arresting officers will witness this, but he is not supposed to eventually have his own appearance and behavior, when the officers use body cameras, available for public viewing (Ariel, 2016). The Violence against women Act was passed by Congress in 1994. In this Act and in the 1996 amendments to the Act, domestic abuse is recognized as a nationwide offense and federal policy will relate to the overstretched state and municipal criminal justice systems. In 1994 and 1996, Congress revised the Gun Control Act to ensure that perpetrators of domestic violence have firearms as criminal crimes in some cases. Your state and city authorities will have to deal with the bulk of domestic abuse incidents. However, in certain situations, federal regulations and the advantages obtained from the enforcement of these statutes may be the correct course of action (Federal Domestic Violence Laws, 2020). I seek to address that even though the city should handle the bulk of the domestic violence. I feel as if the federal government should also step in especially when there is firearm including and there a multiple fatally.


    Ariel, B. (2016). The puzzle of police body cams. IEEE Spectrum, 53(7), 32–37. https://doi.org/10.1109/mspec.2016.7498156

    Federal Domestic Violence Laws. (2020, May 26). Federal Domestic Violence Laws. https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdtn/victim-witness-program/federal-domestic-violence-laws



    Running Head:

    Historical Analysis and Analysis


    Historical Analysis and Analysis

    Historical Analysis and Analysis of Relevant Criminological Theories

    Shawnette Howard



    Historical Analysis

    Domestic abuse is the public policy problem to be discussed. Domestic violence consists of one individual’s manipulation, oppression, stigmatization or humiliation by interpersonal relationships by mental, physical and sexual means.


    In this section, the trends in domestic violence within the American criminal justice system will be identified. Earlier, the system condoned domestic violence as it was not viewed as a crime or a problem in society. In the 1800s, women were abused by their romantic partners despite the women’s rights movements. Over time, the act became socially unacceptable and society started treating domestic violence as a problem. Most domestic violence ordeals were fueled by the desire to portray power and control (Chapman & Monk, 2015). During the early 1900s, although domestic violence was acknowledged, it was treated as a private family matter. In the 1960s and 1970s, the Women’s Liberation Movement pushed for the recognition of domestic violence as a crime. That led to the development of laws and regulations and the formation of policies that advocated against domestic violence. Today, domestic violence is treated as a very serious issue that is punishable under the law in the US.

    Court Cases

    Several court cases have helped in the formulation of public policies against domestic violence. The first court case is the case of US v. Castleman, which was decided in the Supreme Court of the US. The decision of the court case led to the barring of gun ownership by the perpetrators of domestic violence (Corbin, 2015). Such public policies aimed at reducing domestic violence. When the perpetrators of domestic violence possess a gun, it increases the likelihood of severe domestic violence occurring. The second court case that will promote policy formulation against domestic violence was the case of Alvera vs. CBM Group, which was decided in the US District Court for the District of Oregon in 2001. The case advocated the minimization of discrimination against domestic violence victims. It led to the formulation of policies that would ensure that the victims of domestic violence recover successfully.

    Public’s Perception

    Over time, the public started viewing domestic violence as a criminal and dangerous act. Earlier, it was just tolerated by with time the public started pushing for changes that would enable favorable public policies against domestic violence were formulated. The Women’s Liberation Movement is an example of an organization that was founded to promote the public perception that domestic violence should not be seen as a private matter and it should be addressed amicably (Krizsán & Roggeband, 2017). Further, the feminist advocates brought the problem of domestic violence to the attention of the public and policy makers so that the issue would be addressed. They criticized the criminal justice system for not taking the issue seriously.

    Future Direction

    The policies on domestic violence are likely to continue evolving as time passes. The future public policies advocating against domestic violence are more likely to be serious and have more stringent consequences. Therefore, in the future, the issue of domestic violence will be taken more seriously, and the perpetrators will face harsher consequences. Thus, more public policies will continuously be formulated to address the issue until it is evicted completely.

    Criminological Theory

    A criminological theory that can be used to explain the development of public policies related to domestic violence is the strain theory. Strain theory identifies that public policies and national welfare should be used in the reduction of crimes and social problems (Agnew & Brezina, 2019). Therefore, the strain theory explains why there were public policies that were developed in the quest to reduce domestic violence in the US. Such public policies were essential as they would help in addressing domestic violence in the US. As more public policies were formulated, the problem of domestic violence was publicly acknowledged thus being addressed and minimized in society.

    Theory and Departmental Policy

    The strain theory indicates that public policies are used to reduce the social problems that are experienced in society. In this case, the departmental policy would be used to address domestic violence and reduce it. That indicates that as the departmental policy works effectively, it portrays the strain theory. Thus, both the departmental policy and the strain theory are used to help address domestic violence and reduce it in society.

    State and Federal Public Policies

    The state and federal public policies that were formulated were used to reduce domestic violence in society. An example of a federal public policy that was formulated was barring gun ownership to domestic violence perpetrators. That goes in tandem with the strain theory, which also seeks to reduce domestic violence through policy formulation.


    Agnew, R., & Brezina, T. (2019). General strain theory. In Handbook on crime and deviance (pp. 145-160). Springer, Cham.

    Chapman, A., & Monk, C. (2015). Domestic violence awareness. American journal of psychiatry, 172(10), 944-945.

    Corbin, B. A. (2015). Goodbye Earl: Domestic Abusers and Guns in the Wake of United States v. Castleman-Can the Supreme Court Save Domestic Violence Victims. Neb. L. Rev., 94, 101.

    Krizsán, A., & Roggeband, C. (2017). The gender politics of domestic violence: Feminists engaging the state in Central and Eastern Europe. Routledge.


    Milestone Three

    Shawnette Howard


    WEEK 7


    Needs: Identify Needs

    The departmental policy that has been chosen is the implementation of police officers having body-worn cameras. The relevant branch of a criminal justice system that will be affected or rather helped by the departmental policy is the law enforcement branch. The audio and the video recording from the body-worn cameras will be used as part of the evidence (Newark police division, n.d.). There are several needs of the public that will be addressed by the departmental policy. One of the needs is that the body-worn cameras will ensure that police brutality to the public is minimized. If such actions happen and the police did not record the audio and videotapes, they will have the reason. It will also contribute to the evidence provided, thus determining the person who was in the wrong. That will minimize arrests of innocent people.

    Needs: Address Needs

    The departmental policy addresses the public needs comprehensively. The first need is the reduction of police brutality. With the implementation of body-worn cameras, police officers must record their encounters with the public. Thus, in such a case, the police cannot act brutality as it will be recorded, and they will be punished (Lum, et al., 2019). Consequently, the body-worn cameras will constitute part of the evidence; thus, it will show the people in the wrong. That will prevent the police officers from accusing innocent people falsely. Thus, it will reduce the incarceration of innocent people.

    Policy Recommendations: Policy Targeted

    The departmental policy aspect that would be targeted is the activation of the body-worn cameras. The clause on when the law enforcement officers should wear the body-worn cameras should be revisited.

    Policy Recommendations: Recommendations

    The departmental policy aspect that would be improved is activation of the body-worn cameras. To make the departmental policy more effective, the police officers should be required to have the departmental cameras on as long as they are on duty except when they are at breaks or visiting the restroom. That would enable the body-worn cameras to function like CCTV. Thus, the video recordings may be used to inform more situations.

    Policy Recommendations: Improve Delivery

    Ensuring that the law enforcement officers have activated their body-worn cameras when on duty will be effective as it will record all the officers’ time in duty. In some situations, the officer may activate the body-worn cameras resulting in some scenarios not being captured clearly or capturing half of some scenarios. Moreover, the body-worn cameras may be used to identify things that were happening in the police officer’s patrol area.

    Policy Recommendations: Appropriateness

    The departmental policy recommendations are appropriate. The recommendations will significantly reduce police brutality since all their time in the shift is recorded. Thus, they will be discouraged from doing what they are not supposed to do or even breaking the law. That will promote justice in the area; thus, it will positively affect.

    Policy Recommendations: Potential Impacts

    The potential impact on the public is that they will have better interactions with the police officers. That is because the police officers will be friendly, and they will help in achieving law and order in the community effectively (White, 2015). That will impact the law enforcement branch of the criminal justice system positively. However, it will impede the police officer’s freedom as all of their activities will be recorded during their shift. The recommendation may be altered to allow the police officers to deactivate the body-worn cameras when not in action.

    Policy Recommendations: Inform Implementation

    The recommendation should be implemented to capitalize on the positive effects. However, when the police officers are not in action, they may deactivate the body-worn cameras to avoid recording their interactions with their colleagues, which would add junk to the audio and videotapes.


    Lum, C., Stoltz, M., Koper, C. S., & Scherer, J. A. (2019). Research on body‐worn cameras: What we know, what we need to know. Criminology & public policy, 18(1), 93-118.

    Newark police division. (n.d.). BWC Policy. ::Newark Police Division::. https://npd.newarkpublicsafety.org/bodyworncamera/policy

    White, M. D. (2015). Police officer body-worn cameras.

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