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This assignment must be typed, double-spaced, in APA style and must be written at graduate level English. The content, conciseness and clarity of your answers will be considered in the evaluation of your work.

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Your response to each question should 1 page per question.

Total assignment should be 8 pages plus a title and reference page.

  1. Discuss the major brain structures involved in hearing analysis/comprehension. Explain for each major structure what problems in hearing and/or  analysis/comprehension would arise if they were damaged.
  2. Discuss the major brain structures involved in movement: their role and what problems might arise if there were damage to each. 
  3. What are the stages of sleep? Describe the pattern one observes, the activity that occurs during each stage, and what adverse effect a person might experience with significant alterations to each stage of sleep.
  4. Discuss circadian rhythms, the pineal gland and melatonin.  What implications do circadian rhythms have for people whose work requires them to continually rotate work shifts?
  5. Discuss the mechanisms and structures of visual learning and discuss the mechanisms and structures of auditory learning.
  6. Discuss the signs and symptoms of amnesia and its possible causes/mechanisms.
  7. What areas/mechanisms are involved in speech production and comprehension? Discuss the major speech problems, their signs and symptoms, and possible causes/mechanisms.
  8. What areas/mechanisms are involved in writing and reading? Discuss the major problems related to reading and writing, their signs and symptoms, and possible causes/mechanisms.

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