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Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. When responding to your classmates, provide at least one local, regional, or national non-profit organization, charity or governmental organization in place to aid this population. Your response posts need to be at least 200 words each.


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Identifying a ‘Target’

According to the course text chapter four,

Introduction to human services: Through the eyes of practice settings

, before discussing social advocacy efforts on a macro level (really any level), it is essential to identify most targeted populations or vulnerable (Martin, 2018). One of the most historically targeted populations is the ethnic minority of the black race. The cruelty and brutality used to control African Americans as they were forced in transit and lived shackled as slaves are horrific. The race is oppressed by stock stories and a social caste system that, in essence is for the white man – by the man. Sadly, instead of seeing power in unity it is seen in color, class, and cash. 

Decades of Destruction but Centuries of Chaos

Over centuries of civil rights movements initiated by Reverend Jesse Jackson, Malcolm X, Dr. Reverend Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks, black Americans remain one of the least privileged, lowest-earning, socially isolated races the United States. Movements such as BLM or Black Lives Matter has stood firm in the past decade to bring awareness to the oppression and segregation still thriving in their communities. Speaking up, standing against, campaigning, and community awareness and involvement drive these concerns to the public. One example is the YWCA, who is proactive in reaching out and advocating for minorities to strive for “civic engagement” to end racial injustice (YWCA, 2020). Becoming involved in respected organizations strengthens the chances for change. The more voices are heard – the more minds begin to open and evidence that color does not define content of character is apparent. BLM, YWCA, and many more keep their mission running with community support and funding so as people continue to sponsor and support causes, decades to come will leave deeper imprints.

Maslow’s Hierarchy

The tip of the hierarchy Maslow presented is self-actualization, which can be construed as truth. Truth comes in genuine intention, not deceptive exploitation; sponsors and charities are guilty of this exploitation; some known to ordinary households include Nike and Adidas in their ‘sneaker culture’ dating to the Globetrotters and like corporations who stand to profit high margins of wealth in exploiting skin color talent rather than the content of character.

Acknowledging Necessity in Black American Livelihood

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs applies to every life; the Black-American race is no exception. In light of the historical hate against races, safety and security screams for betterment. Races have a right to live, work, learn, and walk down a street without fear of another race or law enforcement lashing out. Next is love and acceptance; the race needs to be accepted and appreciated for their value in life and the contributions he or she may bring – not devalued by the shade of their flesh. Self-actualization comes next, which is being done but at what cost when innocent lives are taken even by officers? Lastly is esteem without a shadow of superiority over their race (Holzknecht, 2007). 

As a Human Services Professional

I feel the best any worker can do is at least sympathize. Listen wholeheartedly to the concerns expressed. For some, inner-city crime may not apply. In the small rural area I live in, it is essential to consider how racism may seem more evident. Additionally, the workforce as a discriminating factor to suffice basic survival needs is discussed. Is the client unable to travel, or does he or she travel to a more diverse area due to racial segregation? This time constraint and expense can add to financial hardships from gas and daycare. Do other identity issues apply? For each that does, it present oppression. Is the client a single parent or LBGQT? These inquiries are made on the application and renewal processes I handle, but some clients feel embarrassed to divulge certain information. One way to handle this is to explain that you are going to ask questions and reasoning. Ask open-ended questions, then give them time to answer. Acknowledge how a situation is which reassures active listening and genuine care into their matters.  



Holzknecht, J. (Writer & Producer). (2007). Maslow’s hierarchy of needs [Video]. Castalia Media.

Martin, M. E. (2018). Introduction to human services: Through the eyes of practice settings (4th ed.). Pearson.

YWCA (2020). Stand Against Racism: National Tele-Town Hall. [Web Page].



Human Services Population: Discipline-Specific Skills

This week’s discussion brings a focus on identifying a vulnerable population such as foster care children. According to Martin (2018), at risk and marginalized population include group of individuals who are vulnerable to exploration due to lifestyle, lack of political power, financial resources, societal advocacy, lack of support, and generally lack of a powerful voice in society. For this discussion, it is difficult to choose one vulnerable population as some examples of at-risk and oppressed populations include according to Martin (2018), ethnic minorities, immigrants and refugees, older adults, children in foster care, prisoners, the poor, the homeless, single parents among several other (p. 81). However, if I had to pick one vulnerable population it would be foster care children.

Why this population is considered vulnerable

Foster care children are more vulnerable because they are do not have adult figures to look up to. Children tend to rely on an adult to guide and coach then until adulthood. According to Leve et al. (2012), a primary area of vulnerability among foster children is their mental health, marked by disruptions in emotional and behavioral development. It is devastating that children are placed in foster care due to experiences of physical, sexual, emotional, or psycho- logical abuse, and/or neglect (Leve et al., 2012). Leve et al. (2012) adds Areas of risk and vulnerability among foster children include emotional and behavioral deficits, impaired neurobiological development, and social relationship deficits.

Needs of this population, which should be addressed by the human service professional

Human service professional play a big role in aiding foster children. Foster children need to be immediately placed in a safe environment and removed from any harm. Foster children need nutrition, housing and basic needs to grow effectively. Foster children require support from individuals that can provide them love, and care. Human services professionals are mandated reported and are required to assess and insure the child safety first. A human service professional can provide case management and advocate for child’s safety utilizing generalist intervention strategy.

How have these needs changed in the past 10 years?

In the past 10-years society has been aware of the need of Foster Care agency. There has been a slight increase in services but not enough to service all the children in need of foster care. We continue to see the need of Foster Care agency nation-wide and politicians do little to address this macro issue. Children are still vulnerable and require a safe and stable environment, children require an environment that feels like home where they do not feel stigmatized. This need has maintained consistence during the past 10 years and we can continue to see the need through evidence-base practices.

How might these need change in 10 more years

In order to see effective change, this issue needs to be viewed at a macro level. As Martin (2108) mention for human services professionals to recognize that people can be helped by approaching the problem on various levels such as eradicating violence within society. As a professional in my organization we see the need of foster care and are looking to implement this service as we continue to see the lack of education. This need of more education, and organization such as foster care can only be approached by addressing and confronting social issues in a community through advocacy.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – Utilized to address unmet needs in this population

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs play a big role in foster care as children enter foster care because their basic needs are not being met. Children are not worry of their self-actualization rather their main focus is the physical need which is food, water and survival. Then safety and security if the child is older. As they continue to grow, they seek a sense of love and belonging and when these are not fulfilled they fall into the self-esteem in Maslow’s hierarchy. In the stage of self-esteem, the adolescent at this point can have psychological issues such as depression, suicidal ideation, hopeless among other issues.


Leve, L. D., Harold, G. T., Chamberlain, P., Landsverk, J. A., Fisher, P. A., & Vostanis, P. (2012). Practitioner Review: Children in foster care – vulnerabilities and evidence-based interventions that promote resilience processes. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 53(12), 1197–1211. https://doi-org.proxy-library.ashford.edu/10.1111/j.1469-7610.2012.02594.x

Martin, M. E. (2018). Introduction to human services: Through the eyes of practice settings (4th ed.). Pearson.

Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. When responding to your classmates, please suggest case management aspects or issues that your classmate may have missed. Your response posts need to be at least 200 words each.


Determine what case management aspects were utilized in the case.

I selected Cynthia’s scenario. I found this scenario very interesting. “Cynthia provides Kelly with advocacy as well as counseling to help Kelly deal with the trauma of having a man barge through her back door searching for money, and threatening Kelly and her baby” (Martin, 2018, p. 2). The case management aspects that were utilized in the case were, Cynthia talked to her client Kelly about her feelings and supporting her through the process every step of the way.

Determine what issues were addressed from a counseling perspective.

From a counseling perspective, there were a lot of issues that were addressed. Kelly had been through a traumatic experience and still had a ways to go. She was involved in a home invasion, aggravated kidnapping, and aggravated battery. She was going to have to testify, so she was being interviewed and prepared for court; doing police interviews, etc. Kelly was imagining the incident, fear of being alone, and her guilt seemed like it was consuming her. She seemed to be suffering from guilt, depression, and PTSD. Even though Cynthia was doing a great job, Kelly still needed extra support to learn how to forgive herself, and not let her fear overtake her.

Analyze what aspects of case management or counseling you as a human service professional might have utilized differently and justify why.

Being that Kelly went through something so traumatic, understanding her feelings and how she is coping is a good start to see what extra resources she may have needed, especially being that it was just her and her baby at home at the time of the home invasion will be essential in providing her the right support. I believe the second thing would have been to refer her to a support group and then maybe another professional who deals with PTSD and depression, since she admitted to crying more and sadness. The support she needed seems to need further resources and support for her to feel safe.


Martin, M. E. (2018). Introduction to human services; Through the eyes of practice settings (4th ed.). Pearson.



Counseling and Case Management [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4,   5]

In the case of Frank from the child welfare division, there were various aspects that needed to be addressed. Monitoring the progress of a mother who had lost her children, Frank worked as a Caseworker and ensuring that Lisa received everything that she needed in order to get her children out of foster care and provide the home and basic needs of to her children. After screening and evaluating the case of Lisa’s physical and emotional neglect of her children, Frank implemented care and transitioning plan to provide Lisa the help needed by arranging parenting class and individual counseling before regain custody of her children. Martin (2018) wrote “Many people experience challenges that push them beyond their level of self-sufficiency” (Ch. 1.1). There are many times significant trauma that causes a person to lack the ability to care for themselves or their children. In Lisa’s case, substance abuse has to be addressed as well. Ryan, Marsh, Testa, and Louderman (2006) wrote, “substance-abusing parents in the child welfare system require significant outreach and support throughout the treatment process” (p. 96). Lisa must also complete drug rehabilitation with monitoring by Frank throughout the care and treatment. There is limited attention given to parents with substance abuse treatment, even more so when child welfare system is involved (Ryan et al., 2006). The counseling must also determine why Lisa is self-medicating through the use of alcohol and cocaine. Through individual counseling, the trauma can be faced and acknowledged so that Lisa can address her issues and manage her frustrations without showing anger and abuse.

As a human service professional, care coordination is very important, especially when there are children involved. Many women enter into these programs with limited access to their children which causes more stress. There are program that will give families a chance to gain reunification while the parent is going through the treatment. Zweben, Moses, Cohen, Price, Chapman, and Lamb (2015).  “The substance abuse treatment system also offers a modality that is difficult to find elsewhere: highly structured, intensive, long-term residential treatment where a woman can be admitted with her children” (p. 146). Extensive treatment including the protective factors of having children can assist a mother in regaining her place as a mother through the mental anguish of facing the past trauma. Zweben et al., (2015) also stated, “Other benefits of treatment included behavioral changes in impulse control, judgment, and the acquisition of parenting skills” (p. 149). This type of family treatment provides the family to improve communication and understand the addiction and recovery (Zweben et al., 2015). The children would also need individualized counseling for a successful transition back to mother. In case management, the follow-up of a family dilemma could be a very important step in ensuring that family totally gets what is needed. I believe it is very important for the children to be involved in the process.

Martin, M. E. (2018). Introduction to human services: Through the eyes of practice settings (4th ed.). Pearson.

Ryan JP, Marsh JC, Testa MF, & Louderman R. (2006). Integrating substance abuse treatment and child welfare services: findings from the Illinois Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Waiver demonstration. Social Work Research, 30(2), 95–107.

https://doi-org.proxy-library.ashford.edu/10.1093/swr/30.2.95 (Links to an external site.)

Zweben, J. E., Moses, Y., Cohen, J. B., Price, G., Chapman, W., & Lamb, J. (2015). Enhancing family protective factors in residential treatment for substance use disorders. Child Welfare, 94(5), 145–166.

Guided Response: Consider ways in which you might like to interact with your peers. For example, did you find any commonalities in terms of your strengths/areas for improvement and theirs? Do you have any practical suggestions to share regarding how to solve a particular conflict? Please be courteous and adhere to the rules of respectful engagement throughout your replies.


Personal Assessment of Conflict Management

DeVito (2019) states that conflict is the disagreement between or among individuals. Conflicts are inevitable in any relationship and can either be positive or negative. The implications of conflict in a relationship entirely depend on the conflict management strategies used (Semerci, 2019; DeVito, 2019). For instance, if appropriate conflict management strategies are used, the conflict will make the relationship stronger and healthier. Otherwise, the conflict will bring about resentment.

Identify personal communication strengths and growth. Describe at least two strengths and two growth areas

DeVito (2019) states that people have different tolerance levels for disagreements. Most of the time, these tolerance levels control how we behave when in a conflict. I possess many communication strengths that have come in handy in managing conflicts both at home and in my workplace. The first and most important communication strength is I listen attentively. Most of the time, when somebody comes to me with an issue, I usually stop whatever I am doing and hear them out. As discussed by DeVito (2019), I employ communication skills, which include asking questions and clarification. This has helped me a lot when dealing with issues. Additionally, I am one person that is not afraid to state my thoughts and feelings on issues as objectively as possible. If there is a conflict, I state my mind, and if I disagree with a person, I will tell him/her but in a polite way so as not to face-attack them.

Be it as it may, I have a few areas in my communication skills that need improvement. First, I am very poor when it comes to the use of non-verbal communication. Most of the time, whatever I say doesn’t go hand-in-hand with my body language and gestures. As a result, people tend never to take me seriously. On the other hand, I also need to work on being empathetic. I never know how to support people emotionally, which has made people misunderstand me at home and work.

Consider an actual example from your own personal or professional experience where you could have been more effective. How would you go about following the conflict management steps on pp. 292-296?

My sister and I had a serious argument, and it took weeks to resolve the conflict because neither of us utilized the conflict management strategies, as discussed by DeVito (2019). I remember I was verbally aggressive and said things I would rather not have said. Verbal aggressiveness is one of the most unproductive conflict management strategies where a person attacks the other psychologically to win an argument (DeVito, 2019; Semerci, 2019).

However, based on the conflict management steps discussed, there are many things I could have done differently. First, I would have known the implications of verbal aggressiveness and refrain from using it. The argument I had with my sister took a long time to resolve because of gunny sacking. Gunny sacking refers to mixing present and past issues in a current conflict to make the other person guilty (DeVito, 2019). I stated many things she had done to me as far as I could remember. DeVito (2019) says that both parties should focus on the present and avoid bringing up previous grievances in a conflict.


DeVito, J. A. (2019).

The interpersonal communication book

. Instructor, 1, 18.

Elgoibar, P., Euwema, M., & Munduate, L. (2017). Conflict management. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology.

Semerci, A. B. (2019). Examination of knowledge hiding with conflict, competition and personal values. International Journal of Conflict Management.


My personal communication strengths would be my willingness to keep an open mind and not form judgments. It is important to see things from others’ perspectives and to understand their worldview. This helps to communicate with the client on their level and to find a way to communicate on their level and find the most effective way. Another strength would be my honest desire to help them, my empathy. When working in health and human services listening is very important and taking the time to get to know the client so you can find ways to help them. One area that I need to grow in would be understanding anger. I do not get angry very often and do not like conflict. Working with the client’s anger will arise I need to find effective ways to communicate when this happens. Learning when to listen and not voice my opinion is another area I need to grow in. I find myself giving unsolicited advice at times when all the person wants is to be heard. I need to let people grow at their own pace.

One example from my personal life would be with one of my co-workers. We got into an argument because I took her dessert which takes thirty minutes to make. She needed it for her table and got very angry and aggressive with me my reaction was very negative. By following the steps of conflict management Ii could have resolved this better. I could have been more polite and realized her emotional state and let her express that without reaction. I could have done something to get her dessert to her table sooner. I also should have seen it was unfair for me to take her dessert and validated her feelings. I should have been more assertive in my communication and apologized. 

Guided Response: Consider ways in which you might like to interact with your peers. For example, in what ways do you display power and influence similarly or differently? Would you address negative displays of power and influence in the same way? Why or why not? Please be courteous and adhere to the rules of respectful engagement throughout your replies.


Power is the ability of one person to influence what another person thinks or does. With having communication power strengths I would be able to empower others by helping build them up and pointing them in the right direction. I would help them focus on being positive and being less negative.

I would identify personal communication growth by being an active listener and knowing when to give feedback. Keeping the conversation fluent and avoiding long pauses. By respecting the person I am talking to I will use verbal and nonverbal communication skills and allowing them to talk first. I find myself showing too many emotions in sad situations. In order to help others, I need to learn to put my emotions to the side and help others.

Once I finished school I have a passion to work with mentally ill patients. I say this because I have been working in the health care field for 6 years now and I’ve seen different patients with different behaviors and I have always known how to claim them down by showing them attention by being a good listener. When dealing with mental illness you have to first know how to approach them never approach them from behind. I know I will do good when working with mental illness because I get this feeling when a person is dealing with something but don’t like talking about it. I love being a good listener and helping others solve any problems they are dealing with. I’m very excited about taking on this new life once I land a great job.

DeVito, J. A. (2016). The interpersonal communication book (14th ed.). Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu


I believe one of my strengths concerning how I exercise power; would be credibility. “Credibility that you are seen to possess-if others see you as competent and knowledgeable, of good character and charismatic or dynamic, that they will hold you credible and see you as having personal power” (DeVito,2016). I say this because my co-workers say that I am good at my job; they also say that I will get the job done with little help from other staff and that I am not afraid to get involved in the dirty or uncomfortable task. I also manage to keep the team upbeat and ready to go when everyone feels overworked.

Some of the growths that I need to work on concerning power would be being more assertive even though I am confident. I sometimes allow upper management to make me feel less of myself, and sometimes it makes me second guess my abilities. There are times where I know I am right on a topic, but because they are in a position of power, I do not assertive myself enough to defend my position. I need to be more forthcoming with my abilities and not let anyone make me underestimate my abilities in the future.

In my profession serving the homeless, my vital tool of strength would be a good listener to find out the client’s genuine need. When dealing with the homeless, they may not need to be in a shelter. It very well may be a mental health issue. I have a cousin that has what appears to be a wonderful family, a large home with a pool, and he refuses to stay at home. Everyone has attempted by helping him pay for rooms at hotels thinking that he may have wanted his privacy, but he always leaves to go live on the beach in Southern California.

DeVito, A., J. (2016) The Interpersonal Communication Book (14th ed.) Pearson Education, Inc.

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