6618 Assessment 2

Assessment 2

  • Mobilizing Care for an Immigrant Population
  • Develop a project plan to mobilize coordinated care for an immigrant or refugee population. Then, draft a 4–5-page organizational policy addressing care for this group, informed by the project plan, that meets current standards of practice.
    Note: The assessments in this course build upon the work you have completed in the previous assessments. Therefore, complete the assessments in the order in which they are presented.
    The United States’ evolving diversity brings prospects and challenges for health care providers, health care systems, and policymakers to produce and deliver culturally-competent services for immigrant and refugee populations. For example, improving health outcomes for undocumented immigrant populations presents unique and often difficult challenges for care coordinators at all levels. New arrivals in a community bring with them different cultural backgrounds, beliefs, perceptions, and biases that may influence their seeking access to care and exacerbate health disparities. In addition, they may struggle to navigate a complex and sometimes bewildering health care system.
    SHOW LESSThis assessment provides an opportunity for you to examine an undocumented immigrant population of your choice, develop a project plan to address their care coordination needs, and craft an organizational policy addressing care that meets current standards of practice.
    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

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    Competency 1: Propose a project for change, for a community or population, within a care coordination setting. 

    Provide the rationale for addressing the health care needs of a particular immigrant or refugee population.
    Describe the characteristics that define a particular immigrant or refugee population.
    Interpret current organizational policies for providing health care to immigrants and refugees in the United States.

    Competency 2: Align care coordination resources with community health care needs. 

    Assess the health care needs of a particular immigrant or refugee population.

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    Competency 3: Apply project management best practices to affect ethical practice and support positive health outcomes in the delivery of safe, culturally competent care in compliance with applicable regulatory requirements. 

    Analyze assumptions and biases associated with a particular immigrant or refugee population and the influence of culture and linguistic differences on access to care.
    Evaluate two U.S. health care policies, national initiatives, or pieces of legislation that provide guidance on current standards of care for immigrant and refugee populations.

    Competency 4: Identify ways in which the care coordinator leader supports collaboration between key stakeholders in the care coordination process. 

    Identify the organizations and stakeholders who must participate in caring for a particular immigrant or refugee population.

    Competency 5: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and style, consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly standards. 

    Write clearly and concisely, using correct grammar and mechanics.
    Support main points, claims, and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence, correctly formatting citations and references using APA style.

    Competency Map
    CHECK YOUR PROGRESSUse this online tool to track your performance and progress through your course.

  • Toggle DrawerResourcesCultural Competence

    Breen, C., Altman, L., Ging, J., Deverell, M., Woolfenden, S., & Zurynski, Y. (2018).Significant reductions in tertiary hospital encounters and less travel for families after implementation of paediatric care coordination in Australia.BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), 1–10.
    Chen, J., DuGoff, E. H., Novak, P., & Wang, M. Q. (2018). Variation of hospital-based adoption of care coordination services by community-level social determinants of health.Health Care Management Review, 1, 1–10.
    Fernández-Gutiérrez, M., Bas-Sarmiento, P., & Poza-Méndez, M. (2019).Effect of an mHealth intervention to improve health literacy in immigrant populations: A quasi-experimental study.Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 37(3), 142–150.
    Francis, L., DePriest, K., Wilson, M., & Gross, D. (2018). Child poverty, toxic stress, and social determinants of health: Screening and care coordination. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 23(3), 1–11.
    Li, T., Zhang, H., Shewade, H. D., Soe, K. T., Wang, L., & Du, X. (2018). Patient and health system delays before registration among migrant patients with tuberculosis who were transferred out in China.BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), 1–11.
    Prymula, R., Shaw, J., Chlibek, R., Urbancikova, I., & Prymulova, K. (2018).Vaccination in newly arrived immigrants to the European Union. Vaccine,36(36), 5385–5390.
    Sritharan, B., & Koola, M. M. (2019). Barriers faced by immigrant families of children with autism: A program to address the challenges. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 39, 53–57.
    Wylie, L., Van Meyel, R., Harder, H., Sukhera, J., Luc, C., Ganjavi, H., . . . Wardrop, N. (2018).Assessing trauma in a transcultural context: Challenges in mental health care with immigrants and refugees.Public Health Reviews,39(1), 1–20.
    SHOW LESSLaw, Policy, and Ethics
    DeYoung, S. E. (2019).Time for coalitions to protect immigrant health.American Journal of Public Health, 109(4), 519.
    Luque, J. S., Soulen, G., Davila, C. B., & Cartmell, K. (2018). Access to health care for uninsured Latina immigrants in South Carolina. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), 310–312.
    Van Natta, M., Burke, N. J., Yen, I. H., Fleming, M. D., Hanssmann, C. L., Rasidjan, M. P., & Shim, J. K. (2019). Stratified citizenship, stratified health: Examining Latinx legal status in the U.S. healthcare safety net.Social Science & Medicine, 220, 49–55.
    Coordinating Care With Immigrant Populations
    Markkula, N., Cabieses, B., Lehti, V., Uphoff, E., Astorga, S., & Stutzin, F. (2018). Use of health services among international migrant children: A systematic review. Globalization and Health, 14(1), 1–10.
    Trost, M., Wanke, E. M., Ohlendorf, D., Klingelhöfer, D., Braun, M., Bauer, J., . . . Brüggmann, D. (2018).Immigration: Analysis, trends and outlook on the global research activity.Journal of Global Health,8(1), 1–11.
    Research Resources
    You may use other resources of your choice to prepare for this assessment; however, you will need to ensure that they are appropriate, credible, and valid. The MSN Program Library Research Guide can help direct your research, and the Supplemental Resources and Research Resources, both linked from the left navigation menu in your courseroom, provide additional resources to help support you.
    Writing Resources
    You are encouraged to explore the following writing resources. You can use them to improve your writing skills and as source materials for seeking answers to specific questions.
    APA Module.
    Academic Honesty & APA Style and Formatting.
    APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX].
    Capella Resources

    This resource provides information about ePortfolio, including how to use the different features of the product.

    Additional Resources
    The following resources are books you may have used in your previous Care Coordination courses. You may find them helpful in providing background information for this course as well.
    American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing. (2016). Scope and standards of practice for registered nurses in care coordination and transition management. Pitman, NJ: Author.
    American Nurses Association. (2018). Carecoordination: A blueprint for action for RNs. Silver Spring, MD: Author.

  • Assessment InstructionsNote:Your work in Assessment 1 will inform your work in this assessment. Therefore, complete the assessments in the order in which they are presented.
    For this assessment, you will assume the role of Director of Care Coordination in the same practice setting you chose for Assessment 1. Within this context, you will develop a project plan to provide health care for an undocumented immigrant or refugee population of your choice. The population may be of local, national, or international interest, but must not have obtained permanent U.S. residency status.
    After completing your project plan, you will then compose an organizational policy that addresses care for this group.
    Note:Remember that you can submit all or a portion of your draft documents to Smarthinking for feedback before you submit the final version of this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.
    For this assessment:

    Develop a project plan to mobilize coordinated care for an undocumented immigrant or refugee population. Use the care coordination project plan you developed in Assessment 1 as a model for your project plan in this assessment. Include, in your plan, whatever information is appropriate for the specific population you have chosen to address.
    Compose an organizational policy addressing care for this group, informed by your project plan, that meets current standards of practice.
    Project Plan and Policy Document Format and Length
    Format your project plan and policy document using APA style.

    Use theAPA Style Paper Template [DOCX]. An APA Style Paper Tutorial is also provided (linked in the Resources) to help you in writing and formatting your documents. There is not page length requirement for your project plan but be sure to include: 

    A title page and references page. An abstract is not required.
    A running head on all pages.
    Appropriate section headings.

    Your policy document should be 4–5 pages in length,not includingthe title page and references page.
    Supporting Evidence
    Cite a combined total of 6–8 sources of scholarly or professional evidence to support your project plan and policy document.
    Developing Your Project Plan and Policy Document
    Note:The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that, at a minimum, you address each criterion. You may also want to read the Mobilizing Care for an Immigrant Population scoring guide to better understand how each criterion will be assessed.
    Project Plan
    Provide a rationale for addressing the health care needs of the chosen undocumented immigrant or refugee population.

    Explain why you chose this particular population for your project plan.
    What criteria did you apply to your selection?

    Assess the health care needs of the chosen population.

    Apply a project management tool or model (SWOT, AI, Six Sigma) that you are familiar with or use in your organization.
    What evidence supports your conclusions?

    Identify the organizations and stakeholders who must participate in caring for the chosen population.

    Consider coordinated care on a local, state, national, or international level, as applicable.

    Policy Document
    Describe the characteristics that define the chosen population.

    Provide demographic information, such as the age, gender(s), location, social, psychological, economic, political, cultural, or other characteristics of the population that you believe are important.

    Interpret current policies in your organization for providing health care for immigrants and refugees who do not have permanent resident status in the United States. 

    What are the key policy elements that guide practice?
    Do the policies and practices keep pace with environmental changes and current legislation?

    Analyze assumptions and biases associated with a particular immigrant or refugee population, and the influence of culture and linguistic differences on access to care. 

    Do any of the assumptions have merit?
    What assumptions or biases might be particularly pernicious or harmful as the basis for decision making?
    How can culture and linguistic differences affect access to care?

    Evaluate two U.S. health care policies, national initiatives, or pieces of legislation that provide guidance on current standards of care for immigrant or refugee populations. 

    Do these policies, initiatives, or laws guarantee fair and ethical treatment?
    Do they provide a sufficient basis for guiding professional practice in the provision of safe, high-quality, and equitable care?

    Communications and Information Literacy
    Write clearly and concisely, using correct grammar and mechanics.

    Express your main points and conclusions coherently.
    Proofread your writing to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it difficult to focus on the substance of your evaluation.

    Support main points, claims, and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence, correctly formatting citations and references using APA style. 

    Is your supporting evidence clear and explicit?
    How or why does particular evidence support a claim?
    Will your audience see the connections?

    Additional Requirements
    Be sure that you have used the APA Style Paper Template [DOCX]to format your project plan and policy document. Also, be sure that each document includes:
    A title page and references page.
    A running head on all pages.
    Appropriate section headings.
    In addition, be sure that:
    Your policy document is approximately 4–5 pages in length, not including the title page and references page.
    You have cited a combined total of 6–8 sources of relevant and credible scholarly or professional evidence to support your project plan and policy document.
    Portfolio Prompt:You may choose to save your project plan and policy document to your ePortfolio.

Mobilizing Care for an Immigrant Population Scoring Guide


Provide the rationale
for addressing the
health care needs of
a particular
immigrant or refugee

Does not provide a
rationale for
addressing the
health care needs
of a particular
immigrant or

reasoning or
claims as
rationale for
addressing the
health care needs
of a particular
immigrant or

Provides the
rationale for
addressing the
health care needs
of a particular
immigrant or

Provides the rationale for addressing
the health care needs of a particular
immigrant or refugee population.
Draws well-reasoned conclusions
that are clearly substantiated by the
application of relevant selection

Assess the health
care needs of a
particular immigrant
or refugee

Does not provide a
assessment of the
obvious health
care needs of a
immigrant or

Provides a
cursory or
assessment of
the obvious
health care needs
of a particular
immigrant or

Assesses the
health care needs
of a particular
immigrant or

Assesses the health care needs of a
particular immigrant or refugee
population. Assertions and
conclusions are fully justified
through proficient application of
relevant project management tools
or models.

Identify the
organizations and
stakeholders who
must participate in
caring for a
particular immigrant
or refugee

Does not identify
the organizations
and stakeholders
who must
participate in
caring for a
immigrant or

Identifies the
organizations and
stakeholders who
must participate
in caring for a
immigrant or
population, but
gaps in care

Identifies the
organizations and
stakeholders who
must participate
in caring for a
immigrant or

Identifies the organizations and
stakeholders who must participate in
caring for a particular immigrant or
refugee population. Provides an
insightful and comprehensive
analysis of the environment,
provider capabilities, and special
needs of this population.

Describe the
characteristics that
define a particular
immigrant or refugee

Does not provide
information for a
immigrant or

Provides scant
information that
does not
adequately define
a particular
immigrant or

Describes the
that define a
immigrant or

Describes the characteristics that
define a particular immigrant or
refugee population. Provides
accurate and salient data that best
serve ethical and legal policy

Interpret current
policies for providing
health care to
immigrants and
refugees in the

United States.

Does not describe
the content and
scope of
policies for
providing health
care to immigrants
and refugees in
the United States.

Describes the
content and
scope of
policies for
providing health
care to
immigrants and
refugees in the

Interprets current
policies for
providing health
care to
immigrants and
refugees in the
United States.

Interprets current organizational
policies for providing health care to
immigrants and refugees in the
United States. Clearly identifies key
policy elements that guide practice,
and makes logically sound, valid
inferences about policy relevance in
the current environment.

United States.

assumptions and
biases associated
with a particular
immigrant or refugee
population and the
influence of culture
and linguistic
differences on
access to care.

Does not describe
assumptions and
biases associated
with a particular
immigrant or
refugee population
and the influence
of culture and
differences on
access to care.

assumptions and
biases associated
with a particular
immigrant or
population and
the influence of
culture and
differences on
access to care.

assumptions and
biases associated
with a particular
immigrant or
population and
the influence of
culture and
differences on
access to care.

Analyzes assumptions and biases
associated with a particular
immigrant or refugee population and
the influence of culture and linguistic
differences on access to care.
Evaluates the legitimacy of specific
assumptions that guide decision
making, and identifies the logical
implications of culture and linguistic
differences on access to care.

Evaluate two U.S.
health care policies,
national initiatives,
or pieces of
legislation that
provide guidance on
current standards of
care for immigrant
and refugee

Does not describe
two U.S. health
care policies,
national initiatives,
or pieces of
legislation that
provide guidance
on current
standards of care
for immigrant and

Describes two
U.S. health care
policies, national
initiatives, or
pieces of
legislation that
provide guidance
on current
standards of care
for immigrant and

Evaluates two
U.S. health care
policies, national
initiatives, or
pieces of
legislation that
provide guidance
on current
standards of care
for immigrant and

Evaluates two U.S. health care
policies, national initiatives, or
pieces of legislation that provide
guidance on current standards of
care for immigrant and refugee
populations. Provides a perceptive
and impartial assessment, and
identifies significant and relevant
implications for professional

Write clearly and
concisely, using
correct grammar and

Does not write
clearly and
concisely, using
correct grammar
and mechanics.

Writing is not
consistently clear
or concise, or
errors in grammar
and mechanics
inhibit effective

Writes clearly and
concisely, using
correct grammar
and mechanics.

Writes clearly and concisely.
Grammar and mechanics are error-

Support main points,
claims, and
conclusions with
relevant and credible
evidence, correctly
formatting citations
and references using
APA style.

Does not support
main points,
claims, and
conclusions with
relevant and
credible evidence,
formatting citations
and references
using APA style.

Evidence is not
persuasive or
supportive of
main points,
claims, or
Sources lack
relevance or
credibility, or are

Supports main
points, claims,
and conclusions
with relevant and
citations and
references using
APA style.

Supports main points, claims, and
conclusions with relevant, credible,
and convincing evidence. Combines
the skillful application of error-free
source citations with a perceptive
and accurate synthesis of the

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