
Section 3: Governance

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You have been asked to brief the Homeland Security Counternarcotics Task Force in preparation for an upcoming meeting on their Southwest border (SWB) case study. Prepare 2 PowerPoint slides that include the following:

  • Slide 1 should provide a graphic diagram of the rules, including the Patriot Act, U.S. Code, and policies that apply to the region.
  • Slide 2 should offer a list of 5–6 overarching themes which summarize the challenges.
  • You should demonstrate your understanding of the legal factors, legislative statutes, constitutional themes, and international precepts that inform the formulation of this policy and its geopolitical concerns.
  • You should highlight the unique nature of coordinated and fragmented organizational structures at the SWB.
  • Be sure to emphasize the challenges of unity of command, unity of effort, and performance measures.
  • Include useful bibliographic references. 

Section 4: Organizational Structures

Assume the role of a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) senior staff member. A national Department of Homeland Security (DHS) representative has asked your boss what assistance the DHS might offer in better securing the border.

Write a 2-page point paper to emphasize the need for better multiagency coordination on the SWB. Your paper should include the following:

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  • Page 1 should address organizational structures and the frustration of uncoordinated law enforcement and homeland security activities at the SWB.
  • Page 2 should persuade authorities to address these concerns.
  • Identify and detail the organizations, responsibilities, and jurisdictions most likely to drive the homeland security considerations involving the NSWBCN Strategy and your case study.
  • Identify specific local, state, tribal, and federal organizations that have equities in the SWB region.
  • Identify existing organizational structures that are either complimentary and supportive, or redundant and inefficient.
  • Include useful bibliographic references. 

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