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  Successful teachers understand how to help young children connect emerging numeracy prowess to other learning so they can see that math helps them understand and describe the world around them. Part of making those necessary connections is integrating math learning with other content areas. Math is in all subjects. There is math in ancient civilizations, math in music notes and rhythm, math in poetry, and even math with patterns in science. When students can apply math concepts in other content areas, they understand the relevance in what they are learning.

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For this assignment, select one grade level K-3 and one math standard. Create an engaging, community-based project that incorporates one of the content areas (creative arts, science, social studies, or English language arts).

Create a 1-2 page digital flyer to families that includes the following:

  • Explanation of the project and description of the expected deliverable.
  • Directions for completing the project and how families will engage in collaboration.
  • How the project reinforces math concepts and encourages real-world application.
  • Includes 1-2 online resources that will support parents and students in completing the project.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.


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Easy Ways to Add Math to Everyday Routines: A Home-School Connection Post


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