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Once a unit plan has been developed, the next step is to create lesson plans that smoothly scaffold skill development.

Part 1: Lesson Plans

For this assignment, choose three of the lessons from the “Unit Plan Vision Template” or the lesson plan you created in Topic 3 with any changes your instructor may have suggested. Create three lesson plans using the “COE Lesson Plan Template.”

The three lesson plans need to include the following:

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  • Objectives aligned to state English language arts content standards. Objectives must align with the reading, writing, listening, and speaking standards.
  • At least one lesson integrating creative arts.
  • At least one lesson integrating math, science, or social studies.

Part 2: Rationale

Along with the three lesson plans, submit a 250-500 word rationale that addresses:

  • The reasoning behind your instructional strategies and choices, including how they are developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate to achieve individual learning outcomes.
  • Explanation of how the lessons are developmentally meaningful and challenging learning opportunities for the children.
  • How you applied in-depth content knowledge and learning resources in the academic disciplines to create meaningful and engaging opportunities for students to learn, practice, and master content.
  • Reflect upon and evaluate personal practice related to designing and implementing developmentally appropriate literacy instruction, including questioning strategies and assessments.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.






Unit Plan Vision Template

Unit Title/Subject:

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Title of Lesson or Activity

Standards and Objectives
What do students need to know and be able to do for each day of the unit?

Academic Language and Vocabulary
What academic language will you emphasize and teach each day during this unit?

Summary of Instruction and Activities for the Lesson
How will the instruction and activities flow? Consider how the students will efficiently transition from one to the next.
How will you include developmentally appropriate instructional activities that incorporate the creative arts?

What are the adaptations or modifications to the instruction/activities as determined by the student factors or individual learning needs?

Required Materials, Handouts, Text, Slides, and Technology

Instructional and Engagement Strategies
What strategies are you going to use with your students to keep them engaged throughout the unit of study?

Formative Assessments/Data Collection
How are you going to measure the learning of your students throughout the lesson?

Scaffolded, Cross-Disciplinary Learning Skills
How are you going to develop appropriate instruction that scaffolds learning skills and develops cross-disciplinary skills in varied contexts?

Summative, Post- Assessment
What post-assessment will measure the learning progress? Note: This can be the same as the pre-assessment or a modified version of it.

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