607 W1

(1) Subject: Mobile and Cloud Computing

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Provide a description of cloud computing. Include the advantages and disadvantages and business drivers for using cloud computing.

300-word, APA Format And two references please

(2) Subject: System Test and Verification:

The case: Advanced Airport Passenger Processing System

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As the IT Manager, you were tasked to improve the performance of the local airport passenger processing system by addition new IT sections. The new airport will have less employee’s faster passenger processing. This is to make the airport more efficient and more secure. The new system will replace the boarding-pass and ID Control personnel with IT System (consists of Hardware and software). The passenger will walk through a passage surrounded with cameras and other remote readers.


1. Why do we need System Testing for this New airport passenger processing system?

2. Why do we need to use systematic testing strategies?

3. What would be cost of not testing the new airport passenger processing system

4. The difference between Validation and Verification?

5. Testing Goal for airport passenger processing system must have level 3 Test Process Maturity level. How can you describe the purpose of this system testing?

300-word, APA Format And two references please

3. Describe the following cloud computing principles:

· Organizational boundaries (to include the trust boundary)

· Cloud delivery models (Iaas, PaaS, SaaS)

· Multi-tenant and resource pooling

300-word, APA Format And two references please

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