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Guided Response:


Respond to at least two of your peers. In responses, provide feedback on how peers’ key skills and qualifications will help get the job to which they are applying. Additionally, provide at least one suggestion on how your peers might emphasize their relevant skills to ensure that they are called in for an interview.

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Name your program of study- BA in Arts, Early Childhood Education

State the title of the position for which you are applying- Elementary School Teacher 

In one to two sentences, explain how your field of study has prepared you for this position- I have been in childcare and with Covid I home schooled 4 children (Elementary-Middle School Aged) and assisted them with their online school work. This obviously isn’t a lot of experience in the classroom but it helped give me a good idea on what to expect. 

Share one item (example: a connection you made while volunteering) that does not really fit on your resume but will work in your Cover Letter- Through the families and friends that I have helped with their children (some volunteering with their sport or getting paid for a date night) has given me a chance to learn how to network and meet new families to potentially care for. 


Identify your degree program.

My degree program is Bachelor of Arts in Child Development

State the position at the Multigenerational Center that you are applying for.

The position that I am applying for at the Multigenerational Center is the Preschool Assistant Teacher (Teaching Assistants).

Explain how the degree you have almost completed has prepared you for the position.

My degree that I’m almost completing has prepared me to become a teacher that understands and knows about the children’s developmental stages which are cognitive, social and emotional, language, fine motor skills, and gross motor skills. It also prepared me to learn more in depth about the the theorists and their educational theories and the importance of supporting a child’s family. Additionally, I learned about the importance of observing children to see and identify if there’s a developmental delay. On the other hand, this degree brought other educational skills that will become helpful once I’m in the working field. It reminded me about good communication skills, professionalism, and about ethical behavior.

Share one item that does not fit on your resume but that you would include in a cover letter written to apply for this position.

My cousin has her own daycare for over 20 years and when I was in high school, I would go and help her afterschool to clean or to be with the children. I remember how I saw the small child size furniture and how she had her centers. It really got my attention and up to now it still does. But I also remember that ever since I was little I would play pretending that I was a teacher and that I had my class in front of me. Teaching has been inside of me all my life.

Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. Consider in your response whether you think the example provided is accurate and why. Seek out peers who shared similar examples as your own, as well as those who shared different examples from your own.


Research studies must be conducted in a manner that is accurate to be considered valid. It behooves a researcher to select a measurement scale that best serves and meets the need of the research study. Currently there are four measurement scales. These scales include the nominal scale, the ordinal scale, the interval scale, and the ratio scale. Nominal scales refer to organizing elements into specific categories based on similar attributes (Malec & Newman, 2013, p. 80). For instance, an example of a nominal scale could be classifying individuals based on height. The ordinal scale regards to ranking elements (Malec & Newman, 2013, p. 81). An example of an ordinal scale is a by utilizing a survey. For example, when T mobile issues a survey that allows individuals to indicate if one would be likely to recommend services using a scale.

Moreover, an interval scale refers to collecting measurement using an exact measuring point (Malec & Newman, 2013, p. 81). An example of an interval scale would be a credit score. This is because credit scores do not change and are exact. Finally, the ratio scale regards physical measurements in which zero is achievable and fixed (Malec & Newman, 2013, p. 81). An example of a ratio scale could be weight. Although each of the measurement scales can be implemented in isolation, some research studies provide the opportunity for multiple scales to be used. For example, the nominal scale, ordinal scale, and interval scale could be used when identifying if first grade teachers (nominal scale), would recommend continuing to provide instruction within a traditional school setting using a survey (ordinal scale) during a calendar year (interval scale). In summation, I found the interval scale and ratio scale the most difficult to identify with. This is because I found it difficult to pinpoint when I would use both scales and how I could implement it into a research study easily.  


Malec, T., & Newman, M. (2013). Research methods building a knowledge base. San Diego: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.


Measurement scales can be explained in 4 groups which are nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. Utilizing the correct scale is important to the type of study or research being conducted. Nominal scales are used to collect basis information that may group the people in the study into categories. Very basic examples would be age, sex, religious affiliation, or even city you live in. We could assign a number to each of these without the ability to utilize it as a calculation, it is more of an arbitrary number. This can help with calculating how many you have in each category. On the other hand, ordinal scales are “used to represent rank” (Malec & Newman, 2013). Measurements that fall into this category would be income level, political association, ranking of satisfaction level, and even education level. It would be necessary to provide options for participants to chose. Nominal and ordinal measurements are often times found on employment applications as they are interested in your date of birth (age) or where you live (address) and how much education you have.

Interval scales and ratio scales are utilized to collect quantitative data. Interval scales measure differences with no true zero. Some examples would be credit score, temperature. One interesting thing I found is that you can count age as an interval scale variable, but only if you are counting the age in years as 1 increment being equivalent to 1 year (12 months). The Likert scale can be utilized to provide options for the respondents. These can range from 1-strongly disagree to 5-Strongly agree. Some employers will utilize this kind of measurement through the application process to determine whether an employee would be a good fit. I had to complete a “survey” after submitting an employment application for my current position at UCLA.

Ratio scales will measure the differences between the variables and there is a proportional measurement within each as well as accommodating a true 0. In an application, the years of experience can be considered an ratio variable as we would be able to identify a true 0 for no experience. Identifying interval and ratio scales had me over thinking them because of the true 0 possibility.



Malec, T., & Newman, M. (2013). Research methods building a knowledge base. San Diego: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

 Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. As you respond, consider whether you can offer additional ideas for how to reduce type 1 and type 2 errors. Given your classmates’ examples, are there ways to adapt them to be directional or non-directional and vice versa? Are there suggestions you can offer on clarifying the hypothesis?


Research Topic:  College Readiness- Homeschool vs Public School

Research Question:  Are children that are being homeschooled as ready for college as public schooled children?

Data Collected:  Children from 5 public schools and 5 children being homeschooled, all 16 years old, all preparing for college will take an SAT test and ACT test.  All scores will be coded without using names to prevent bias and tampering while the tests are being scored.  The children will also each be tested for social and emotional readiness by a licensed psychologist.  All findings will be compared against the others.

Null Hypothesis:  Homeschooled children tested just as high on the ACT and SAT tests as public schooled children and when monitored for social and emotional readiness for college, they rated the same.

Alternative Hypothesis:  Homeschooled children are not as well-rounded, nor have they received as rigorous of a curriculum.  Therefore, they will not be as ready for college as the children from Public School.  This alternative hypothesis is directional because my preference for public school causes me to predict that the outcome of the study will academically favor the children that were educated in a traditional classroom setting. 

Type 1 Error:  The children from the homeschool group tested higher because, after further investigation, they had more money and therefore better resources than the public-school group.  It was uncovered that 4 out of 5 of the children received full-time tutoring from a retired teacher and weekly ACT and SAT tutoring in their home.  This could have been minimized by giving the family a thorough questionnaire before the study that included questions about extracurricular activities and outside academic resources.

Type 2 Error:  The children from the homeschool group tested equally to the public-school group, making the null hypothesis fail to reject or accepted.  This could be minimized by looking outside the academic data and more into their overall lives (ex. Extracurricular activities, hobbies, home life). 

The most challenging part of defining the hypothesis is whether the data fairly represents the entire experiment.  As a researcher, you must think of what data is important and whether there is anything you are forgetting to include.


Malec, T. & Newman, M. (2013). Research methods: Building a knowledge base. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.


Hypothesis Testing

A hypothesis is described as generating a claim that you would like to support by research and data collection. The first step to hypothesis testing is analyzing the differences between two hypotheses (Malec,2013).

My research topic is: Does virtual learning effect a child’s mental health?

Research question- Are children that attend school virtually struggling more with their mental health opposed to those who attend school in person?

Data Collection- Children ranging from the ages of 5-18 would complete interview style, survey questions and be compared to each other (virtual and non-virtual students). Parents and school officials would be interviewed as well to increase validity of the study. All results and data would be collected and reviewed by licensed psychologist.

Null Hypothesis- there are no major differences as it refers to emotional health between students who attend school virtually and those who attend face to face.

Alternative Hypothesis- Students who attend school virtually experience more emotional issues due to no face-to-face interaction and the instruction of a live classroom.  

Example of a Type 1 Error could be children who attend school virtually face more emotional challenges due to lack of face-to-face interaction and the effects of being home by parents who could possibly be struggling from emotional challenges as well. Students who attend school face to face have less emotional challenges due to maintaining their social and educational outlet. Example of a Type 2 error could be described as children who attend school both virtually and face to face struggle at different levels with emotional distress of some type. Social skills may be limited due to social distancing or non-existent due to staying home more. Children may also be affected by other factors that exist in the home.

The most challenging part of defining the hypothesis is whether the data represents all levels of the study and if the data technique captures all of the factors that could lead to emotional distress in children during a pandemic.


Malec, T. & Newman, M. (2013). Research methods: Building a knowledge base. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Crystal Gonzalez

New Braunfels, Texas

(210) 860-2864│ Crystaldallas15@gmail.com

Elementary School Teacher
· First Aid Certified
· CPR Certified
· Bilengual (English and Spanish)
· 10 years childcare experience
· Hard Worker
· Good listener


Degree Title (Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education) November 2021
Ashford University – San Diego, CA


Personal Nanny March 2016-Present
In home Nanny- New Braunfels, Texas
· Assist children with their homework
· Prepare nutritious meals
· Help keep home clean and assist kids in getting ready for the next day
Day Care Teacher
Through A Child’s Eyes- New Braunfels, Texas January 2014- March 2016
· Created lesson plans for the 2-year-old room
· Classroom management, oversaw 8-10 toddlers
· Kept room clean and sanitized toys every afternoon
Day Care Floater November 2012- January 2014
Happy Days Day Care- New Braunfels, Texas
· Assisted different teachers with their lessons
· Cared for children of all ages
· Cleaned and sanitized the facility


Volunteer April 2017 – Present
St. Mary’s University- San Antonio, Texas
· We raise money every year for scholarships for the incoming freshman as well as upperclassmen
· Prepare and sell tacos for the fiesta (All proceeds go towards the scholarships)
· Clean and sanitize workstation
· Due to Covid, the fiesta was canceled this year and last. Fingers crossed for next year

Adriana G. Ortiz

111 Rio Rd. Laredo, TX.

956-251-0388│ adriana.gomez092017@gmail.com


• Responsibility skills

• Organizational skills

• Collaboration and teamwork

• Classroom management

• Communication skills

• Lesson design and planning


Degree Title

Bachelor of Arts in Child Development Expected June 2021

The University of Arizona Global Campus – San Diego, CA

Relevant Coursework: Child Development, Cognitive Development of Infants & Young Children, Child Growth & Dev.


Substitute Teacher November, 2019- Present

Webb County Head Start- Laredo, TX.

• Assist the classroom teacher and teacher assistant with any pending duties they may have.

• Provide care and supervision to the children.

• Assist the children with their daily schedule and activities.

Toddler Teacher January, 2019 – November, 2019

KinderClub TOO Learning Center, LLC- Laredo, TX.

• Designed weekly lesson plans.

• Provided care for the children.

• Followed our daily schedule with lessons and activities.

Substitute Teacher September, 2015 – October, 2018

Webb County Head Start- Laredo, TX.

• Assist the classroom teacher and teacher assistant with any pending duties they may have.

• Provide care and supervision to the young children.

• Assist the young children with their daily schedule and activities.


Youth and Grand Parade October, 2005 – December, 2012

International Bank of Commerce – Laredo, TX.

• Participated in the parade by representing IBC Bank. Helped guide the floats as they passed by to close the gaps.


Alpha Sigma Lambda, Ashford University

Dean’s List, Ashford University

Dean’s List, Laredo Community College

Phi Theta Kappa Society, Laredo Community College

Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges, Laredo Community College

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