6.3 Online Research Discussion


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6.3 Online Research Discussion

The purpose of this activity is to experience “hands-on” research of current social networking and e-fundraising. Report your findings by posting a 200-300 word discussion. The report should provide new ideas for online effectiveness, a possible critique of the site, and suggest ways you might use the information in your organization.

Lesson Six Activity: Select one networked international organization from the list below and visit their web site. Then, answer the following questions: Using the principles for marketing, what do you see as their strengths/weaknesses, particularly as relates to the use of worldwide social media and raising funds or making profits? What appealed to you most as a visitor to their website? Explain how technology has helped create international organizations and also changed our access to them. Brainstorm a way that you could apply these methods to develop an international presence in your nonprofit organization or church to make a larger impact. 

  • The Top 40 Most Innovative International Development Organizations The Top 40 Most Innovative International Development Organizations – Alternative Formats
  • The International Charitable Nonprofit Subsector in the United States The International Charitable Nonprofit Subsector in the United States – Alternative Formats

Open the discussion and select Create Thread to post your 200-300 word report to the class discussion.

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