503 Gender/Generational Supervision class – 2

This student from Saudi Arabia 

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Please read the instructions file then answer the question below 

What are your society’s traditional expectations for men? How much pressure do these expectations impose?

This is a post and response I will upload it later


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Students are expected to write their initial post no later than Wednesday of the week and respond to two colleagues’ posts by the end of the assigned week (Sunday)

The discussion forums are not optional, nor are the discussion forum responses.
Active participation in weekly discussions is essential. Active participation requires the student to develop a substantive initial posting for each weekly discussion assigned by the instructor. The students may state their opinions in the post, but they must have resources to support their assertions. Agreeing or providing an opinion is not a sufficient response to the discussion. 

Discussion forums initial response

The student initial discussion forum posting must be a minimum of 200 words and include in-text citations and references. This citation and reference may not be course materials. The student must list their reference source at the end of the posting. All posts must be posted directly to the forum do not post any responses as an attachment. Complete citations and reference must meet the standards of the APA style. 

Discussion Forum Peer Responses

The student must respond to the discussion of two of their peers. The responses to peers also need to be substantive that will contribute to the discussion by asking questions, respectfully debating positions, and present supportive material related to the topic. Generic responses to a peer’s discussion post are not sufficient and the student will not receive full credit for that response. We expect students to build on ideas and add to the body of knowledge by conducting limited, peer-reviewed research. If the student post before or after the due date/time, he or she will not receive credit. The grades for the discussion forum initial and peer responses will be graded according to the rubric. Please check grammar and spelling before submitting a discussion post. 

3 hours ago

Chiranjeevi Chirtha 

Society’s traditional expectations


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I come from India, in my country, expectations made around men tend to reinforce a view of men being tough, this expectation describes how men should and should not behave. A broad distinction is drawn b/w men, women, boys, and girls on how to behave by society. This distinction shows a particularly problematic manifestation in how men are ought to be. In our region, men tend to work, and women are meant to do household works. There are many expectations which include, Being a provider to the family, having a successful career, being a good father, looking good in terms of beauty, conforming to masculine stereotypes.

     Making money is a huge responsibility on men, where he sacrifices his short-term pleasures for long-term goals. To be acceptably masculine, men are supposed to care passionately about their position and other men’s position. This places a huge responsibility on men. He is all for gender inequality, he is not very happy about how the society is treating the men, a century ago men used to take part in many activities in different subjects like creating history, in decision making, etc. But now men’s roles and responsibilities are completely changed after women empowerment came into the picture, his role is expected to play vis-a-vis his spouse as one-sided and unfair and he has to take care of family responsibilities where women do not care about this. Men’s experiences have led to conclude that ‘he is good if he makes money’ if not the society would not take care of men. 

     In conclusion, the picture of the modern Indian man is driven by a burning ambition to succeed in the pursuit of material wealth. He is willing to sacrifice his values sometimes. He reluctantly cares for his parents and do not expect his kids to look after him in old age. 

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1 day ago

Randi Schafer 

Week 2 Discussion


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I always thought growing up that men and women were similar in the way society looks at them. Now I realize that their are a lot of expectations that men in the United States face. Men are supposed to be the “bread winners” for their family. If the woman in the relationship makes more than the man that man could be talked down upon. Men are supposed to be courageous and powerful in every aspect of life. According to society’s circumstances, men should not show emotion. They must work hard, provide for their family, and make the decisions in work and at home. A common topic that is brought up when talking about expectations for men is the phrase “toxic masculinity.” According to the article this is known as,”Hegemonic masculinity is a manifestation of masculinities that is characterized by the enforcement of restrictions in behavior based on gender roles that serves to reinforce existing power structures that favor the dominance of men” (Parent, Gobble, & Rochlen, 2019, par. 9). These expectations impose a lot of stress on men in the United States. Men tend to work very hard in order to live up to the expectations that are set for them. While the norms and expectations for men and women are shifting, the traditional views still hold power in society.


Parent, M. C., Gobble, T. D., & Rochlen, A. (2019). Social media behavior, toxic masculinity, and depression. Psychology of Men & Masculinities, 20(3), 277-287. doi:http://dx.doi.org.cmich.idm.oclc.org/10.1037/men0000156

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