500-750 Word Military Persuasive Paper

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Last October, Soldier was stopped by military police for not stopping at a flashing red light and received a DUI. Soldier had 1 passenger at the time but, no one got hurt. Soldier has since then received punishment from leadership but, has a chance to redeem one’s self. Higher headquarters wants to file incident in permanent record which would have a major impact on Soldier’s career if Soldier wants to continue service. Soldier has an opportunity to present a persuasive paper to convince higher headquarters not to file incident permanently.


· Soldier has a family (Spouse & 3-year-old).

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· Soldier has been stressed due to COVID-19 and the workload because of it.

· Soldier is currently receiving help for drinking problems.

· Soldier has never been in any kind of trouble in the military.

· Soldier has been serving in the U.S. Army for 6 years.

· Soldier wants to continue service and retire at 20 years of service.

· Soldier wants to retire as a First Sergeant.

· Soldier loves to lead subordinate Soldiers.

· Soldier inspires to be an instructor for junior Soldiers.

· Soldier is a role model for 3 younger siblings.

· Soldier will take the experience from this incident to deter other Soldiers from making the same mistake.

· Soldier has learned from mistake and vows to never let it happen again.

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