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While working on my Weekly Article Summary assignment, I took every measure to ensure that the journal articles I used were credible and peer-reviewed. The reason for this is that I wanted my research to be comprehensive; nursing requires professionals who can keep abreast of the changes that happen in nursing practice. In line with this, some of the search engines and databases I used to locate my journal articles were from the American Journal of Nursing. Doubtless, I was looking for search engines and databases that feature the latest in health items and news and the ones that had been reviewed regularly by health professionals.

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My research focused on prostate cancer, elderly patients with DNR, and those with COVID-19 complications. In this regard, the keywords I used to locate the articles for the research were COVID-19, prostate cancer, DNR, and elderly patients. Keywords are vital because they serve as a linchpin between the researcher and the content they can locate. I know that the keywords are all about the content they produce and the people they are designed to serve. Hence, I contend that the choice of the right keywords was vital in assisting me in my research.

The keywords have been helpful and relevant to my clinical practice because they have enabled me to find reviewed journal articles with vital and current information. For instance, I have expanded my knowledge of the novel coronavirus and the resultant COVID-19 after using the right search words. The use of the keywords coronavirus and COVD-19 led me to the latest articles, such as the one by Kennedy (2021), which explained how 2020 was a year of letdowns and losses for many people. In the article, the author shows how 2020 began as a year of much promise to many people but eventually produced COVID-19 that disrupted plans. Correspondingly, I learned much about caring for elderly patients who give express orders not to be resuscitated. Kelly et al. (2021) show in their study how nurses opted for palliative care when faced with such challenges but equally show that confusion persists when nurses are given DNR orders. In the same way, the article by Roush (2021) illustrates how 2020 has been the year of COVID-19. The information gathered from the articles was fundamental in boosting my understanding of the most critical issues in my area of specialization.

The choice of the articles was justified because it enhanced my understanding of COVID-19, which is a new malady that most professionals did not understand. As a nurse working on a medical-surgical floor, I am one of the frontline employees who have to advise clients about the measures they need to take while ensuring that I take care of my safety as well. The rationale for selecting the journals was their currency, relevance, and applicability to my field of specialization. My choice was motivated by a desire to access the latest information and knowledge that not only enhances my understanding of various aspects of nursing practice but also positively affects the clients I am meant to serve. Accordingly, I believe the approach I took was professional and in line with the expectations of nursing research.


The search engines that I am currently using to identify potential articles for my weekly article summary assignment are Z-lib.org, journals.lww.com, and bmcnurs.biomedcentral.com.

Z-lib.org is a search engine that provides access to both books and articles. The engine provides the option to search for articles using three filter methods. The first filter allows for a search to be conducted using an author name, specific title and DOI. The second method uses a search method that match exact phrases or sentences. The last search option offered filters articles by the year published.

Journals.lww.com (Nursing 2021) is an online database that provide peer-reviewed articles. The engine provides a filtered search option that uses a compilation of different methods of search which include the use of key terms, author name, journal name, date published, volume and exact phrase.

Bmcnurs.biomedcentral.com is a free search engine that provide access to peer reviewed nursing research, education and training articles. Articles are available immediately upon publication at no additional cost. Searches can be filtered by topic, citation, volume, and date published.

Key terms that I am using for my search are terms that are specific to the topic I am searching for such as Covid-19, Medical Surgical, vaccination, policy etc. I try to use specific words avoiding abbreviated words or words that are broad. Even as I did my own research on how to properly use search engine, I was bombarded with excessive information because I wasn’t specific enough. I found that typing in dates, along with clear subjects helped eliminate the irrelevant information. It’s still a trial and error for me but I am assuming with time it gets better.

Using key terms like medical surgical and Covid-19 has been both effective and unproductive in helping me find articles related to my clinical practice. Given that we are currently in a pandemic the word Covid-19 typed in a search engine produces a large number of articles that are related to nursing practice, research studies, CDC recommendations among other things. The search was effective because after I sorted through the articles that wasn’t pertaining to what I was looking for until I found relative articles that could help me complete my assignment. (Keyword Search, 2019)


Health Policy

Health policy can be characterized as the decisions, strategies, and actions that are taken within a community to achieve a particular health objective. A specific health policy can achieve many things, according to the World Health Organization: it identifies a future vision; it describes the goals and desired responsibilities of various groups; and it creates consensus and informs people. There are several types of health policies, including global health policy, public health policy, mental health policy, health care policy, insurance policy Public health policy, medication policy, and regulations, such as vaccination policy, tobacco control policy, and promotion policy for breastfeeding. They help cover the issues of health care funding and delivery, access to care, quality of care, and equity in health (Maier & Aiken 2016).

Studies show that policies are the realistic methods or values that a government, community, occupation, or person embraces or suggests. Policies in management books are instructions for practices which allow people to make decisions. Understanding how policies can promote successful leadership is what is essential to management authorities. Access to medical practitioners from different fields as well as medical technologies, such as medicines and surgical instruments, is part of the new definition of healthcare. It also requires access to the latest scientific data and evidence, including medical research and research on health care. In directing their healthcare programs, many countries and jurisdictions incorporate a principle of human rights (Tuohy 2018).

The World Health Organization notes that every country in the world is party to at least one human rights treaty covering health-related rights, including the right to health and other rights relating to conditions required for good health. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) of the United Nations states that medical treatment is a right of all citizens. All shall have the right to an adequate standard of living for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothes, accommodation and medical care, as well as the social services required, and the right to protection in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or any other absence of subsistence in circumstances beyond his control. Health policies are affected in some jurisdictions and among various faith-based organizations by the presumed duty formed by religious values to provide for those in less desirable situations, particularly the ill. In determining their health policies, other governments and non-governmental organizations draw on the values of humanism, claiming the same perceived responsibility and the enshrined right to health (Maier & Aiken 2016).

It has brought a major impact on my nursing career because, as a nurse, it can have a major impact on health policy to protect patient safety, enhance the quality of care, and encourage their access to the services needed to promote quality health care. The idea of political power in nursing is thus a modern and essential concept. However, about this concept represents, there is a lack of conceptual clarification. I am required to deliberately recognize the problems as a nurse and collaborate with other decision-makers to advance health care policy. I can consider the levels of authority and know who regulates the organizations’ health care services.


How Nurses Can Impact Health Policy Decisions

The leading medical job is nursing globally, with about 3 million practitioners within the U.S only. Because of that, they do possess the ability to intensely impact policy on a universal measure. Nurses need to be involved in legislation that influences their patients as it is their professional and moral responsibility. If nurses impact politics that increase healthcare delivery, they will be ultimately be offering patients support. Unluckily, nurses have traditionally had tiny involvement in policy that affects healthcare delivery. Even though nurses utilize many strategies to gather and share evidence that could impact health policy decisions, one of the major strategies is Evidence-Based Practice (EBP). EBP is a critical part of improving serious care nursing duty, vital for offering patients quality care (Horntvedt,2018). EBP adaptation to the culture betters patient progress and healthcare provider, family, and patient satisfaction. It may also decrease charges and the danger of damage by lessening unnecessary testing, and ultimately, health policy decisions can be made out of it.

In this EBP strategy, the first step is forming a culture to integrate EBP into the business. Transforming evidence to practice has turned out to be vital to healthcare with the improved emphasis on depressing costs through reduced stay lengths and stoppage of hospital-acquired infection. In nursing’s everyday practice, there are numerous examples of EBP such as infection control. Hospital-acquired infection is definitely the last problem a patient desires when undergoing treatment in a hospital. Nurses take a vital responsibility in assisting shielding infection before it occurs by observing evidence-based infection-control policies (Houghton, 2020). Oxygen use in patients with COPD on behalf of patient safety and health is another example. It is critical that nurses must adhere to nursing evidence-based practice. It’s about administering oxygen to COPD patients. Regardless of the distrust by someone administering oxygen to the sick can lead to severe problems such as acidosis, demise, or even hypercarbia, the evidence-based procedure requires oxygen therapy to patients with COPD as low blood oxygen may contribute to stoppage in the organs and hypoxia. Another example of EBP is measuring blood pressure noninvasively in children. Nurses must gauge the blood pressure with guidelines from the evidence-based practice due to its precise dimensions, which are important and effective in the treatment sector. It is a different process gauging blood pressure in children than for adults. The auscultatory method is used to measure children’s blood pressure matching the measurement alongside info collected with the oscillometric method. Intravenous catheter blood and size administration is another example. When utilizing intravenous catheters to give blood for packed red blood cell transfusions (PRBC), nurses should adhere to EBP. The protocol points out that nurses may use a smaller-gauge catheter, which improves the patient’s comfort, so improved policies can be formed. With these few examples of how the nurses offer EBP, they can influence policymakers’ important policies to provide better services to the patients.

Nevertheless, even in the absence of EBP, nurses require backup to implement changes. That required backup begins at home with friends and families’ nurses should boost political involvement. Additionally, as part of the curriculum, schools that offer nursing need to involve healthcare policy education and inspire some degree of political participation from nursing scholars. What’s more, the nursing school’s faculty may also participate in policy modifications by performing as students’ icons. In conclusion, employers require offering nursing staff the opportunities, resources, and time to impact state, federal, and local policy. After all, these healthcare policy decisions or healthcare legislation eventually do affect us.

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