4 pages MLA format essay

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CHI 10 Dr. Lorena V. Márquez

Final Paper SS2, 2020

Due: Thursday, September 3rd


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1. Please write a four-page, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, size 12, and with one-inch margin paper.

2. Be sure your name, section number, TA and paper title appears on the first page.

3. Now that you’ve received feedback on the first two pages of your paper from your TA, you must address any issues and revise your draft. Remember, your TA has access to previous comments made on Canvas and will know if you chose to forgo any changes.

4. Be sure to number your pages at the bottom, right hand corner.

5. Do not use outside sources.

6. Every paragraph, with the exception of the introduction and conclusion, should have one quotation or citation from novel to support your argument. Be careful not to overquote, limit one or two short quotes per paragraph. You will be penalized for having too many quotes. Nobody wants to read a paper full of quotes. (See below under “Citations” for more specifics on properly citing)

7. Have a topic sentence for every paragraph. A topic sentence informs the reader what you will be addressing in the paragraph.

8. Please submit paper on Canvas.

Late Policy:

Late papers, regardless of excuse, will be penalized a grade for every day (24 hours—including weekends and holidays) it is overdue. No late papers will be accepted without documented proof (medical or similar) excusing the tardiness of the assignment.

Use Following Text:

Sonia Nazario, Enrique’s Journey (New York, Random House Trade Paperback Edition, 2007)


Please make sure to properly cite sources using MLA style. For example: (Nazario, 55). BE SURE to include the page number. If your paperback edition differs from the one mentioned above include a short bibliography with publication date and edition. Also, place quotation marks when using direct wording from book. Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism. Each paragraph must have
at least one
citation, with the exception of the introduction and conclusion.

Essay Prompt:

It is clear in Sonia Nazario’s Enrique’s Journey that she does not believe that separation between mother and child(ren) is beneficial in the long run; even though she has no children of her own. She highlights how mothers carry the tremendous guilt and responsibility to work enough to be able to maintain their own living expenses, plus those of their children left behind. At the same time, children left behind are left without the love of their mothers.

Do you agree or disagree with Nazario? Had it been Enrique’s father who left would we be so critical of Lourdes’s choice? What about Enrique’s choice to leave as well? Every year, thousands of immigrants, both male and female, parents and children, literally risk their lives to make it to the U.S. They seek employment and once they secure it they work hard, and endure every which sacrifice to save money so that their families back home can eat. What do you think are the ultimate consequences of their choices to immigrate? Is undocumented immigration a necessary evil? Be sure to provide the background to how Enrique is separated from his mother.

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