4 page double space

Review the following scenario:A recent policy was implemented by Anytown’s Department of Job and Family Services regarding the issue of child endangerment. Any household that has one or more documented offense of domestic violence, child abuse, or drug or alcohol related offenses committed by the mother, father, guardian, and/or caregiver, will result in the removal of any child or children from the home.The child will be placed in the care of the state, or foster care services, until documentation can prove that the offender has undergone any or all of the following, and has thus been “offense free” for a period of no less than 6 months: Alcohol and/or drug treatment, counseling, family therapy sessions, mental health treatment, anger management, life skills classes, and/or parenting classes.The Department of Job and Family Services made reference to the social learning theory as providing support for this approach, as evidenced by research indicating that “aggressive children have parents who use aggressive tactics when dealing with others. For example, the children of wife batterers are more likely to use aggressive tactics themselves than children in the general population, especially if the victims (their mothers) suffer psychological distress from the abuse” (Siegel, 2015, p. 122).In a minimum of 4 double-spaced pages (excluding the cover and references pages), write a critical essay voicing your opinion about the following issues:Identify potential ethical/moral issues that could arise from implementing this new policy. Based on the conclusions you reach after taking all of this into account, share your opinion on whether the policy is considered an ethical one, based on its potential ramifications.Consider the impact (be it positive or negative) on those involved in the above situation, specifically as it pertains to the overall welfare and well-being of the child. Describe the positive and/or negative impact the policy could have on society in general, or on the family unit. Be as objective as possible in examining the potential benefits of such a policy, as well as the possible negative effects.Finally, did the Department of Job and Family Services misinterpret or misapply the social learning theory when planning and implementing the policy? Be sure to demonstrate how the social learning theory either does or does not apply to this scenario.

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