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BIZ101 Assessment 2B Brief Page 1 of 6


Subject Code and Title BIZ101: Business Communications

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Assessment Written Report

Individual/Group Individual

Length 1200 words (+/- 10%)

Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following subject learning
a) Demonstrate information literacy and critical

analysis appropriate to the level of study.
b) Understand and demonstrate academic integrity

and authentic engagement with information.
c) Examine the internal and external business

environment to effectively interpret messages in
different business contexts.

d) Identify and apply effective communication skills
within a variety of business environments,
including the use of technology.

Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 5.1 (Week 9)

Weighting 35%

Total Marks 100 marks

Task Summary

Using the sources from Assessment 2A Source Analysis, explain your topic’s communication
technology, its uses, advantages and disadvantages. Identify the factors which will need to be
considered for its implementation, as well as your recommendations, to complete your report.

Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this assessment.


Your ability, as a professional, to use modern communication technologies to improve business
practices is critical for business success. Equally important is your ability to write well-structured
business reports to communicate your ideas and recommendations to a range of stakeholders.
This assessment task requires you to demonstrate these abilities, in the context of communication
technologies, in preparation for your professional future practice.

BIZ101 Assessment 2B Brief Page 2 of 6

Task Instructions

To complete this assessment task:

1. Using the report format you have studied, analyse your topic’s communication technology,
its uses, advantages and disadvantages. Identify the factors which will need to be
considered for its implementation in an organisation, as well as your recommendations.

• Both Assessment 2A Source Analysis and Assessment 2B Written Report must be on
the same topic.

2. Integrate the four (4) sources from your Assessment 2A Source Analysis into your Written
Report analysis.

• For instance, you may decide to use each source for a different section or a
combination of sources in a section.

• Ensure that you use headings for each new idea to clearly communicate your ideas
and give the reader a pathway to understand your written report.

3. Conduct any additional research as needed to support your line of reasoning.

4. Follow APA 6th ed. style for citing and referencing all your sources.

It is expected that you will demonstrate in your Written Report:

• A comprehensive and clear understanding of the topic you have chosen.
• Evidence of research and application of reliable and relevant evidence to support your line

of reasoning.
• Critical analysis and the ability to develop coherent written arguments.
• Effective communication in the form of professional writing skills presented in a

report format.
• Show that you understand and are able to use in-text citation and referencing skills

following APA 6th edition style format.

It is highly recommended that you visit the Academic Skills page on Blackboard and consult their
report writing resources: https://laureate-
d=_2498855_1&mode=reset. You can also contact the Academic Skills team if you need further

Please note the following additional information:

• You should adhere to the correct use of academic writing, presentation and grammar.

• You are advised to include a minimum of two (2) academic references which should be
textbooks or academic journals, and two (2) non-academic references. Appropriate websites
may be used in addition to those used in Assessment 2A Source Analysis.

• You must check the Similarity Report for your assessment task in Turnitin before submitting
it in Blackboard. All highlighted sentences must be either paraphrased in your own words or
put in as direct quotes and referenced accordingly.

• For additional support on academic skills, please visit: https://laureate-







BIZ101 Assessment 2B Brief Page 3 of 6


• It is essential that you use appropriate APA 6th edition style for citing and referencing your

• Please comply with all academic standards of legibility and referencing details (including a
reference list). Please see more information on referencing here:

Submission Instructions

Upload your Written Report to Turnitin and check your Turnitin Similarity Report.

When the Turnitin Similarity Report is less than 20%, submit your Written Report via the Assessment
link in the main navigation menu in BIZ101 Business Communications.

Your learning facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in Blackboard. Feedback can be
viewed in My Grades.

The below assessment rubric guides the marker when awarding marks for your assessment. You
should use this rubric to review your assessment task prior to submission, ensuring there is nothing
you have missed.


BIZ101 Assessment 2B Brief Page 4 of 6

  • Assessment Rubric
  • Assessment









    High Distinction


    Critical analysis and
    supporting evidence


    Inadequate understanding of
    required concepts and
    knowledge demonstrated in
    the analysis of the chosen

    There is no/limited evidence of
    an attempt to address the
    communication technology’s
    uses, advantages,
    disadvantages, and identify the
    factors to be considered for its
    implementation in an

    There is no evidence of the
    analysis being supported by

    Limited understanding of
    required concepts and
    knowledge demonstrated in
    the analysis of the chosen

    There is evidence of an
    attempt to address the
    communication technology’s
    uses, advantages,
    disadvantages, and identify
    the factors to be considered
    for its implementation in an
    organisation, this needs
    substantial improvement.
    Some task requirements might
    be missing (i.e. missing
    advantages and disadvantages
    analysis, or missing factors for
    implementation analysis).

    Few ideas are supported by
    evidence in the form of
    references to relevant

    Adequate understanding of
    required concepts and
    knowledge demonstrated in
    a clear analysis of the
    chosen topic.

    Some task requirements
    have not been addressed in
    their entirety (i.e. partial
    analysis of advantages and
    disadvantages, or factors for
    implementation are
    addressed superficially).

    Some ideas are supported
    by evidence in the form of
    references to relevant

    Clear understanding of
    required concepts and
    knowledge demonstrated
    in a concise and well-
    developed analysis of the
    chosen topic.

    All task requirements have
    been addressed clearly,
    however their analysis
    needs more depth.

    Most ideas are supported
    by evidence in the form of
    references to relevant

    Highly developed
    understanding of required
    concepts and knowledge
    demonstrated in a concise,
    well-developed and
    comprehensive analysis of
    the chosen topic.

    All task requirements have
    been addressed clearly and

    All ideas are supported by
    evidence in the form of
    references to relevant

    BIZ101 Assessment 2B Brief Page 5 of 6



    Recommendations are not
    based on report analysis or are
    inappropriate or irrelevant to
    the chosen topic.

    Most recommendations lack
    adequate justification.

    Recommendations are
    generally based on report
    analysis, however they do not
    consistently demonstrate an
    adequate understanding of
    the chosen topic.

    Some recommendations are
    justified, while others are not.
    Justifications lack depth and
    clarity; they need substantial

    Recommendations are
    based on report analysis,
    demonstrating adequate
    understanding of the chosen

    All recommendations are
    justified, albeit superficially;
    Justifications need work,
    focusing on depth.

    Clear recommendations
    based on report analysis,
    demonstrating a
    understanding of the
    chosen topic.

    The justification for the
    recommendations needs
    minor improvements.

    Clear, succinct and well-
    justified recommendations
    based on report analysis,
    demonstrating a
    comprehensive and practical
    understanding of the chosen

    Report format


    No headings, subheadings, and
    other report format guidelines
    are not followed.

    Report format and layout not
    acceptable in the business

    Limited headings,
    subheadings, and/or some
    report format guidelines
    require adjustments.

    Report format and layout
    acceptable in the business
    world with some
    improvements required.

    Headings and subheadings
    and other requirements are
    consistent with report
    format guidelines.

    Report format and layout
    acceptable in the business
    world with minor
    improvements required.

    Headings, subheadings and
    other report format
    guidelines are consistent.

    Very good report format.
    Layout acceptable in the
    business world with little to
    no improvements required.

    Headings, subheadings and
    other report format
    guidelines are consistent.

    Very professional work
    provided with an excellent
    report format. Layout
    acceptable in the business



    Information is difficult to
    understand for the audience.

    No logical/clear structure and
    spelling, punctuation and
    grammatical errors

    Information is not always clear
    and logical to understand for
    the audience and lacks clear

    Some spelling, punctuation
    and grammatical errors

    Information is mostly clear
    and logical to understand
    for the audience.

    A clear structure and few
    spelling, punctuation and
    grammatical errors

    Information is clear and
    logical to understand for
    the audience.

    Minor spelling, punctuation
    and grammatical errors

    Information is logical, clear
    and persuasive.

    Free of spelling, punctuation
    and grammatical errors

    BIZ101 Assessment 2B Brief Page 6 of 6

    Correct citation of


    Does not include correct
    references or in-text citations;
    does not use APA 6th ed. style.

    Attempts to include
    references or in-text citations;
    however, these are sometimes
    insufficient or incorrect; Uses
    APA 6th ed. style, however
    may contain some citation or
    referencing errors.

    Includes in-text citations and
    references from suitable
    sources; Uses APA 6th ed.
    style, however may contain
    minor citation or
    referencing errors.

    Includes in-text citations
    and references from
    suitable sources; Uses APA
    6th ed. style, containing
    minimal and or no errors.

    Includes in-text citations and
    references from suitable
    sources; Uses APA 6th ed.
    style, containing no errors.

      Assessment Rubric

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