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reply to the students’ response and not the question  in 150 words minimum and provide 1 reference. Respond to the students response as though you are talking to them, use name 


 What has your most significant learning in the course been? Why? How will it help you in your career (personally or professionally)? 

student response

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 Throughout this course, I learned a lot that can benefit me within the position that I hold right now. In my current position, I handle all the benefits  and billing with our carriers. I work in the casino industry so there are over 1,200 employees. This course allowed me to learn more about benefits as far as legal requirements and more. I was also able to learn a lot about the compensation system and evaluate my company’s compensation plan. I would say that the most beneficial would have to be learning about the different pay units such as pay grades, job codes, and more. I feel that this course will help me in my career in many different ways. Being able to apply the knowledge you learn, to your day to day tasks can help provide better understanding to some situations. I will actually be working on merit increases this coming year and this class has helped me to understand the background of merit increases. In my opinion, the knowledge I gained from this course will me to perform better within my position because now I have all the background information an be able to talk about it versus just completing my task. I also feel that I learned a lot from this class personally because I can use it to evaluate my own position and how my employer is treating me.  

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