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Complete your Week 3 required discussion prompt.

· Identify at least two changes that have occurred in your local community within the past few years that may contribute to emerging infectious diseases. Why do you think these changes are beneficial or not?

Reply 1 Anna


Two unplanned changes in Los Angeles within the past few years contributing to emerging infectious diseases are homelessness and the COVID-19 pandemic.  As a result of the following Typhus and Hepatitis A have increased among the underserved population.  Typhus is spread through infected fleas on rats and other animals.  As for Hepatitis A diffuses by feces.  These two specific illnesses are radiating among the homeless and drug user population due to unclean living environments.  Further, the homeless encampments are polluted with urine, feces, trash, and rats.  The current pandemic has resulted in growing homelessness due to home evictions and loss of employment.  According to Gorman, Los Angeles does not have enough affordable housing. (abcnews, 2019).  Moreover, the continued gentrification of black and Latino neighborhoods prevents the preservation of affordable housing for those in need. (Scott, 2020).  Of course, the unplanned alterations are not beneficial, but our government must address this matter to prevent the continued spread of these preventable infectious diseases.  The Humans Rights Watch reported, “The US government policies proposed so far have yet to take into account existing social and economic inequalities.  The government should strengthen the safety net to protect millions of people who face devastating job and wage loss and inability to pay essential bills.”. (2020).   

Reply 2 Jennifer

Almost everyone is depleted right now, running on reserve, whether it is mentally, physically, or emotionally. When you are running on fumes your body is unable to fight off even the littlest bug. Add stress into the equation and you have now become the perfect breeding ground to jump-start a disease. If one was immunocompromised before the depletion, there is even less chance of fighting off whatever is coming at you.

As for why some get infections and others do not, I am unable to answer. COVID has shown me that even with all the studies there may just not be a rhyme or reason as to why. Having underlying issues will of course make someone more susceptible to things but what is the reason why someone in great health is affected so terribly you would think that they have a history of being sick. My understanding is a bit blurred right now. Epidemiologists understand that disease results from complex relationships among causal agents, susceptible persons, and environmental factors. These three elements—agent, host, and environment—are traditionally referred to as the epidemiologic triangle (Figure 12-2, A). This model was originally developed as a way of identifying causative factors, transmission, and risk related to infectious diseases. Changes in one of the elements of the triangle can influence the occurrence of disease by increasing or decreasing a person’s risk for disease, (Lancaster, 2014, pg. 266).

The benefit to all of this is that we learned that we must be better in more ways than one and be better prepared in our communities to serve those that need our help. Here’s hoping this sticks and we grow from it.


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