3000 Words Assignment on International innovation & Strategy


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A 3000 word Individual coursework submission exploring the approaches that international firms utilise within their operations for products or services and how creativity and innovation can be used to improve the overall business performance.

A 3000 word Individual coursework submission exploring the approaches that international firms utilise within their operations for products or services and how creativity and innovation can be used to improve the overall business performance.

This should cover all the four learning outcomes as expressed in the marking criteria  

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Apple is an organisation with vast global operations. As Apple’s new innovation management consultant, use published sources such as journal articles, text books, newspaper entries and the internet, to create a strategic innovation management strategy report to be presented to the CEO / MD. This should include:

· A critical appraisal of the role that innovation plays in the development of Operations Management techniques in different national and cultural settings

· Approaches for developing a culture of creativity and innovation in the organisation

· Recommendations and action plans that takes into account the operational, financial and resource constraints that the organisation faces in using innovation to become more competitive.

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