3 Pages Due 8/24/2020

3 pages, information is in attachKent, red text is info to be used to answer prompt. Two citations in first attachment. Use second attachment for third citation. 

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Week 1 – Individual Assignment

Week 1 – IA-1 Essay Assignment

Your Future Career in Project Management

According to a published report on the gap in project management human resource talent (Project Management Institute, 2013), “between 2010 and 2020, 15.7 million new project management roles will be created globally across seven project-intensive industries” (para. 1). As a student in PMAN 634 here at University of Maryland University College, you are taking steps to gain the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities required to assume a project management position.

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· Identify and describe at least three potential project management roles/positions that you would consider as likely employment once you have completed the Project Management Program, or any other program in which you are enrolled. Auditor, Risk & Compliance Analyst, Program Manager

· In what industry are you most likely to find these project management roles/positions? Government &, Non profit Organizations

· How will completing this course, or the PMAN program in project management, prepare you to assume one of these roles/positions, in the industry of your choice, in project management profession?

Instructions for completing this assignment:

1. Review the grading rubric attached to this assignment to understand how you will be graded on this assignment.

2. Compose a short essay (800-1000 words; 2 to 3 pages in length) that provides a critical and thoughtful response to the prompt presented above.

3. Review the literature that will serve as evidence to support your response to the prompt. The literature reviewed will meet these criteria.

a. Use UMUC’s library of online academic databases to locate at least three (3) scholarly journal articles.

Top of Form

1. Purpose

This article investigates the implementation of a compliance programme (CP) in terms of how practitioners conceive of and execute the responsibilities arising from this corporate governance mechanism.


This study involves a practice lens approach forms the case study analysis and interpretation, involving both interviews and documentary materials collected from an Italian company with prolonged compliance experience. Schatzki’s (2002, 2010) practice organisation framework guides the interpretation of CP as a practice organised by rules, practical and general understandings and teleoaffective structures.


CP practice evolves over time. A practical understanding of daily actions required to accomplish the CP and a general understanding of the responsibilities connected with the CP, such as the attitudes with which the CP is performed, are mutually constitutive and jointly favour this evolution. Dedicated artefacts – such as IT platforms, training seminars and compliance performance indicators – help spread both of these types of understanding. These artefacts also align practitioners’ general understanding with the CP’s teleoaffective structures imposed, including the CP’s assigned objectives and the desired reactions to them.

Research limitations/implications

The findings have theoretical and practical implications by revealing the relevance of practitioners’ understanding of corporate governance mechanisms in their implementation processes.


This study reveals the potential benefits of practice lens approaches in corporate governance studies. It responds to the call for qualitative studies that demonstrate corporate governance as implemented in daily activities.

2. This study addressed four key areas. First, can including vice president compensation, improve the understanding of the relationship between executive compensation and company performance? This study found that the relationship between vice president compensation and company performance was at least as significant, if not stronger, than the relationship between CEO compensation and company performance. Therefore, inclusion of vice president compensation does improve the understanding of the relationship between executive compensation and company performance. 

Second, can incorporating performance measures that better reflect industry requirements improve the understanding of the relationship between executive compensation and company performance? This study did support earlier theoretical work (Grossman & Hoskisson, 1998) that theorized that companies in high innovation industries should utilize market based measures of performance and that companies in low innovation industries should utilize accounting based measures of performance. Therefore, selection of appropriate measures of company performance does improve the understanding of the relationship between executive compensation and company performance. 

Third, can expanding the search to include companies based in Canada improve the understanding of the relationship between executive compensation and company performance? This study found that the relationship between executive compensation and company performance was stronger for Canadian based companies than United States based companies. Therefore, expanding the research to include companies based in Canada does improve the understanding of the relationship between executive compensation and company performance. 

Finally, can choosing additional statistical procedures improve the understanding of the relationship between executive compensation and company performance? This study did find that the use of analysis of variance did expand and clarify the results obtained through the use of ordinary least squares regression. Therefore, the use of additional statistical procedures does improve the understanding of the relationship between executive compensation and company performance.

3. ERP implementation requires a substantial investment and typically built through project management, which needs a rigorous and in limited time management. ERP implementation requires enormous efforts to implement because it involves all business functions in the organization and partners (ERP vendors and consultants) This paper aims to examine the impact of implementing an enterprise resources planning project on firm performance and organizational citizenship behavior as a moderating variable. The study has surveyed 61 respondents representing 61 manufacturing companies domiciled in the region of East Java, Indonesia, which has adopted an ERP system for more than five years. Survey used questionnaire designed with a five-point Likert scale. The respondent is the key user who is responsible for the success of the ERP system in its business functions of the company. Data analysis used SPSS version 25 to assess the indicator validity and examine the hypothesis developed. The result showed that the implementation of the enterprise resources planning project directly affected firm performance. Second, organizational citizenship behavior directly influences firm performance. Third, the implementation of the ERP project influences firm performance with organizational citizenship behavior as a moderator vari-able. This research provides an insight to project manager in building employee relationship to complete the projects on time. This study also enriches the current research in the supply chain theory.

Bottom of Form

4. Follow APA (6th edition) style and formatting guidelines to prepare your essay. This will include in-text citations and References page. The essay will be organized in a logical sequence and include at a minimum level 1 heading.

5. Demonstrate the mastery of technology skills by meeting the following criteria:

a. Prepare your essay in MS Word with 1-inch margins on sides/top/bottom, double line spacing, and 12-point font in Times New Roman. Insert page numbers as required in APA.

b. Upload your completed essay in MS Word to the Assignment folder.

6. The assignment is due no later than 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday of Week 1.


Stacchezzini, R., Rossignoli, F., & Corbella, S. (2020). Corporate governance in practice: The role of practitioners’ understanding in implementing compliance programs. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 33(4), 887-911. doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezproxy.umgc.edu/10.1108/AAAJ-08-2016-2685

Campbell, S. K. (2003). A study of top management team compensation and company performance: A north american perspective (Order No. 3081564). Available from ABI/INFORM Collection; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (305341639). Retrieved from http://ezproxy.umgc.edu/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.umgc.edu/docview/305341639?accountid=14580

See attachment for third citation

*Corresponding author. Tel.: +62312983145

E-mail address: zeplin@petra.ac.id (Z. J. H. Tarigan)

© 2020 by the authors; licensee Growing Science, Canada
doi: 10.5267/j.jpm.2020.8.001

Journal of Project Management 5 (2020) 227–236

Contents lists available at GrowingScience

Journal of Project Management

homepage: www.GrowingScience.com

The impact of implementing enterprise resources planning (ERP) project on firm
performance and organizational citizenship behavior as a moderating

Zeplin Jiwa Husada Tarigana*, Hotlan Siagianb and Pirmanta Sebayangc

aAssociate Professor of Master Management, Petra Christian University, Siwalankerto 121-131 Surabaya, 60236, Indonesia
bAssistant Professor of Master Management, Petra Christian University, Siwalankerto 121-131 Surabaya, 60236, Indonesia
cAssociate Professor of Accounting-University Tama Jagakarsa, Letjen T.B. Simatupang No. 152, Jakarta, 12530, Indonesia

Article history:
Received: June 13 2020
Received in revised format: June
24 2020
Accepted: June 26 2020
Available online:
August 4 2020

ERP implementation requires a substantial investment and typically built through project management,
which needs a rigorous and in limited time management. ERP implementation requires enormous ef-
forts to implement because it involves all business functions in the organization and partners (ERP
vendors and consultants) This paper aims to examine the impact of implementing an enterprise re-
sources planning project on firm performance and organizational citizenship behavior as a moderating
variable. The study has surveyed 61 respondents representing 61 manufacturing companies domiciled
in the region of East Java, Indonesia, which has adopted an ERP system for more than five years.
Survey used questionnaire designed with a five-point Likert scale. The respondent is the key user who
is responsible for the success of the ERP system in its business functions of the company. Data analysis
used SPSS version 25 to assess the indicator validity and examine the hypothesis developed. The result
showed that the implementation of the enterprise resources planning project directly affected firm per-
formance. Second, organizational citizenship behavior directly influences firm performance. Third, the
implementation of the ERP project influences firm performance with organizational citizenship behav-
ior as a moderator variable. This research provides an insight to project manager in building employee
relationship to complete the projects on time. This study also enriches the current research in the supply
chain theory.

© 2020 by the authors; licensee Growing Science, Canada.

Organizational Citizenship Be-
Firm performance

1. Introduction

Manufacturing companies state the need for system integration in all functions in the company. Integra-
tion between functions in the company will provide fast and precise communication between depart-
ments able to reduce the time in submitting reports to other departments. The company establishes the
enterprise resource planning with the aim of business integration, data integration by sharing data, gen-
erating and accessing information in real-time (Jagoda & Samaranayake, 2017). ERP implementation is
a structured and challenging process that needs appropriate implementation. ERP implementation for
manufacturing companies constitutes a large project because it incurs high costs to the company (Garg
& Khurana, 2017). It also involves consulting partners and all organizational functions of the company
organizations (Drummond et al., 2017). Every management function in an organization is involved in
implementing enterprise resource planning. Integration within a company involves such as procurement
function, inventory function, planning function, production function, marketing function, financial func-
tion, accounting function, and other functions (Beheshti et al., 2014). Data integration between functions


or divisions, called cross-functional, becomes the main priority in ERP implementation (Ripamonti &
Galuppo, 2016). ERP implementation focuses on the work and high concentration in running projects
for key users of companies, ERP vendors, and consultants (Li et al., 2017). Implementation of enterprise
resource planning, if carried out properly, provides excellent benefits for companies in achieving effi-
ciency and effectiveness (Tarigan et al., 2020). The integration of functions and user data will produce
clear reports and provide appropriate information on the company’s internal conditions, making it easier
for top management to make decisions. Implementation of enterprise resource planning will replace all
the old business processes into new business processes, so it must be prepared in detail about the func-
tional needs and conformity with the system in function so that there is no misunderstanding between
functions in the organization (Alsulami et al., 2014). Enterprise resource planning provides good com-
petitiveness for companies in producing efficiently and effectively and can also provide a threat to the
company’s system when an asynchronous occurrence between functions (Panayiotou et al. 2015). ERP
project implementation requires high investment and has a significant risk during implementation (Garg
& Khurana, 2017). The project implementation of enterprise resources planning for manufacturing com-
panies will bring changes to the system that has been running so far will disappear, replaced by an
integrated system of functions (Tarigan et al., 2019). The company’s interests are represented by key
users in explaining existing and unique business processes in the company to ERP consultants to be able
to customize the ERP system to suit the company’s operational needs. Key users with ERP vendor part-
ners represented by consultants need to coordinate and collaborate effectively and clearly in implement-
ing ERP together at the company. ERP implementation in a company needs to be detailed, and an inte-
grated process between functions is carried out, where the company’s key users well understand the
operational functions in detail while a good understanding of software and hardware as an ERP system
is an ERP vendor consultant. Both parties are expected to be able to collaborate well so that manage-
ment’s expectations of the company’s specific operational functions can be specified in the ERP system.
ERP project implementation, according to Chang et al. (2015), can be divided into five stages: the first
stage the company sets the goals of ERP implementation by comparing the organizational goals with
the achievement of ERP systems. The second stage determines the needs of the organization by assessing
the resources of the organization with the scope of ERP implementation in the company, the third stage
of the company doing the redesign process by taking into account the existing business conditions com-
pared to the condition of the system to which the company is going. The fourth stage for the company
is implementing the ERP system by designing the program and testing the ERP to suit the company’s
operational business. The fifth stage is to measure the results of achieving ERP implementation follow-
ing the goals set in terms of performance and evaluate the ERP implementation. Implementation of
enterprise system projects in companies that are integrated into activities or activities in the company
requires the transfer of information and standardization of the system in the company in order to facili-
tate the allocation of resources effectively (Jiang et al. 2019). ERP implementation projects for compa-
nies are severe in producing the expected performance if the implementation is successful (Annamalai
& Ramayah, 2013; Acar et al., 2017).

A successful ERP implementation will always benefit companies in improving the rationalization of
company processes, company efficiency, company effectiveness on an ongoing basis (Ripamonti & Ga-
luppo, 2016). Employees can successfully implement ERP project implementation according to Vries
and Boonstra (2012) by considering critical issues which can provide resources that have reliable com-
petencies selected, secondly placing employees or teamwork to focus on ERP implementation specifi-
cally and not given additional work, thirdly build organizational systems that have a positive environ-
ment so that employees can develop independently. Fourthly, employees must be able to understand the
scope of the implementation in a short time. ERP implementation can be done effectively if the company
as a means of implementation understands ERP needs; clearly, the company can evaluate ERP thor-
oughly, the company can negotiate ERP implementation prices with the vendor according to ability, the
company can build good relationships with vendors and consultants, the company can install and cus-
tomize ERP well, the company can control the ERP project well, the company can provide training to
employees on an ongoing basis, and the company can treat ERP well (Li et al. 2017). The successful
implementation of ERP projects in retails in India is influenced by project risk management as measured

Z. J. H. Tarigan et al. / Journal of Project Management 5 (2020) 229

by estimates of poor cost estimates, control and tracking of work activities on poor projects, relatively
poor project planning, the inability of project managers and poor communication within the project
(Garg and Khurana, 2017). ERP implementation can improve organizational capability in manufactur-
ing companies (Aburub, 2015; Kharuddin et al., 2015; Hong et al., 2016).

ERP implementation for companies to improve company performance requires people who can work
thoroughly and have high dedication. The behavior of employees who voluntarily contribute more in
implementing ERP than the formal reward standards set by the company is called the Organizational
Citizenship Behavior (OCB). The role of employees, especially key users and end-users in ERP, is really
needed to actively participate in implementing ERP so that the implementation process can run well
(Xie et al. 2014). ERP implementation needs to be done by increasing the ability of employees through
adequate empowerment in recalling skills and motivation in order to be able to work efficiently, effec-
tively, and with satisfaction in implementing ERP properly (Rouhani & Mehri, 2018). ERP implemen-
tation in a company requires the ability of employees to understand the company’s business processes
and employee knowledge in conducting organizational cultural organizations (Jayawickrama et al.
2017). The ability of employees to understand in both cases is an extra condition that must be owned by
employees who are on the implementation team so that it is necessary to increase the competence of
understanding business processes, knowledge of ERP packages and organizational culture Competen-
cies possessed by employees exceeding the average employee and volunteering for the company are
OCB practices (Kissi et al., 2019; Zaabi et al., 2016; Carpenter et al., 2014; Suliman & Obaidli, 2013;
Organ, 2006) This study aims to get the role of OCB in accelerating the success of ERP implementation
in enhancing company performance.

2. Literature Review Project resources enterprise planning

Project implementation of enterprise resources planning is an absolute decision making the decision
made by top management by making the considerations that have been determined (Ram & Corkindale,
2014). Panayiotou et al. (2015) state that the project implementation process for the company is carried
out in four stages (Fig. 1), namely the stage of choosing the type of ERP the company wants by collecting
data about ERP that is in line with the company’s business model and can help the company’s processes.
The second stage is conducting business process reengineering or desired business process improvement
in the future so that the ERP function can be directed according to company needs; the third stage is the
company makes a proposal following the needs identified in the second stage as a new business system
to the ERP service provider so ERP packages are offered according to the needs of the company when
it will be implemented. The fourth stage is the implementation phase carried out by the ERP provider
under the functions required by the company following the third stage, and when the ERP is to be im-
plemented, it will carry out an evaluation process by comparing the results of the implementation with
the proposals submitted according to new business needs.

Fig. 1. ERP Project Development System

Source: Adapted from Panayiotou et al., (2015)

Stage 1 (Desirable Functionality)
Information Gathered from ERP

Market Research

Sate 2 BPR (Business Process
Reengineering)/BPI (Business

Process Improvement)

Stage Three (Required Information
Technology) Proposal: List of

Required Functionality

Stage Four (Implementation and
Evaluation ERP)


The Stage of ERP implementation project starts from the management commitment to carry out the ERP
selection process and reaches the implementation stage and then evaluates the implementation following
the company’s wishes in producing a new business process model (Vries & Boonstra, 2012). ERP pro-
jects for companies need to be well managed so that implementation can be achieved according to com-
pany expectations by building good relationships with ERP vendors and consultants (Li et al., 2017).
ERP implementation in the company is project management that involves the use of various resources
owned by the company to complete the project on time in the stages of initiating ERP implementation,
ERP implementation planning, implementing ERP and controlling it (Gupta et al., 2018; Abu-Hussein
et al., 2016). ERP implementation is a high-risk project that has invested a lot of high costs and invest-
ment of man-hours in completing the project because the completion of the implementation is often
delayed and does not meet the specified schedule (Garg & Khurana, 2017).

2.1 Implementation of Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) Project

Implementation of ERP projects in companies when viewed from technology and organization (Gupta
et al., 2018). Technology can be found in several success factors, namely selecting the right ERP pack-
age, information technology infrastructure owned, data integration and ERP testing system, and func-
tionality of ERP systems. As for the organization, the organizational goals of the company can be de-
tailed, reducing the occurrence of resistance to the organization, building excellent communication, fo-
cusing on the implementation strategy, the organization’s budget, business process reengineering/rede-
sign, and project management. ERP implementation for companies provides many benefits that can
improve company performance, but conversely, if the ERP system is not appropriately managed will
threaten the synchronization of functions in the company (Bintoro et al., 2015).

Success factors ERP implementation is essential, determined by user risk, project risk management,
technological risk, team implementation risk, organizational risk, and project performance risk (Garg &
Khurana, 2017). Enterprise system implementation requires extensive resources to be run and imple-
mented well (Jiang et al., 2019). Several factors determine ERP implementation in order to be imple-
mented successfully, namely the commitment of the company’s top management, participation from
users, the readiness of the company’s infrastructure related to software and hardware, vendor support,
and project management goals and objectives (Xie et al., 2014). ERP project implementation requires a
strict project management system in timeliness, hardware, and software compatibility as important in
the success of an ERP project (Abu-Hussein et al., 2016). ERP project implementation is divided into
pre-implementation, ERP implementation cycle, and post-implementation (Jagoda & Samaranayake,
2017). The success of ERP implementation in the healthcare sector in the Jordanian organization is
determined by user training, support from top management, ease of using ERP and ERP user satisfaction
(Almajali et al., 2016). The company’s business needs, changes in industry capacity, organizational pro-
cesses, previous company experience, and organizational structure also influence ERP implementation
in the company (Drummond et al., 2017). The success of an ERP implementation can be determined by
factors in the dimensions of the company’s organization, project implementation, ERP technical, and
organizational culture (Annamalai & Ramayah, 2013). ERP implementation in retail in India has success
factors, according to Garg and Cauhan (2015), namely the organizational structure, technology used,
employees, and project management.

The success of ERP implementation is also determined by the knowledge they have to know how effec-
tive it is in implementing ERP. ERP is an integrated package system that is always owned by the com-
pany in representing business activities in the entire business process of the company (Chang et al.,
2015). The ERP implementer needs to have ERP Package knowledge that consists of system software
and hardware, the knowledge that is owned about the company’s business process so that it can adjust
to ERP package, knowledge of the organizational culture that exists in the company and knowledge of
project management, so that project completion is timely (Jayawickrama et al., 2017). Many previous

Z. J. H. Tarigan et al. / Journal of Project Management 5 (2020) 231

studies have discussed the success of ERP implementation, but researchers adopted the Ram and Cork-
indale (2014) research as an indicator of implementation success related to ERP project implementation
that has been adapted to manufacturing conditions.

2.2 Firm Performance

Company performance is a result or level of success achieved by the company as a whole in a certain
period in carrying out the activities of the company’s business activities. Company performance can be
measured in the financial and non-financial categories (Kharuddin et al., 2015). The company’s perfor-
mance from the company’s operations is measured from non-financial, among other things, on-time
delivery, increased accuracy in forecasting, reducing lead time, increasing services provided after-sales,
and reducing inventory levels (Acar et al., 2017). Organizational ability will increase when the company
has implemented ERP, including company competence (productivity, efficiency, effectiveness), ability
to flexibility, ability to quickness (speed of product delivery to customers), and ability to responsiveness
(Aburub, 2015). Firm performance that is assigned to manufacturing companies in Korea in ERP im-
plementation provides improved performance in financial performance with the perception of reducing
production costs, customer satisfaction based on perceptions and efficiency in the company’s internal
processes (Hong et al., 2016). The company’s operational performance as an achievement and increase
in competitiveness is measured by reducing the company’s operational costs, company customer satis-
faction, reducing the company’s inventory level, increasing the company’s flexibility according to the
conditions faced and increasing the use of available resources (Tarigan et al., 2020). ERP implementa-
tion will also provide convenience for users, key users and top management of the company in improv-
ing company performance measured by management’s ability to make decisions, ease in reducing busi-
ness process activities, ease in allocating resources, reducing company inventory and ease in analyzing
and improving the company (Tarigan et al., 2019).

2.3 Organizational Citizenship Behavior

The companies need to empower the employees in ERP implementation by increasing communication
skills, the ability to convey appropriate information, the ability to grow and to learn, the ability to opti-
mize planning, and the ability to solve problems (Rouhani & Mehri, 2018). Employees work extra in
implementing ERP that requires enormous resources is a behavior of OCB practice (Jha, 2014). The
implementation of ERP involves all functions in the organization and also requires an outside partner as
an ERP consultant or vendor, in customizing and adjusting ERP software and hardware programs to the
business process systems in the company. Adjustments to these two systems require working time ex-
ceeding regular hours or resources that exceed the stipulated provisions (Bilgin et al., 2015). OCB can
be said as employee behavior that exceeds the duties and responsibilities specified in company objec-
tives categorized in 5 dimensions namely courtesy, sportsmanship, altruism, Conscientiousness and
civic virtue (Kissi et al., 2019; Zaabi et al., 2016; Carpenter et al., 2014; Suliman & Obaidli, 2013;
Organs, 2006). Courtesy is an act of employees who can maintain good interpersonal relationships with
work partners. Conscientiousness is a work activity carried out by company employees capable of ex-
ceeding company expectations. Altruism is an action taken by employees to help each other work col-
leagues in completing work/problems encountered. Sportsmanship is an action taken by employees in
building a conducive work atmosphere. Civic virtue is an employee’s actions in generating dedication
that is appropriate or goes beyond organizational development.

ERP implementation for the company is a decision that has been determined by the company’s top man-
agement, along with the ERP vendor. The agreement that has been made through a joint contract and
determined the kick-off time, then the ERP implementation, can be declared already running. The com-
pany’s project manager and key user work together with consultants from the vendor to map the com-
pany’s business systems that are tailored to the system integration in the ERP package. The ERP imple-
mentation highly needed enthusiasm and work from all parties that exceed the standard working time,
study harder to understand ERP systems for key users, understand the company’s business systems in-


depth for ERP vendor consultants, conduct coordination meetings to exceed the meeting habits coordi-
nation all this time. All parties have carried out work activities that exceed the expectations or standard
conditions of the company. Based on the previous explanation, the research model can be determined in
Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. ERP Project Implementation Model for Firm Performance

Based on Fig. 2, the ERP project implementation research model towards firm performance with organ-
izational citizenship behavior as a moderating variable is obtained by the following hypotheses:

H1: ERP implementation projects affects firm performance.
H2: Organization citizenship behavior has an impact on firm performance.
H3: The implementation of ERP projects influences the firm performance with organizational citi-

zenship behavior as a moderating variable.

3. Research Methods

Data collection in this study was carried out by collecting primary data through surveys. Distributing
questionnaires as a form of data collection was assisted by enumerators and received a grant from the
Ministry of Higher Education in Indonesia as a primary research grant. The population in this research
is determined by MM-2100 companies that have implemented ERP in the last five years because the
implementers are still in the industry, and new ERP implementations are stated as go live. Retrieval of
data obtained as many as 61 companies have been collected and ERP implemented in less than five
years. The filling out of the questionnaire was handed over to key users who were always together with
vendors, consultants in dealing with day-to-day implementation activities on an ongoing basis until the
ERP was declared to have been successfully implemented and became a single system running in the
company. The measurement items determined in the study chose from the factors determined by Ram
and Corkindale (2014) which are directly related to the success of ERP project implementation in man-
ufacturing companies and adjusted to the implementation based on interviews with several ERP imple-
mentation practitioners namely project management, training and education, system integration ERP,
business process reengineering, full-time project manager, communication with project teams, custom-
ization, teamwork and team composition, team competence, and ERP selection. Measurements made
for organizational citizenship behavior are used with five indicators courtesy with 4 statement items,
sportsmanship with 4 statement items, altruism with 3 statement items, Conscientiousness with 3 state-
ment items, and civic virtue with 3 statement items. This study uses analysis in SPSS statistics version
25, so each item statement is not written down. As for firm performance in ERP implementation, it is
determined the timeliness of delivery, improvement in forecasting, reducing lead time, reducing com-
pany inventory levels, increasing productivity, increasing efficiency, increasing effectiveness, ability to
flexibility, ability to responsiveness, reducing company operating costs, and increased use of available
resources (Acar et al., 2017; Aburub, 2015; Hong et al., 2016; Tarigan et al., 2020). ERP implementation
in terms of the type of ERP used by the company consists of SAP 35 companies, Oracle 10 companies,
Soft People 5 companies, and 11 companies that have developed their ERP systems. Respondents who
are also ERP key users in charge of planning production 12, sales and distribution 15, accounting 12,
material management 9, SCM department 9, and finance four respondents. Whereas for the human re-

Firm Performance

ERP Project



Organization Citizen-
ship Behavior

Z. J. H. Tarigan et al. / Journal of Project Management 5 (2020) 233

sources module, development is not widely used in the company because the number of company per-
sonnel in that section is relatively small, and module costs are expensive compared to other modules.
The results of the distribution of questionnaires found that the indicators were valid, with the corrected
item-total correlation value was above 0.300 (in all cases between 0.357 and 0.373). The lowest cor-
rected item-total correlation value in the ERP project implementation was 0.357 (system integration
ERP), the lowest in organizational citizenship behavior was 0.383 (likes to help finish the work of col-
leagues work when the person concerned is absent from work), and the lowest value on firm perfor-
mance is 0.373 (increased effectiveness). The measurement model values are shown in Table 1.

Table 1
Descriptive Analysis Result

Criteria Implementation ERP Project Organization citizenship behavior Firm Performance
Reliability 0.8440 0.8510 0.8170

Range statistics 1.8300 2.0500 2.0900
Mean 4.1290 3.9284 4.0705

Standard Deviation 0.4013 0.3982 0.4089
Variance 0.1610 0.1590 0.1670
Skewness -0.1820 -0.2850 -0.5290
Kurtosis -0.1710 1.1180 0.6390

Table 1 illustrated the reliability values of block indicator of each variable. ERP Implementation Project,
organization citizenship behavior, firm performance has fulfilled the specified requirements and can be
said to be reliable as the reliability > 0.70 (the minimum acceptable value).

4. Research Analysis and Discussion

The company’s ability to implement ERP requires support from all parties in the organization, especially
top management commitment (Tarigan et al., 2019), in the form of monitoring and controlling ERP
projects on an ongoing basis. Key users as executors in operations to implement in their respective parts
are assisted by ERP vendors through the concession owned. Collaboration between key users and con-
sultants will produce an ERP project running well and can be used by the company as a single system
that is utilized by all functions. The success of ERP project implementation has a direct impact on firm
performance as the first hypothesis (H1) is obtained by analyzing the direct effect used simple linear
regression and is shown in Table 3. The magnitude of the impact determined by the project implemen-
tation on firm performance was 19.2%.

Table 2
R-Square ERP project implementation of firm performance

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. The error of the Estimate
1 .438a .192 .178 .44095

a. Predictors: (Constant), ERP Project Implementation

Table 3
Direct effect of ERP project implementation on firm performance

Coefficients Beta

Coefficients Beta

t Sig.

Model B Std. Error
Constant 2.832 0.347 8.153 0.000
Implementation ERP Project 0.334 0.089 0.438 3.744 0.000

a. Dependent Variable: Firm Performance

As shown in Table 2, ERP project implementation has a positive and significant effect on firm perfor-
mance with sig. level of 0.000 < 0.05. This result shows that the first hypothesis is accepted. ERP project implementation in the company has an impact on firm performance so that many companies implement ERP to integrate business functions. The integration allows the retrieval of data by the company personal in getting to assess, analyzing data, and making the right decision.


Table 4
R-Square ERP project implementation on firm performance

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square
Std. The error of the Esti-

1 .666a .443 .414 .37234

a. Predictors: (Constant), OCB * ERP, organizational citizenship behavior, Implementation of ERP Project

Furthermore, Table 4 shows that firm performance can be affected by OCB×ERP, organizational citi-
zenship behavior, Implementation of ERP Project up to the R square value of 0.443. This result shows
that the independent variables determine the firm performance of up to 44.30%. The R-square value in
Table 2 compared with the R-square results in Table 4, showing an increase of 25.1%. This finding
means that organizational citizenship behavior as a moderator variable between ERP project implemen-
tation and firm performance.

Table 5
The direct effect of ERP project implementation on firm performance




t Sig. B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 1.028 .461 2.230 .030

ERP Implementation Project .327 .088 .382 3.706 .000
Organization Citizenship behavior .192 .080 .252 2.389 .020

OCB ×ERP .245 .079 .320 3.121 .003
a. Dependent Variable: Firm Performance

The results in Table 5 show that ERP project implementation, has a positive influence on firm perfor-
mance, with sig. Level of 0.000. Concerning the second hypothesis, the result found that organizational
citizenship behavior had a positive and significant effect on firm performance, while the OCB × ERP
value had a significant impact on firm performance as well as to answer the third hypothesis. These
results indicate that the implementation of ERP projects for companies has an impact on improving
company performance. Companies that implement ERP have been able to do internal integration within
the company. Project implementation by the company is very dependent on key users and project man-
agers and consultants. The ERP project implementation obtained the highest average item value in the
training of 4.3770, meaning that the key user stated that the training conducted by the company gave
increased ability and development to understand ERP Package. The second measurement item in project
management found a value of 4.3279. This result shows that the company manages ERP by planning,
implementing, monitoring, and controlling. The average value on the implementation of ERP projects
obtained for 3.8525 – 4.3370. Firm performance as a dependent variable is obtained with the highest
value in, reduction in operating costs of the company by 4.2787 and second highest in increasing accu-
racy in doing forecasting by 4.2131. The average value of firm performance measurement items is at
3.8361-4.2787. Organizational citizenship behavior is at a value between 3.3115 – 4.1803; the highest
value found in the measurement items is always greeted with friends’ office so that relations get better
4.1803 and always coordinate with other functions when ERP data integration is not clear 4.1639.

Based on the results of the analysis shows that the implementation of the ERP project with the imple-
mentation of training provided by the consultant to the key used to customize the ERP system, under-
stand the data flow and data integration and create a structured and well-controlled project management
system, will produce a firm performance for the company. ERP implemented successfully can reduce
company operating costs and also improve the accuracy of company forecasting because the data inte-
gration between functions is obtained with high accuracy and on time. Organization citizenship behavior
that is done by employees by always greeting good friends from the office so that relations get better
and always coordinate with other functions when ERP data integration is not clear will build relation-
ships between employees well. This condition will provide data integration between functions running
well, and collaboration between functions running well will provide better forecasting demand and re-
duced operational costs. Organizational citizenship behavior that has a good relationship between em-

Z. J. H. Tarigan et al. / Journal of Project Management 5 (2020) 235

ployees and external partners (ERP vendors and consultants) always coordinates and collaborates ex-
cellently. The results of the Coordination will establish ERP planning, ERP implementation, evaluation,
and control as project management can run well. Secondly, the ability of employees will increase when
the relationship between employees and partners goes well through well-implemented training and shar-
ing of knowledge between employees as key users can run well. This situation allows the implementa-
tion of ERP projects to carry out the task in the right schedule and integrate the business functions
appropriately to improve company performance.

4. Conclusion

This study has investigated the impact of implementing an enterprise resources planning project on firm
performance and organizational citizenship behavior as a moderating variable. The study has shown that
ERP for manufacturing companies was an opportunity to improve company performance. ERP is a sin-
gle system for companies and can integrate business functions within the company so that one business
function with other businesses can access data quickly and precisely. The ERP system is advanced and
complex so that companies that implement it into project management needs strict schedule manage-
ment. ERP project implementation that is appropriate and following company requirements can improve
company performance in reducing company operating costs and improves accuracy in forecasting. High
organizational citizenship behavior possessed by employees by building good relationships with col-
leagues and ERP vendors can accelerate successful ERP project implementation. Organizational citi-
zenship behavior has an impact on improving company performance when employees can finish the
ERP projects on time and as needed. This research results that Organization citizenship behavior be-
comes a moderating variable between ERP project implementation on firm performance significantly.
This research contributes to project management theory in building relationships between project im-
plementers and ERP Project completion on time. This study also contributes to the ongoing research in
the field of supply chain theory.


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