3 DQ w/student responses & one quick history paper

Original work only … cite text in all original responses… cite text in short history paper … due tomorrow evening at 8pm Monday 3/9/2020 … no plagiarism please .. work is being checked in safe-assign .. 

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Week 9 Discussion Top of Form

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“Legal Liability” Please respond to the following: 

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· Officer Harris, a police officer in Kansas, violated a court order by refusing to arrest Frank, a husband against whom a restraining order had been issued by the court. Officer Harris’s refusal resulted in serious injury to Frank’s wife and daughter. A case is brought against Officer Harris alleging a violation of Section 1983 (federal law) and a violation of Kansas state tort law. Will Officer Harris be liable under one or both of these laws? Justify your answer.

· Reply to the post of at least one of your classmates with a meaningful reply that compares or contrasts the classmate’s post to yours or adds further insight into the topic.  A meaningful Reply will typically contain at least 100 words.

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Hilda Duarte

RE: Week 9 Discussion

Section 1983 has been defined as a lawsuit against an officer, supervisor, and/or the department which must meet two requirements: 1) The defendant was acting under color of law and 2) There was a violation of a right given by the Constitution or federal law.

Officer Harris’s actions, violated the rights of Frank’s wife and daughter, by refusing to arrest Frank, which led to them getting harmed. If he had been arrested as instructed by the judge, this harm could have been prevented. Under the color of law is when an officer uses their power and in this case, he made his own decision to not arrest the offender. It was out of his own power and decision. In my opinion, because of the power he felt he had, he felt that he could refuse to arrest Frank. ” An officer acts under color of law even if he or she acts against lawful authority” (Del Carmen). 

I also believe that Officer Harris is liable under Kansas state tort law. A tort is a civil wrong, that results in the action of one person, which causes injury to the person or property of another, is a violation of a legal duty imposed by the law. This would be Officer Harris’s refusal to arrest Frank that resulted in the injury of the wife and daughter. it would be classified as a negligent tort as he failed to protect two members of the public. 

– Hilda

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Week 9 Discussion

The 5 Ks of Sikhism and the issues they raise for modern Sikhs.


Please respond to the following:

After 9/11, many Sikhs were persecuted by people in America who mistook them for Muslims. The wearing of turbans by men, the “Middle Eastern” looks, etc. In August 2012, seven people were shot and killed at a Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, because the killer mistook them as Muslims. At the same time, adherents like Sheena Khandari (p. 451: read this!) are having to rethink their outward expressions of faith.

Examine the 5 Ks of Sikhism. These are the ultimate expressions of faith in Sikhism.

1) Which intrigues you the most? Why? 

2) Sheena says it is not the outward expression of religion that matters; instead, it is what is inside that counts. Is this a cop out or the sign of a genuine struggle to retain her faith in light of today’s realities?

3) Should America adapt to Sikh customs (for example, Sikh policemen being allowed to wear turbans instead of helmets or hats) or should they adapt to American customs? To get full credit for this question, you need to locate one web source–blog, video, website–that supports your views and share it with the class)

Jamie Evans

RE: Week 9 Discussion

Examine the 5 Ks of Sikhism. These are the ultimate expressions of faith in Sikhism.

1. Which intrigues you the most? Why?

Out of the 5Ks the one that most intrigues me is the Kesh which is uncut hair. It is visual symbol that you have accepted Sikhism and indicates strength and holiness. It intrigues me because they are not able to cut any of their hair regardless whether your man or a woman.  I think of how society has gotten now with physical appearance and think how people view men and women who practice Sikhism.

1. Sheena says it is not the outward expression of religion that matters; instead, it is what is inside that counts. Is this a cop out or the sign of a genuine struggle to retain her faith in light of today’s realities?


I believe that that there is some truth that it is what is inside that matters, however I also believe that the outward expression is just as important. In any religion your faith is just as important to practice outside church as it is inside the Church. The same would apply in this case with Sikhism. If the 5ks are to represent their life and devotion, then it’s just as important to practice.

1. Should America adapt to Sikh customs (for example, Sikh policemen being allowed to wear turbans instead of helmets or hats) or should they adapt to American customs? To get full credit for this question, you need to locate one web source–blog, video, website–that supports your views and share it with the class)


I believe that Americans should adapt to Sikh customers. We are always talking about equality and respecting people’s religion, background and ethnicity then I think we should respect that.  However, my personal take on it as well is that if there is a requirement to wear certain articles of clothing required for the job then regardless you should be required to wear it.  In this case if the hat was optional and no requirement then I think it would be acceptable if it met uniform requirements. A good example of this is in the article link below where New York is allowing Sikh to wear turbines if they are blue.




Jamie Evans

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HIS 105 WK9 DQ

Week 9 Discussion Top of Form

Total views: 29 (Your views: 1)

Part 1: Post a Response

By the 1990s, the US was stepping into the “Information Age”. This would coincide with the presidency of Bill Clinton. One can also see this as a period when global connections really became more visible and faster, in part because of new trade agreements around the globe. In North America, there was NAFTA—the North American Free Trade Agreement. By the late 1990s the US economy was entering a dynamic period of growth.

Choose and discuss one of the following two topics related to the American history under President Clinton:

1. Discuss opposing viewpoints about free trade during the 1990s.

. For the period of the Clinton presidency, identify one view of those favoring “free trade” and one view of those who were opposed.


Explain how you would weigh the pros and cons of this policy. In hindsight, what is your view of NAFTA? Is globalization good?

. Identify the source(s) where you read about these “free trade” issues of that time.

· Discuss the “economic rebound” of the late 1990s under President Clinton.

. Identify three of the “package” of changes that characterized the economic boost of the “information revolution” in the late 1990s.

. Discuss and explain what you think was the most important of these changes. What can we learn from that sort of period of economic rebound?

. Identify the source(s) where you read about these changes during the late 1990s. For guidance, view this short video.

Part 2: Respond to a Peer

Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections

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Deborah Dawkins

RE: Week 9 Discussion Top of Form

Total views: 19 (Your views: 1)


Hi Classmates, Professor 

discuss opposing viewpoints about free trade during the 1990s


For the period of the Clinton presidency, identify one view of those favoring “free trade” and one aspect of those who were opposed


It was signed into law on October 10, 2000, by United States Bill Clinton opened free trade with China? H.W. Bush signed the original agreement, Clinton signed it into law after it was ratified. North American Free Trade Agreement is a trade agreement

 signed by the governments of Canada, Mexico, and the United States;

    Clinton’s was marked by numerous successes, including the passage by Congress of the North American Free Trade Agreement, which created a free-trade zone for the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The goal of NAFTA was to eliminate barriers to trade and investment between the US, Canada, and Mexico Clinton, as well as then Rep. Sanders, voted against the Trade Act of 2002. which expanded duty-free exports from Colombia.

For the period of the Clinton presidency, identify one view of those favoring “free trade” and one aspect of those who were opposed

During the Clinton presidency, free trade secures all the benefits of the international division of labor. Bill Clinton thought by creating a free trade zone in North America, the largest free trade zone in the world would expand U.S. exports would create jobs and ensure that our economy was reaping the benefits, not the burdens of globalization. Each country will specialize in the production of those goods in which it has a comparative advantage over its trading partners. It leads to the optimum and efficient utilization of resources. And, hence, the economy in production. Because of unrestricted trade, global output increases since specialization, efficiency make production a large scale. Free trade enables countries to obtain goods at a lower price. 

    This leads to a rise in the standard of living of people in the world. Free trade leads to higher production, higher consumption, and higher all-round international prosperity. Free trade enables each country to get commodities that it cannot produce at all or can only produce inefficiently. Products and raw materials unavailable domestically can be procured through free movement even at a low price. NAFTA, negotiated during the Bush 41 administration, virtually ignored the pleas of unions and the working class, signed by Bill Clinton and ratified with near-unanimous support of Republican Senators and a handful of conservative Democrats.

Explain how you would weigh the pros and cons of this policy. In hindsight, what is your view of NAFTA? Is globalization good?

Oil companies were able to import oil at a lower price from Canada and Mexico. This made the U.S. less reliant on countries such as Venezuela, Iran; It lowered food prices. It made the car industry more competitive since vehicle parts were made in Mexico for less money; this was also a disadvantage as 600.000 jobs were lost. This cost-cutting allowed U.S. car manufacturers to compete with Japanese and German ones. It allowed bidding across borders on government contracts, therefore lowering costs for governments. When NAFTA was approved, it was the first true free trade agreement the U.S. entered. At the time, we have much stricter environmental laws and lower wages than Mexico. As a result, free trade would allow companies to move their factories south of the border and take advantage of lower wages and weaker environmental protections. That was the prediction, and it has mostly come true. Results in the loss of may American Manufacturing jobs to Mexico NAFTA was good for diplomatic relations. It leads to suppressing wages. The manufacturing sector of the U.S. economy suffered the most massive job losses in the wake of NAFTA; Wages decreased in many other industries that do not require workers to have a college degree.

What is your view of NAFTA? Is globalization good?

My views on NAFTA. The worst part about NAFTA, though, is that it was never meant to benefit Americans or American workers. It was entirely conceived and implemented to help corporate interests in the U.S. and Mexico, and it did succeed there. The trend continues today, with agreements we are working on in Asia, Africa, and Europe. Yes, I think Globalization is good. Because, It also provides developing countries, through infusions of foreign capital and technology, with the chance to develop economically.

Furthermore, by spreading prosperity increase meaningful employment, and enhance the skill base of their economy, increases the transfer of technology and the know-how to use it properly, and improve social and environmental conditions.

Deborah Dawkins 




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1. BEFORE SUBMISSION–AND BEFORE REALLY STARTING ON THE DOING OF THIS PAPER, please make use of the following links (if trouble with any link, try this–right click and “open in new window”; sometimes an item will flash to the top or bottom of your screen or go to a downloads folder):  

1. INSTRUCTION SHEET for Assignment 3–with key details: 

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2. WRITING GUIDE for Assignment 3: 

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   (tip–print this out; keep handy)

3. Outline/Template for Assignment 3: 

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4. SOURCES AND TIPS for Assignment 3:  

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6. VIDEO HELP on doing Assignment 3 (if needed, right-click and open in new window): 



America as Superpower–Confrontation in a Nuclear Age (1947-Present)


Assignment 3: America as Superpower-Confrontation in a Nuclear Age (1947-Present)

Due Week 9 and worth 120 points

In Assignment 3, we ask you to write about America’s international superpower role for the long period since World War II to the present using a Writing Guide provided in Blackboard. Your paper must use a minimum of three sources from the list provided below.

Your first step to completing this paper is to pick your topic. Below you will find two lists; one refers to Cold War period (1947-1990) examples of confrontation and one list provides examples of confrontations occurring in the Post-Cold War period (1991-Present). Each example will involve a specific strategic concern and confrontation. Review the examples below and choose one strategic concern and one confrontation from each time period to focus on in your paper. Once you have chosen your examples, review the sources noted below.

Be sure to review the other help (documents or video) provided by your instructor. For information on the SWS format, see the “Strayer Writing Standards” tab on the course menu.

Cold War period (1947-1990) possible examples – choose one strategic concern and one confrontation that illustrates that concern:

. Cold War strategic concerns: Containment, Domino Theory, “MAD Doctrine”

. Cold War confrontations: Berlin Airlift; Korean War; Vietnam War; Cuban Missile Crisis

Post-Cold War period (1991-Present) possible examples – choose one strategic concern and one confrontation that illustrates that concern:

. Post-cold War strategic concerns: Terrorism, Rogue States; WMD

. Post-Cold War confrontations: First Persian Gulf War; Invasion of Afghanistan; Invasion of Iraq;

. Bombing of Libya (2011)

Sources: Schultz, p. 462-7, 485-8, 499-506, 535-540, 560-7.

Besides the Schultz text, you must use any two (or more) of the following sources that relates to your paper:

George H. W. Bush. March 6, 1991. Address before a Joint Session of the Congress on the Cessation of the Persian Gulf Conflict.


B. Caplan. Sept. 9, 2019. The Domino Theory Reconsidered.

The Domino Theory Reconsidered

S. Chace. Summer, 2015. The Cuban Missile Crisis: Leadership as Disturbance, Informed by History.


Winston Churchill. March, 1946. Iron Curtain Speech, Fulton College, Missouri.

The Sinews of Peace (‘Iron Curtain Speech’)

John F. Dulles. January 2, 1954. Secretary Dulles’ Strategy of Massive Retaliation.


Hickman. Aug. 9, 2019. History of Containment Policy.


McNamara. July 3, 2019. Why Did the US Enter the Vietnam War?


K. Musili. August 1, 2017. What is a Rogue State? WorldAtlas.


Colin Powell. February 6, 2003. Transcript of Powell’s UN Presentation.


Robins-Early. March 7, 2015. Was the 2011 Libya Intervention a Mistake? Huffington Post.


Victor. Dec. 21, 2018. Need a Refresher on the War in Afghanistan? Here are the Basics. New York Times.

Wilde. June 20, 2019. What is Mutually Assured Destruction? Thoughtco.



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Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

. Use the

Strayer Writing Standards (SWS)

. The format is different than other formats like APA. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.

. Be typed, double spaced between lines, using Times New Roman font, Calibri, Arial, or Courier (size 10, 11, or 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and sources must follow SWS format. You must have a Sources list at the end; each source listed must also be cited in the body of the paper with an in-text citation.

. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the Sources page are not included in the required assignment page length.

. The body of the paper should be five paragraphs and a total of 500-to-800 words in length. The 500 minimum is firm; you really have not adequately developed the paper if less than that. The 800 maximum is a loose guideline. The body of the paper is to be double-spaced. Typically, if you follow these instructions, the body of your paper will be 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 pages in length; add a page for your title page and another for your sources list and that then gets to 4-1/2-to 5-1/2. But the length requirement is evaluated by word count.

The paper must be submitted (uploaded and attached) in the course shell provided online.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

. Discuss the rise of the United States to a world “superpower” from 1940 to the present day and how the formal international policies of government influenced the role of America as a policeman of the world.

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