3 Discussion Questions, 3 Student Reponses

3 short discussion questions and 3 Student Responses … needed tomorrow Sunday, September 20, 2020 around 3pm can not be late. 

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CRJ430: Advanced Law Enforcement

Week 11 Discussion

Part 1: “Putting It All Together” Please respond to the following:

Specify the top three (3) concepts or skills you learned in this course that you believe will be the most useful to you in your present or future professional career or education. Provide at least one (1) specific example to support your response.

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Explain the main reasons why these three (3) concepts or skills you described are important to someone in the field of advanced law enforcement.

Part 2: Respond to the Student below

Theresa Thompson

RE: Week 11 Discussion

Good morning Professor,

One of the concepts that I have learned is about police integrity and the line of deception the importance that officers should always be truthful in performing their duties.

2. Police operations and how officers have to adapt to the change of society and dealing with those who suffer from mental illness.

3. Peer to peer counseling. This can be very helpful for officers experiencing issues with their daily lives as well as their professional lives.

All of these concepts and skills can be helpful in criminal justice because without integrity and having ethical values the work that people do won’t have any value to the one performing duties. In today’s society, the police have their hands full in trying to discern who may need mental help and recognizing the signs of someone suffering from that. Peer on peer counseling can help one to cope with the many issues that one may face while trying to perform duties.

SOC205: Society, Law and Government

Week 11 Discussion Attachment

Part 1: Describe the most important 1–2 concepts that you learned in this class. If your viewpoints toward the court system and the judicial process have changed during this course, explain the manner in which you specifically believe your viewpoint has changed. If you have not changed your viewpoint, provide evidence from this class that you believe supports your views.

Part 2: Build on a classmate’s post by asking questions, offering thoughtful ideas, or sharing personal connections. Be sure to demonstrate respect for classmates’ comments. Classmate Below

Jaydah Bolger

RE: Week 11 Discussion

Hello Classmates and Professor,

I have to say that the most 1-2 concepts that I’ve learned are everything. I’m having a hard time trying to pick 1-2 concepts because I learned a lot from this class. Each time I take a new class from this school I always learn something new that I am able to walk away from and say that Yes in this class that I learned something or when my boyfriend and I or family talking about a topic sometimes I will just randomly. But if I had to pick 1-2 concepts it would be week three when we were talking about the supreme court and the judicial branch, and the second one I would pick is from week four when we were talking about the judicial selection from our state, I didn’t know that our state went through all that for judicial selection. I always love starting school up and take classes I never had before because I learn new things and I get to tell people what I learned. and what it is that I liked about the classes that I take. This is a great class and you are a great teacher.

WRK110: The Confidence Advantage

Week 11 Discussion

Part 1: How have the strategies you’ve learned throughout this course helped you begin mastering your career confidence? Describe how you plan to use what you’ve learned to build, apply, maintain, and/or project your confidence in the workplace.

What advice would you give another student regarding their plan to harness the power of their confidence at work?

Part 2: Respond to one or more of your classmates post. (Respond Below)

Theresa Thompson

RE: Sample Response & Peer Reply

Good morning Professor,

The skills that I have learned from this course is to use my failures as a stepping stone to push forward in my life. I have learned to be myself and not comprise to please others. Also, I have learned to keep pushing forward building my confidence to complete the tasks that have been difficult. I have learned to rise above all of the negative things in my life so that I can graduate on the dean’s list. I did not let anything interfere with the school work I needed to do my best to reach for the stars.

I would tell another student to keep pushing no matter how hard that mountain looks that they could overcome it. I would tell them to always be their self and not to comprise on their ethics. Also, to keep pushing forward because that goal they are after is right within their reach.

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