2D or 3D Animation

Dear Homeworkmarket Community,I’m looking for someone who can create a 2D or 3D animation. The animation can be something simple, such as a random character walking. However, I would like it if the animation could be at least a minute long, possible a short story with a cut off, it doesn’t have to be complete.Please show me previous work if possible, highly recommend you show me previous work before we start. Send it through email. Or I can add you on skype.Due Date: April 8, 2017.More Details:- I need the files of the project, so I can always edit it myself.- I need to know what you used to create it, what program. Example: “Adobe Animate CC”. or “3D autodesk”. Whichever program is best for you.- How long did it take you to create it? (Days, hours, etc…)- What was the process of the creation. (Give me a rough idea. Point out the main parts of what you used in the program to create the animation.)- If you have any questions, they will be answered.

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