2500+ words Essay Business Plan


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New Venture Creation

TERM 1 (only) Affiliate Students assessment guidelines

In order to fulfil the requirements of the affiliate programme for this course, in

addition to your team-based assignment ‘business plan’, you will need to submit a

written assignment of 2,500 words. The module is assessed 50% by your contribution

to the business plan project; and 50% – by the written assignment of 2,500 words. In

your 2,500-words’ assignment you are expected to choose one of the following

companies (Airbnb, Netflix, EasyJet), and using a range of publicly available

resources, to prepare a report to inform the development of an innovative product,

service or process that extends, transforms (or even disrupts) some part of that

company’s activities. Prepare your report along the following lines: (a) company

background; (b) description of current products/activities; (c) your product/service

overview; (d) what problems does your product/service is to address or solutions to

offer; (e) what advantages does it have compared to analogue products in the market;

(f) how does it fit the company’s current product/service portfolio, and is expected to

benefit its future performance.

Deadline for submitting your second assignment: you must upload it on Moodle by

the 13th of January 2020.

Your coursework will be assessed according to the following criteria:

Analysis and argument

 Clear, well organised structure

 Relevance to question

 Main issues and themes identified and explored

 Evidence of original thought, analysis and execution

 Ability to relate evidence to theory

 Good referencing with bibliography (use either Harvard or Chicago citation

Communication skills

 Clear expression

 Accurate grammar and syntax

 Accurate typing

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