2 Papers, 3 Discussion Questions and 3 Student Responses

ON TIME WORK ONLY  …LATE WORK WILL WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Due Sunday, August 23, 2020 at 12 noon … 2 papers due … one already started, (WRK110 Rough Draft) just do an introduction, conclusion and tweak the remainder of the paper, I.e. grammar & structure.  Second Paper is in criminal justice (CRJ430). please follow directions. 3 discussion questions (CRJ430, SOC205 and WRK110) along with 3 helpful student responses … Thank you 

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Criminal Justicepapers

Renee Bridgeman

Cultivating Confidence

Write an introductory paragraph describing Cheryl and her situation. Introduce the four strategies you’ve used to let Cheryl know you have a plan to help her gain confidence at work. Be Yourself, Push Yourself, Learn from the Past, and Be Positive

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Cheryl has the right idea, she wants to advance but she is skeptical. If she is authentic in her approach she will get better results. Genuinely people tend to hear when are not authentic in your voice. Find ways your personality can come out when talking to customers. You can tell a joke or just start a conversation about something they might like. Do not be discouraged if someone does not want to buy extra products. There will be someone who will purchase a product and it will start to build your confidence.

By Cheryl pushing herself in her customer service position she could reach her sales goal. She must build the confidence she needs to persuade customer adding premium channel is what they really want. Cheryl May want to research other companies and write down what the offer versus what TelCom offers. Bring able to up sell your company to a customer impresses a lot of people.

Cheryl can learn from her past mistakes and not give up. She can suggest to her manager to implement a better script for her to read. This script can incorporate things Cheryl believes that can help bring the customer on board. When you become proactive in your success it helps builds your confidence.

Cheryl can use Queen Latifah’s fifth Law of Confidence “Be Positive “ to help build her confidence at work by reframing negative thoughts and behaviors. Never use words like can’t, won’t and I give up. Use your strengths to get you where you want to be. Change your behavior, by not giving up. Look for ways to help your self through out the day like positive affirmations.

Provide a summary of why you think the strategies you chose from Queen Latifah Laws of Confidence will help Cheryl build up her confidence at work. How will cultivating her confidence contribute to her success in her career?

WRK 115: The Confidence Advantage

Week 7 Assignment

1. Click the link above that says “Week 7 Assignment 2” to submit your assignment.

Make sure to read the detailed instructions and the scoring guide (rubrics) of 

Assignment 2


Step 1: Complete the activities in your Webtext for Weeks 4, 5, 6, and 7.

Step 2: Download and edit your work.

Step 3: Submit to Blackboard using the Week 7 Assignment 2 link.


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 Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). 

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See attached Assignment Rough Draft

WRK110: The Confidence Advantage

Week 7 Discussion

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In Chapter 7 of the Webtext, you learned the importance of reframing your negative self-talk into positive self-talk. Now, follow the three-step process on page 7.3 of the Webtext to reframe your own negative self-talk and share it with your class. (Please be sure not to reuse an example that was already given in the Webtext.)

Then, respond to one or more of your peers’ posts by suggesting a different way they could reframe their negative self-talk into positive self-talk.

*WEB Text CH 7…. Page 7.3

The Confidence Advantage

7 Be Positive / Page 7.3 Changing Your Self-Talk

Changing Your Self-Talk

YOU have the ability to pump yourself up or drag yourself down by the way you talk to yourself.

We all have bad days or face career curveballs that make us more likely to use negative self-talk. The good news is that it’s possible to catch yourself doing it, and change your negatives into positives.

The process of changing negative self-talk to positive self-talk is called reframing. Here are the three simple steps you can use to help you reframe your self-talk:

Step 1: Identify Negative Self-Talk

Turn your “I can’t” into an “I can.”

iStock/Getty Images

Pay attention to your self-talk over the next few days.

What negative self-talk pops up when things get tough, like when you’re running late or when you have a bad day at work? What worries or doubts come to mind as you’re trying to reach your goals? Do you notice any repeated or frequent negative thoughts?

Step 2: Evaluate the Thoughts

After you have identified your negative self-talk, ask yourself whether the thoughts are accurate or irrational.

Are you overreacting? Are you being too hard on yourself? Are you comparing yourself to others in an unrealistic way? Would a friend feel the same way about you that you do?

Pay attention to how these thoughts make you FEEL. Negative self-talk robs you of your confidence and is not helpful to you.

Step 3: Reframe Your Thoughts

Now that you’ve identified and evaluated your self-talk, it’s time to reframe and change the negative thoughts into positive ones. For each of the negative thoughts, create an alternative phrase that replaces the negative part with something positive. Each time the old thoughts creep back in, train yourself to use positive self-talk instead. You’ll notice how the positive thoughts boost your confidence and help you feel assured in your abilities and qualities. Check out the chart below for some examples.



“Everyone else in my department gets away with doing nothing while I pull all the weight. And when they actually do work, I have to go fix their mistakes.”

“I’m the best in my department, and I’m also a team player. I can’t always fix my teammates’ mistakes, but I can help them learn from the mistakes they make so that we can all work more effectively.”

“I can’t complete that project in two days. My boss is setting me up to fail!”

“I know the deadline is tight, but if I manage my time wisely, I can complete it.”

“Going back to college while working full-time was a stupid idea. It’s impossible to do all the reading and assignments and still have a social life.”

“I knew that going back to school while working full-time would be challenging. However, I know that the hard work and sacrifice will be worth it, even if I have to scale back my social life.”

Reframing your self-talk isn’t about lying to yourself and pretending that things are better than they really are. It’s about whether the way you think about your situation is accurate and helpful or irrational and damaging. If your thoughts aren’t helping you reach success, creating a different, positive way of thinking about the situation can give you the confidence you need to succeed.

Multiple-Choice Question

Which of the following is an example of reframing the following statement? “I can’t complete two courses and work full-time this semester. It’s way too overwhelming.”

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· I need everything to go perfectly, but as long as I have good luck, everything should work out fine.

· Trying to work and go to school at the same time is pointless, so I should prioritize one to focus on, and quit the other.

· I don’t really like these classes. They don’t make sense to me. If things don’t get more interesting soon, I’ll just withdraw.

· I will have to manage my time closely and be prepared for some bumpy days, but I can work through each of these successfully.

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Meet Stefanie

After seven years of working her way up the ladder at a graphic design firm, Stefanie was recently promoted to be a partner. She’s the first female to join the upper management team at her company. With two graduate degrees, Stefanie is very qualified to help run the business. She’s respected throughout the company for being great at her job and a wonderful manager to those who work under her.

But since getting her promotion, Stefanie has been plagued by doubt and negative self-talk. She says to herself, “What if I don’t really deserve this role? Should I have stayed in a lower position where I know I could perform well? Will the others on the management team take me seriously?” Her negativity has shaken her confidence, causing her to talk less in meetings, doubt her ideas, and stumble through presentations.

But with the advice of a trusted mentor, Stefanie has been working to reframe her negative self-talk into positive self-talk. Before heading into presentations and meetings, she assures herself that she was chosen for the role because she is qualified and experienced. She tells herself that the promotion is a great opportunity for her to grow and learn. She reminds herself that the entire upper management team voted for her to join their ranks because they respect her and because she deserves the role. Her positive self-talk pays off, and Stefanie quickly regains the confidence she lost and begins building new confidence for the future.

Reframing helped Stefanie fuel her confidence, and it can do the same for you. But reframing your negative self-talk is just one of the ways you can practice being positive.

Sample Response & Peer Reply

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Sample Response

I experienced negative self-talk when I thought that I didn’t deserve to succeed.  I kept telling myself that I’m not worthy of progressing in my career.  I believed that everyone around me is somehow smarter or more deserving of success than me. When I applied the first step in the process, I noticed that the negative self-talk began when I was assigned a new project.  I couldn’t understand why my boss asked me to take on the task because I felt like I wasn’t good enough.  

When I applied step two of the process, I realized that I was blowing things out of proportion.  I had been assigned tasks in the past and performed to the best of my ability, and she was pleased with the results. I realized that feeling insecure was the result of my negative thinking and it distracted me from seizing the opportunity to show my boss that I could do the work.  Once I reframed my thinking, the final step of the process, I developed new thoughts.  I told myself that it was okay to be nervous.  I succeeded in the past with new projects, and this project will add to my current skills and abilities.  In the long run, I’m going to gain a unique experience that will help me advance in my career.  

Ima Strong-Student

Sample Peer Reply

Hi, Ima.  I think we can all relate to your experience. I also think you could reframe your negative thinking by focusing more or something that you mentioned in your response.  It sounds like you have a history with your boss.  Since you’ve worked together on past projects, you can reframe your negative thinking by focusing on her level of trust for you.   When your boss assigns you a new project consider yourself her go-to-person when she wants a job well-done.  If you reframe your thinking this way, your anxiety might turn to motivation and excitement, which you can use to drive the project.  What do you think? Does this sound like something that might work for you based on your experience?  I’d love to know your thoughts.  

Justin Thyme

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Part 2: Student Response

Theresa Thompson

RE: Sample Response & Peer Reply

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Good morning Professor,

There was a time when I did experience a negative thought. That time happened when me and my children were attending church with my neighbor. Things were hard for us and the kids could not go to school because of the gangs driving by shooting as kids were getting out of school. One of the members stood up and prophesied to us saying that he saw us moving to a new city and that things were going to get better for us. My children and I looked at each other because we knew our situation and that was an impossible so we thought. But as time went by what that man said to me kept resonating in my head. Anyway, a year later my sister had moved to Indianapolis and invited us to come for a visit. We enjoyed Indianapolis so much that I began making plans to leave. Somehow I started telling myself that I could do this and make a new life for us. In June of 1994, I made the transition from  Chicago to Indianapolis, and life has been so much better for us. Not a day goes by that I don’t remember what that man said to be. So yes his vision did come true and it gave me the motivation I needed to make a change for the better.

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CRJ430:Advance Law Enforcement Assignment 3

Week 7

1. Assignment 3: Developing an Investigation Plan

Due Week 7 and worth 120 points

Read the case below and complete this assignment.

A child was playing in a local park with his brother. A car pulled up as they were leaving the playground. A man inside the car motioned for the two (2) boys to come over. The man asked the two (2) boys where the nearest convenience store was located. He then stated that he was not familiar with the area and asked the boys to show him the way and he would take them home afterwards. He also stated that he would buy them whatever they wanted if they agreed to show him. The youngest brother got into the car with the man and they drove away. The older sibling ran home and told his mother what had happened. The younger brother was not heard from that night and a report was made to the police. The next day a body was found in a dumpster behind a local garage. It was the younger brother, who had been strangled to death and was nude.

Imagine that you are the lead investigator in this case and develop a two to three (2-3) page investigation plan in which you:

1. Outline the main steps that you would take immediately as it relates to the investigation of this case. Support your response.

2. Propose your methods for evidence collection. Next, predict the main evidence that you would expect to find regarding the investigation of the death of the boy and the arrest of the suspect. Support your response.

3. Propose the main investigative techniques that you would use to investigate the murder in this case. Provide a rationale for your response.

4. Use at least two (2) quality academic resources as references, such as journal articles, newspapers, magazines, and publications from law enforcement associations. Note: Wikipedia, blogs, and similar websites do not qualify as quality academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

. This course requires use of new

Strayer Writing Standards (SWS)

. The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.

. Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

. Discuss the theoretical undertones of policing strategies (i.e., community policing, patrol patterns).

. Develop a clear understanding of proper investigative techniques associated with violent and property crimes.

. Discuss the proper methods for evidence collection.

. Use technology and information resources to research advanced issues in law enforcement.

. Write clearly and concisely about advanced issues in law enforcement using proper grammar and mechanics.

. Discuss ideological and practical positions and debate controversial issues in policing.

CRJ 430:Advanced Law Enforcement

Week 7 Discussion

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Part 1:

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“Undercover Operations”  Please respond to the following:

· It is well known that undercover operations can be very dangerous for officers. Identify three (3) possible dangers that officers involved in undercover investigations might face. Next, suggest the mitigating actions that officers can take in order to reduce the dangers in question. Provide a rationale for your response.

· Imagine you are the director of a transit police department that is charged with securing both rail and bus services. Statistics show that you have major occurrences of robberies, juvenile violence, and illegal drug activities not only on the buses and trains operated by the transit authority, but also at the hubs where passengers migrate to board and transfer as they travel. Propose one (1) overall strategy in which you combine problem-oriented policing and investigation to tackle the identified issues. Provide a rationale for your response.

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Theresa Thompson

RE: Week 7 Discussion

Good morning Professor,

One of the dangers and officer could face will performing uncover duties is:

1. They put their lives in danger while being undercover and risk their covers being blown which then could result in bodily harm or death. Moreover, the officer could be new and inexperienced at the task they are performing which then could also result in unknown danger to the officer.Once the assignment is completed they may have to go into witness protection.

2. The officers family can also be put at risk for this job because the job can involve the officers complete life on or off the job.

3.Officers may become what they started out pretending to be. They may get so consumed in what operation they are performing and in reality get involved with criminal activity.

Transit authority policing:K

As a transit director I would enlist the help of the transit police to assess the areas where crime is taking place and collect data on the number of crimes being committed and have them set up stake outs in the hot spots and make sure that the CCTV are working properly in order to get video evidence of a crime being committed. Also I would have fixed transit patrols along with K-9 patrols.




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SOC 205: Society, Law and Government

Week 7 Discussion

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Part 1:

Americans prefer to elect judges and sometimes do this on a party basis. Should a judge’s political party affiliation or his personal values affect the way he or she makes decisions on the bench? Describe the impact of making decisions with those biases. Is there an inherent inconsistency in these preferences? Explain.

Build on a classmate’s post by asking questions, offering thoughtful ideas, or sharing personal connections. Be sure to demonstrate respect for classmates’ comments

Part 2: Student Response

Andre Fuller

RE: Week 7 Discussion

Hey Class and Professor,

I do believe that Americans will elect the judges based on their party. But in the end sometimes the party that is showing that they give a care about what is going on their cities and other areas. Judges can be the focus on helping young kids and grown adults in having a better life. Judges are the power to make decisions a criminal will go to prison or force young juveniles to face reality. Judges that make a change in the community will help strive young men and women understand that their life is precious. No matter what party is elected to the bench no the biases can trigger certain things in life. If a judge makes the decision to not care about others and focus on what is really going on the bench. A judge can help lead instead of focusing on what the party needs. I don’t really believe that it is. Yes there is inherent inconsistency going around when it comes down to certain parties. Best way for us a Americans is to work together and stop against the real factor which is helping the young juveniles stay out prisons and have parents wanting to be there for their children

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4Be Yourself / Page 4.



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Graphic with a quote from Queen Latifah reading, “Be bold, be brave enough to be your true self.”

Clint McFarlin/Soomo Learning

CBS/Getty Images

Last week you learned to identify the values, strengths, and challenges that make you YOU!

But knowing yourself isn’t enough.

In this chapter, you’ll learn the secret to Queen Latifah’s second Law of Confidence—BE YOURSELF.

You’ll discover how letting go of your fear and allowing your uniqueness to shine will POWER your confidence in ways you never thought possible!


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Why do you think it’s important to be yourself?

It is important to be myself because it is what makes me happy. Today everyone sees popularity as the way to be, but having value in who you are is the only way.

— Renee – July 27, 2020, at 2:28 p.m. EDT

Posted 2

4 days ago

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4Be Yourself / Page 4.2 Being Yourself Is Harder Than You Think

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Graphic with a quote from Queen Latifah reading, “Don’t rob the world of the only you there is. Be yourself. And be proud of it.”

Clint McFarlin/Soomo Learning

People have probably been telling you to “be yourself” since you were a child. Going on a job interview? “Just be yourself.” Meeting someone new off of Match.com? “Just be yourself.”

When people say “be yourself,” what they really mean is to be authentic. The word “authentic” comes from “authenteo,” which means “to have full power.” To be authentic is to recognize that only YOU have the power to define who you are. And that power is what fuels our confidence!

In this week’s Strayer Story, you learned how Queen Latifah broke the mold at Covergirl when she agreed to start representing the brand. Queen Latifah knew who she was, and she knew that she wasn’t going to be just another fashion model. She wanted to be a real role model for the millions of women of color who were underrepresented in the makeup aisle every day.
Being herself, being authentic, helped Queen Latifah harness the power of her confidence AND successfully inspire a new generation. 

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Describe why you think being authentic gives you power in your behavior and choices.

Being authentic is defined as being genuine, real not fake and copied. Being true to ones self influences your choices and behavior. 

— Renee – July 27, 2020, at 4:17 p.m. EDT

Posted 24 days ago. Show Responses ?
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Graphic of a Queen Latifah quote reading, “I’ve learned through trial and error that being me is the only way to be.”

Clint McFarlin/Soomo Learning

Being authentic should be easy, right? After all, there’s only one you. So, why does being yourself feel so difficult? Why is it scary to stand out from the crowd?

We get information about the way we should act and behave from all around us—from our friends, parents, teachers, and bosses to what we read in magazines and see on TV. And the pressure we feel to “fit in” only gets stronger over time. Here’s the problem. When you give in to that peer pressure and worry too much about external validation, you stop being your authentic self. And while it might be normal for children to try to mimic their peers, it can be dangerous to your confidence to continue seeking external validation as an adult.

In Chapter 3 you began identifying the strengths, weaknesses, and values that make you YOU, and you also learned why your strengths and values should align with your career in order to amplify your confidence. But knowing who you are isn’t enough; if you’re not actually BEING YOURSELF out of fear of not fitting in, you’re limiting the power of your confidence. This is especially true when it comes to your career.

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Why is it sometimes difficult for you to be yourself and feel authentic?

Trying to please others around you … or trying to fit in will make it difficult for you to feel yourself and feel authentic. 

— Renee – July 27, 2020, at 4:20 p.m. EDT

Posted 24 days ago. Show Responses ?
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4Be Yourself / Page 4.3 How Does Being Yourself Boost Career Confidence?

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Imagine that you’re carrying around a giant battery pack and you can use it to recharge your career confidence. When you’re forced to pretend to be someone you’re not, it drains your confidence battery. But when you’re being your authentic self, you can draw on your powerful confidence reserves. Being yourself gives you the JUICE you need to keep going and going… and going. It helps you reach career success.


Darcie works as a project manager at a software design company that’s going through a merger. The merger has ruffled a lot of feathers, and Darcie has noticed that the employees from both companies are holding onto the business practices they are used to, instead of trying to understand how the other company does things. Instead of joining her teammates in fighting to keep things the same, Darcie decides to BE HERSELF and play to her strengths and values of efficiency and communication.

iStock/Getty Images

Darcie creates an advocacy group and invites the project managers from both companies to get together. She holds weekly meetings so they can share their work practices and decide what is most efficient for everyone. Being herself, even when that means standing out from the crowd, powers Darcie’s confidence so she can continue her job successfully.

Here’s a secret. All of those people who have told you to “be yourself” since childhood were actually right! Being yourself is your single greatest asset. It’s what set Queen Latifah apart in her career, and it will do the same for you. Being yourself, being authentic, allows you to be more engaged and productive at work because you won’t have to spend energy trying to convince others how you fit in.

Graphic of a Queen Latifah quote reading, “The one thing we have in common is being different.”

Clint McFarlin/Soomo Learning

Authentic people are better at problem-solving because they are open to learning from their mistakes, and they set more realistic goals, which ultimately makes them more successful. Being yourself is also linked to reduced stress (Goldman & Kernis, 2002; Wood, Linley, Maltby, Baliousis, & Joseph, 2008) and greater job satisfaction(Wrzesniewski & Dutton, 2001).

We all have unique strengths and values that differentiate us from the competition. By being your authentic self, you’re bringing your uniqueness with you wherever you go. And that will give you the power you need to charge up your confidence.

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Describe a time in your life when NOT being your authentic self may have had an effect on your success.

Not speaking up on the phone with the Sprint Agent caused me to have a higher bill. If I would of negotiated my plans perhaps it could of been cheaper.

— Renee – July 27, 2020, at 4:25 p.m. EDT

Posted 24 days ago. Show Responses ?
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4Be Yourself / Page 4.4 Assignment: Overview of Assignment 2: Cultivating Confidence

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Objective: Apply Queen Latifah’s Laws of Confidence.

On this page, we’ll introduce your second assignment so you may demonstrate what you’ve learned about confidence in a case study. Watch the video message from Queen Latifah below to learn more.

YouTube video. https://youtu.be/y1lIrJWdPjw. Uploaded March 14, 20


, by Soomo Publishing. To activate captions, first click the play button and then click the CC button in the embedded player. For a text transcript, follow the link below.

Read Text Transcript 


The text below describes your second assignment.

Cultivating Confidence

Due Week 7 and worth 175 points

Queen Latifah knows it takes hard work and CONFIDENCE to take control of your future. For this assignment, you’ll get a chance to demonstrate everything you’ve learned about cultivating confidence in your career by providing advice to a fictional coworker, Cheryl, who could use a boost of confidence at work. First, read more about Cheryl’s job, then, using four of Queen Latifah’s strategies, give Cheryl advice on how she can build up her confidence in the areas she needs it.

You will be completing one paragraph in each chapter for Chapters 4, 5,


, and 7 through the writing templates. Each week you’ll explain how to use what you’ve learned from that Law of Confidence to help Cheryl cultivate her confidence in the areas she needs it. In Chapter 7, you will also write an opening and concluding paragraph to summarize all of your advice for Cheryl. You will download your completed assignment to turn in at the end of Chapter 7.


What will you be writing about as you complete the Cultivating Confidence assignment? 

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· You will share stories of your successes and failures at work.

· You will describe Queen Latifah’s experience as she cultivated her own confidence.

· You will write advice to a fictional coworker to help her build her confidence at work. 

· You will write about advice you have received from your friends and family.


Correct. You will be prompted to share your advice through six templates over the next four chapters.

Last saved 24 days ago.

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In which chapter will you write the opening and concluding paragraphs for this assignment?

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· Chapter 8

· Chapter 3

· Chapter 7

· Chapter 4


Correct. This assignment includes six writing templates. You will be completing one paragraph in each chapter for Chapters 4, 5, 6, and 7. In Chapter 7, you will also write your opening and concluding paragraphs.

Last saved 24 days ago.
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On the next page, you’ll be prompted to start the first writing template for your Cultivating Confidence assignment.

4Be Yourself / Page 4.5 Assignment: Cultivating Confidence Part 1

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Objective: Apply Queen Latifah’s second Law of Confidence: Be Yourself. 

Now, for the first part of your assignment, review Queen Latifah’s second Law of Confidence below. Then read more about Cheryl to help her cultivate her confidence at work.


In this chapter, you learned how to use emotional self-awareness to build your confidence. Some strategies you might use to support this include:

· Be authentic.

· Embrace uniqueness.

· Let go of your need for external validation.

Use Queen Latifah’s Be Yourself strategies to give Cheryl advice on how to build her confidence.


Cheryl is your coworker at TelCom, a large cable and internet company. You’ve both worked there for the past two years. Cheryl started out part-time in the collections department and is now a full-time customer service representative. Despite the occasional rude or angry comment from customers, Cheryl genuinely likes helping solve the customers’ problems.

While her manager praises her for her patience and efficiency on calls, Cheryl has yet to earn the monthly sales bonus for selling customers additional services. This includes things like converting a service call into a service upgrade. Cheryl wants to earn more money and maybe move up in the company, but she feels uncomfortable and phony reciting the sales script. Whenever a customer tells Cheryl that they’re not interested in adding a premium channel or increasing their internet speed, she feels embarrassed that she even asked. She doesn’t feel confident that she can persuade enough customers to upgrade their television or internet package to ever earn the bonus. She also worries that if she doesn’t increase her sales soon, she will not be able to advance in the company and may even be fired.

Cheryl knows you’re taking this course and comes to you for advice on how she can build up her confidence at work.

For this assignment, you’ll use four of Queen Latifah’s confidence-building strategies to help Cheryl cultivate more confidence at her job.




Give an example of how Cheryl can use a strategy from Queen Latifah’s second Law of Confidence—Be Yourself—to help her build her confidence at work.

Cheryl has the right idea, she wants to advance but she is skeptical. If she is authentic in her approach she will get better results. Genuinely people tend to hear when are not authentic in your voice. Find ways your personality can come out when talking to customers. You can tell a joke or just start a conversation about something they might like. Do not be discouraged if someone does not want to buy extra products. There will be someone who will purchase a product and it will start to build your confidence. 

13 days ago


Use the following writing template to make revisions.

· Page 7.6: 

Assignment 2: Be Yourself

4Be Yourself / Page 4.6 Week in Review


Congratulations on completing Week 4! This week, you learned Queen Latifah’s second Law of Confidence—Be Yourself! Being your authentic self, without fear, powers your confidence and helps you reach professional success.

CBS/Getty Images

Here is a quick review:

· Authentic people have full power over themselves, instead of giving that power to others. And they can use their authenticity to power their career confidence.

· To be authentic, we have to let go of our fear and our need for external validation and embrace our uniqueness.


Next week, you’ll step outside your comfort zone and learn how Pushing Yourself will give you the confidence you NEED to get to the top!

You’ve reached the end of Chapter 4. Before moving on, take a break and reflect on what you’ve learned here. When you’re ready, use the Table of Contents menu in the upper left corner of this screen to select the chapter you want to view next.

5Push Yourself / Page 5.1 Introduction

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Graphic with a quote from Queen Latifah reading, “When you push yourself further than you thought you could go, you’ll find that you can do incredible things.”

Clint McFarlin/Soomo Learning

Photograph of Queen Latifah standing in front of a wall that reads “Screen Actors Guild.” She holds an award in her left hand, and her right arm is crossed over her chest in a fist, a confident look on her face.

WireImage/Getty Images

Before a child learns to walk, they fall over and over. But in order to take those first few steps, they have to keep standing up and trying again. They have to push themselves to take another step, then another, then another.

The same is true when it comes to your career. It’s only when you push yourself that you’ll start building the confidence you need to succeed.

In this chapter, you’ll learn the secret to Queen Latifah’s third Law of Confidence—PUSH YOURSELF—and you’ll discover why pushing yourself starts with having the right mindset.

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In what parts of your professional life do you think you might need to push yourself?

I feel I should push myself when it come to looking for a position. I am near 

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5Push Yourself / Page 5.2 Pushing Yourself to the Top

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Graphic with a quote from Queen Latifah reading, “One of the best ways to build confidence is to find something that you’re afraid to do and go for it. Take the first step.”

Clint McFarlin/Soomo Learning

When Neil Armstrong took the first human steps on the moon, he had already spent years working to prepare for the mission.

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Few modern humans stand before a colossal task and think it will be easy. When the Egyptians built the pyramids, they knew it would take hard work and decades to complete. And when Neil Armstrong took the first human steps on the moon, he had already spent years working with NASA to prepare for the mission.

Yet many people believe that if success doesn’t come easily or skills don’t come naturally, they’re destined for failure. The truth is that nobody is born with all of the intelligence and skills they need to succeed at whatever they want to do in life. You have to push yourself to get there. Pushing yourself means getting outside of your comfort zone and being willing to take risks. It requires hard work and a willingness to keep going even when the path seems difficult or scary.

In this week’s Strayer Story, you learned how Queen Latifah faced a mountain she didn’t believe she could climb.
Looking up from the bottom, the journey to the top seemed impossible. But then Queen Latifah realized she’d faced an equally daunting climb before. She’d climbed a rap mountain AND an acting mountain. She had done them all by pushing herself outside of her comfort zone, working hard, taking risks, and moving forward. Pushing herself helped her build the confidence she needed to get to the top! 

We all have mountains in our own lives. Maybe we’re looking to make a significant career change, or maybe we’d like to be a manager or own a business someday. The only way to reach the top of your mountain is to build CONFIDENCE in yourself and your ability to climb HIGH. But, to get started, you’ll need to push yourself to develop the right mindset.


Which of the following statements BEST demonstrates the idea of Push Yourself?

Top of Form

· Natural skills and talents ultimately determine your success.

· Pursue dreams and ideas that you are most comfortable with to ensure success.

· Taking risks and expecting setbacks are part of the hard work needed for success.

· People with obvious gifts and intelligence are destined for success. 


Correct. Be willing to move out of your comfort zone and take risks to increase your confidence.

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5Push Yourself / Page 5.3 Why Mindset Matters

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Pushing yourself starts with developing the right mindset or attitude. Psychologists have identified two different mindsets: a fixed mindset and a growth mindset.

Having a fixed mindset means believing that basic qualities like intelligence and talent are limited traits that you cannot develop. In other words, it assumes that you are stuck with the abilities you are born with. 

This belief is different from a growth mindset. Having a growth mindset means you believe that you can improve (or “grow”) abilities such as intelligence, talent, and skills through hard work and self-discipline.


Which of the following is TRUE about mindset?

Top of Form

· A growth mindset focuses your natural talents and intelligence; a fixed mindset encourages personal development. 

· Having a growth mindset requires hard work and self-discipline; a fixed mindset limits your development.

· A fixed mindset means having an open attitude; a growth mindset limits you to abilities you are born with.

· Having a fixed mindset gives you a fixed focus for your development; a growth mindset does not support your goals.


Correct. Having a growth mindset means you believe that you can improve (or “grow”) abilities. This takes hard work and self-discipline.

Last saved 13 days ago.

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Practicing a growth mindset means you can continue to learn new things throughout your life.

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The concept of a growth mindset is supported by neuroscience. Scientists used to believe that the human brain finished growing and completed its development in childhood. However, research now shows that the brain actually has an amazing ability to continually change and restructure itself based on experience (Kolb, 1995). Scientists refer to this ability as brain plasticity. Brain plasticity means that every time we learn something new, we change the way our brain works. Even in old age, each time we learn something, we change the structure of our brain, highlighting the importance of lifelong learning (Gutchess, 2014)!

Your brain was wired to grow and develop throughout your life. And when it comes to your career, a growth mindset will also give you a leg up on the competition.


How is the brain’s ability to restructure itself related to a growth mindset?

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· As we learn new things, we forget childhood experiences and memories because we have grown out of them. 

· The brain experiences rapid growth and development during childhood, but by about age 25, your intelligence level becomes fixed and permanent. 

· Understanding your brain’s ability to grow and change based on learning experiences supports the idea that you can keep learning through effort and hard work. 

· Brain plasticity describes how the brain becomes hardened and more rigid with age. 


Correct. A growth mindset asks us to participate in lifelong learning. Your brain is continually able to change and develop through those learning experiences. 

Last saved 13 days ago.
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Give an example of a time in your life when you have experienced a fixed mindset and a time when you’ve had a growth mindset.

My fixed mindset was when I was younger, going to high school and living at home. I ever thought I could go to college and be more than just a regular working person. My growth mind set began late in life. It began 5 years ago when I started working with the City of New York. I was encouraged to take New York City promotional test and go to college so I can can be marketable. My mindset has changed, I want to continue to grow and be successful. 

— Renee – August 08, 2020, at 12:20 a.m. EDT

Posted 13 days ago. Show Responses ?

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5Push Yourself / Page 5.4 Growing Your Career Success

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Today’s employers want to hire people with a growth mindset—employees who believe they can grow their skills and intelligence (Entis, 2017).

Employers recognize that these workers are an asset. This is because they set higher goals (both professionally and personally) and are more likely to achieve success than workers with a fixed mindset (Dweck, 2008).

Trying new strategies is a sign of a growth mindset.

Employees with a growth mindset focus their energy into developing and learning the skills necessary to accomplish the work tasks at hand.

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Rather than wasting time worrying about how smart or talented they come across to others, employees with a growth mindset focus their energy into developing and learning the skills necessary to accomplish the work tasks at hand (Dweck, 2008). They also view problems as a challenge, not as a sign of failure, and they are more willing to try different strategies. When something seems overwhelming or impossible, workers with a growth mindset actively seek out new approaches and are not afraid to ask for help.

Having a growth mindset in your career will help you look at failure in a positive way and try again. Surely you’ve heard the phrase “practice makes perfect.” By pushing yourself to learn new skills and trying over and over again until you get it right, you’ll actually gain the experience you need to succeed. And that success will fuel and build your confidence for the future.

On the other hand, employees with a fixed mindset tend to be more easily discouraged when they encounter a difficult task (Dweck, 2008). They’re more likely to give up when things get hard because they interpret any difficulty as a confirmation that they’re not smart enough or strong enough. They believe that they just don’t have “it,” whatever “it” is. They may have confidence in some areas, especially on tasks where they’ve had effortless success, but as soon as they hit a snag, the confidence disappears.

Employees with a fixed mindset are focused on what other people think about their abilities. When they experience setbacks, they feel anxious and defensive. They may engage in negative self-talk, like “I’m so stupid,” or blame other people. When it comes to your own career, having a fixed mindset will limit your success AND your confidence.


What advantages do employees with a growth mindset bring to the workplace?

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· They may exhibit confidence early on, but when the work becomes more demanding, they will become anxious and defensive.

· They are very good at creating plausible excuses and can convince their coworkers to accept blame for setbacks.

· They generally know more about the industry than other employees.

· They are more willing to learn new processes, accept larger responsibilities, and set higher goals than those with a fixed mindset.


Correct. A growth mindset supports many efforts that are valuable in the workplace, including the willingness to learn new processes, accept larger responsibilities, and set higher goals.

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5Push Yourself / Page 5.5 Mindset at Work

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To understand more about how these two very different mindsets can affect workplace confidence and success, read the case study below and then review the graphic.


Charles and Isaac work together in marketing and are undergoing their yearly performance review.

Charles has a growth mindset. During his review, his boss, Victor, congratulates him on his sales numbers but tells him he thinks his client communication skills could use some improvement. Charles tells Victor he plans to work hard to improve those skills. Instead of feeling discouraged or afraid, Charles feels energized to know how he can be an even better employee. He commits himself to improving his client communication over the next three months and even enrolls in a communication course to learn the skills he needs. His hard work pays off. Charles’s client reviews improve, which gives him a confidence boost. Within a few years, Charles is promoted to a manager’s position.

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Isaac also has a performance review with Victor. During the review, Victor tells Isaac he appreciates his fast turnaround on projects, but that he’s noticed several errors in Isaac’s reports. Victor asks Isaac to double-check his work moving forward. Isaac has a fixed mindset. When he walks out of his review, he is extremely discouraged. He can only think about how “stupid” he is, “not like my friend Charles, who never makes mistakes.” Isaac doesn’t bother trying to make any changes. “What’s the point? I’m doing the best I can.” As the years pass, Isaac is not considered for a promotion because his managers don’t believe he can improve his performance, and his confidence hits an all-time low.


To learn more about how your mindset can influence your career success, check out the graphic below. Follow the flowchart for both growth mindset and fixed mindset to see how each one might affect your performance and your confidence at work.

Adapted from Mindset Scholars Network, 

Students’ Mindsets About Ability Shape Their Responses to Adversity in School


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Pushing yourself by adopting a growth mindset in your own career will help you strategically build your confidence where you need it. And even though you may not be working in your desired career field right now, you can still apply a growth mindset to your time at Strayer.


What does the graphic tell you about the role of interpreting and responding to negative feedback with a growth mindset?

Top of Form

· Interpreting and responding to negative feedback with a growth mindset reinforces the idea that your ability is fixed and rigid.

· Interpreting and responding to negative feedback with a growth mindset promotes decreased engagement, satisfaction, and performance and supports more negative outcomes.

· Interpreting and responding to negative feedback with a growth mindset prevents additional negative feedback.

· Interpreting and responding to negative feedback with a growth mindset promotes increased engagement, satisfaction, and performance and supports more positive outcomes.


Correct. Believing your ability can grow encourages increased effort and positive learning strategies.

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11 days ago


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Think about a time in your life when you received a low grade in school or poor feedback at your job. Did you respond with a growth or fixed mindset? Briefly explain.

I was enrolled into strayer course my second year. I had a slow start and I had to with draw from these two classes. It actually add me want to drop out of school. This fixed mindset discouraged me from moving forward. But because I had a good family support team, I changed my mind and adopted a growth mindset. I wanted to be successful, and that meant finishing school. So I reregistered the next quarter for the same classes and passed the both of the with an A. 

— Renee – August 09, 2020, at 9:35 p.m. EDT

Posted 11 days ago. Show Responses ?

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5Push Yourself / Page 5.6 How to Grow Your Mindset

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By now, you recognize that having a growth mindset is your best bet for gaining the confidence you need to succeed. Read the list below to discover some easy tools you can use to keep GROWING your mindset, no matter what kind of “mountain” you face in your career.

·  Add the extra effort. Understand that beliefs and thoughts are not enough. You have to demonstrate effort in order to sustain your growth mindset. When you do well, ask yourself what you did correctly so that you can identify what to repeat in the future. When you do poorly, learn what you need to do better next time. This will make you more confident in future tasks.

·  Be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Facing the unfamiliar can feel uncomfortable. But if you’re not pushing yourself, you’re not going to be able to increase your confidence, because you’re always doing things you’re comfortable doing. Facing our fears, struggling and failing, and finally overcoming is what leads to our growth. Our failures teach us what skills we need to develop or what habits we need to break. Recognizing that is the essence of a growth mindset and is one of the most powerful ways of building your confidence.

·  Add a “yet.” Learn to add the word “yet” to your doubts. “Yet” allows us to accept our current beliefs or levels of skill, but only temporarily, as we work to overcome them. Consider the differences between the following thoughts:

“I am not good at math” vs. “I am not good at math YET.”
“I can’t cook” vs. “I can’t cook YET.”
“This history assignment doesn’t make sense to me” vs. “This history assignment doesn’t make sense to me YET.” 

Adding a “yet” to our fixed thoughts keeps us focused on the idea of success as a process and the fact that we can get better, can learn, and can be successful at something even if we are not so great at it right now.

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Write your own “yet” sentence.

I am very nervous at interview vs. I am very nervous at interviews YET

— Renee – August 09, 2020, at 9:40 p.m. EDT

Posted 11 days ago. Show Responses ?
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Taking more risks and accepting setbacks is part of which of the following growth-mindset tools?

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· Practice a fixed mindset.

· Add a “yet.”

· Be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

· Add the extra effort.


Correct. Facing our fears, struggling and failing, and finally overcoming can be uncomfortable, but these do lead to our growth. It’s important to expect those feelings so they do not act as a barrier to your success.

Last saved 14 days ago.

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Confident people are those that can grow their abilities every day. Step by step, little by little, pushing yourself will amplify the confidence you need to keep climbing toward career success.


Now, it’s time to do a little self-reflecting. Queen Latifah’s growth mindset was the crucial first step to being able to reinvent herself time and time again throughout her career. And now it’s a strategy that can work for you.

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Think of something in your life that’s been challenging for you. How can you use the three tools above (add the extra effort, be comfortable with being uncomfortable, and add a “yet”) to reframe that scenario using a growth mindset?

This is my last semester at Strayer. I added the extra effort during my second year to push through and re-register for the classes I failed. I was very uncomfortable having to start over, but I got comfortable and passed both classes with A’s. 

— Renee – August 09, 2020, at 9:55 p.m. EDT

Posted 11 days ago. Show Responses ?
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5Push Yourself / Page 5.7 Assignment: Cultivating Confidence Part 2

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Objective: Apply Queen Latifah’s third Law of Confidence: Push Yourself.

In Chapter 5, you have been learning about Queen Latifah’s third Law of Confidence—Push Yourself.


You’ve learned that people are capable of change throughout their lives. You can build your confidence at any time. Some strategies you might use to support this include:

· Embrace risks.

· Learn to adapt to change.

· Develop and maintain a growth mindset.

· Apply effort and persistence when learning new skills and ideas.

Use Queen Latifah’s Push Yourself strategies to give Cheryl advice on how to build her confidence. 


Cheryl is your coworker at TelCom, a large cable and internet company. You’ve both worked there for the past two years. Cheryl started out part-time in the collections department and is now a full-time customer service representative. Despite the occasional rude or angry comment from customers, Cheryl genuinely likes helping solve the customers’ problems.

While her manager praises her for her patience and efficiency on calls, Cheryl has yet to earn the monthly sales bonus for selling customers additional services. This includes things like converting a service call into a service upgrade. Cheryl wants to earn more money and maybe move up in the company, but she feels uncomfortable and phony reciting the sales script. Whenever a customer tells Cheryl that they’re not interested in adding a premium channel or increasing their internet speed, she feels embarrassed that she even asked. She doesn’t feel confident that she can persuade enough customers to upgrade their television or internet package to ever earn the bonus. She also worries that if she doesn’t increase her sales soon, she will not be able to advance in the company and may even be fired. 

Cheryl knows you’re taking this course and comes to you for advice on how she can build up her confidence at work.




Give an example of how Cheryl can use a strategy from Queen Latifah’s third Law of Confidence—Push Yourself—to help her build her confidence at work.

By Cheryl pushing herself in her customer service position she could reach her sales goal. She must build the confidence she needs to persuade customer adding premium channel is what they really want. Cheryl May want to research other companies and write down what the offer versus what TelCom offers. Bring able to up sell your company to a customer impresses a lot of people. 

11 days ago
Use the following writing template to make revisions.

· Page 7.6: 

Assignment 2: Push Yourself

5Push Yourself / Page 5.8 Week in Review


Congratulations on completing Week 5! This week, you learned Queen Latifah’s third Law of Confidence—Push Yourself. You saw how adopting a growth mindset and believing you can develop the abilities you need to succeed will help build up your confidence on the way to the top.

Photograph of Queen Latifah standing in front of a wall that reads “Screen Actors Guild.” She holds an award in her left hand, and her right arm is crossed over her chest in a fist, a confident look on her face.
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Here is a quick review:

· People with a fixed mindset believe that intelligence and ability are innate and fixed. They believe you’re either smart or you’re not.

· People with a growth mindset believe that intelligence and ability are not fixed; you can GROW them with effort.

· Brain plasticity supports the idea of a growth mindset; you rewire your brain every time you learn something new!

· We can develop a growth mindset by adding a “yet” to our self-doubts, putting in extra effort, and getting comfortable with being uncomfortable.

· Having a growth mindset prepares us for future career success. Remember, you will not always have the information or skills you need RIGHT NOW. But, with a growth mindset, you can GROW your abilities. And as your abilities grow, so will your confidence.


Next week, we’ll discover how we can turn our experiences into opportunities to build our confidence and why Learning from the Past can help determine our future!

You’ve reached the end of Chapter 5. Before moving on, take a break and reflect on what you’ve learned here. When you’re ready, use the Table of Contents menu in the upper left corner of this screen to select the chapter you want to view next.

6Learn From The Past / Page 6.1 Introduction

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Graphic with a quote from Queen Latifah reading, “Put all your experiences in a bag and make sure you know how to withdraw them when you need to cash in that confidence.”

Clint McFarlin/Soomo Learning

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For the past few weeks, you’ve learned how Queen Latifah conquered the rap world, transformed the beauty industry, and harnessed the power of her confidence. But it hasn’t always been smooth sailing.

She’s experienced plenty of setbacks and even failures along the way.

This week, for Queen Latifah’s fourth Law of Confidence, you’ll learn how your past experiences, both good and bad, can shape who you are. And you’ll discover how LEARNING FROM THE PAST will help you move confidently into the future!


Where have your most powerful learning experiences come from? 

negative past experiences


positive past experiences


I have learned nothing from past experiences.


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6Learn From The Past / Page 6.2 How We Learn from the Past

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You don’t have to be sitting in a classroom or in front of your computer to learn a lesson. Our bodies and brains are constantly learning and adapting, even when we may not realize it! Let’s look at some of the ways that we learn from our past experiences.


An association connects a past experience to your emotions.

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Hearing a certain song might make your heart race because it was playing during your first kiss. The sound of an ambulance siren might trigger the memory of a bad accident, making you panic.

These are examples of things your body has learned by association. Learning by associationmeans connecting your past experiences to the emotions you felt at that time, and then reliving those same emotions when you are triggered by a similar experience again.


Which of the following experiences is an example of learning by association? 

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· smelling freshly baked cookies and remembering when you baked cookies with your friends

· folding the laundry and remembering that you are almost out of toothpaste

· hearing a song on the radio and pretending to know all the words

· getting a text on your phone as a reminder of your next dental appointment


Correct. The smell of the cookies is triggering a fond memory of a similar experience. Connecting your past experiences to the emotions you felt at that time, and then reliving those same emotions when you are triggered by a similar experience again is “learning by association.”

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We also learn from the past by experiencing consequences. Most people think of consequences as something bad, like getting fired from your job because of poor performance. But consequences are actually any negative OR positive response to an action. In other words, consequences can be either rewards or punishments.

When a student receives an A on an assignment, that’s a consequence (reward) of studying hard and paying attention in class. And that student is more likely to study hard next time in order to receive the same reward. When a salesperson loses a sale, that’s a consequence (punishment) of using a bad sales pitch, and that salesperson would want to change their strategy in the future in order to avoid that same punishment.

Receiving a “Certificate of Excellence” or “Employee of the Month” reward at work is a consequence of working hard and performing your best.

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It’s important to understand how learning by association and learning by consequences work because both types of learning from our past train us to behave in specific ways that can lead to our success or failure. But also important is recognizing that you have the power to change your behavior. While you can’t change your past, you can change the way you think about it and how you respond to those successes and failures in the future.


Which of the following experiences is an example of learning from a consequence? 

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· getting an A on a paper after carefully following the expectations outlined in the rubric

· forgetting your calculator for your math exam and then eating pizza for lunch

· presenting a new idea to your boss after you finish a work project

· buying a cookie cake to celebrate your friend’s birthday


Correct. When you pay attention to how your paper will be graded, a likely consequence is a high grade.

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6Learn From The Past / Page 6.3 Learning from Success

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Graphic with a quote from Queen Latifah reading, “Every time we try something new or scary and the world keeps on turning, we’re more confident that we can do it again.”

Clint McFarlin/Soomo Learning

We may not all have Grammy Awards or Oscar nominations like Queen Latifah, but we’ve all had our share of successes. And in order to master our confidence, we must learn from those past successes and use them to build up our confidence in our career.

If you’ve gotten good grades on your math tests in the past, you can be confident you’ll be able to memorize and apply knowledge in the workplace. If you’re one of the top salespeople at your office, you can expect to do well in sales at a new company. Amplifying your confidence starts by thinking about your past successes positively and then using that information to give you the confidence you need to perform your best, again—even if what you’re doing isn’t exactly the same.

When you think about your past successes, it’s important to recognize the role you played, the great work you did, and the strengths you have that made it all happen. Don’t chalk your success up to other people or to the situation itself—OWN IT! Knowing that YOU were able to succeed in the past will help you be more confident when you face the same situation in your future career.

YOU made it happen, and you can do it again!

In last week’s Strayer Story, you learned there literally “ain’t no mountain high enough” to stop Queen Latifah from reaching success.
So, whenever her confidence needs a boost, she thinks back to her successful climb up the mountain and the spectacular view from the top. She owns and celebrates her success by reminding herself that if she can make it to the top of a mountain, she has the confidence to make it through anything. 

We may not all have Grammy Awards or Oscar nominations like Queen Latifah, but we’ve all had our share of successes, which we can use to build up our confidence for the future.

Theo Wargo/Getty Images

When you’re thinking about your own successes, know that they can be big or small. They could be as simple as completing this course! Finding a way to reward even your small wins and feel good about them will boost your confidence, which will lead to even greater success.


How can you use past successes to build up your confidence for the future? 

Top of Form

· Remind yourself of the luck involved in any success story and hope for those fortunate turns of events again.

· Consider all the other people involved in a past success and remember to attribute the strong outcome to them instead of accepting it personally.

· Remember that the past is the past and it’s better to always start from scratch and not build on the momentum of previous success.

· Take ownership of your hard work and persistence that led to a past success and apply those same principles when faced with a new project.


Correct. Acknowledge your efforts in previous successes to create momentum and confidence in new projects.

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6Learn From The Past / Page 6.4 Learning from Failure

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Graphic with a quote from Queen Latifah reading, “Remembering that you made a mistake and lived to tell the tale is another surefire strategy for building your confidence.”

Clint McFarlin/Soomo Learning

Just as we should own our successes, we need to take responsibility for our failures. This does not mean beating yourself up and thinking negative thoughts. It is not about believing that you are a failure. Owning your failures is about recognizing what behaviors need to change and having the confidence and growth mindset to change them.

In this week’s Strayer Story, you heard how Queen Latifah found out she was broke AND owed a million dollars to the IRS.
“I was knocked completely flat on my ass.” But Queen Latifah was able to get back up on her feet, and because of that experience, she learned to become a much savvier businesswoman and have a stronger understanding of her finances and business practices. Ultimately, that led her to grow an even more successful business than before.
By learning from her past failure, Queen Latifah was able to move forward into the future with more knowledge and confidence. 

Nobody likes to fail, but learning from failure can ultimately have a positive outcome.


What is the BEST way to take responsibility for your failures?

Top of Form

· Relive your mistakes in your mind so you never forget them.

· Recognize what behaviors and mindsets need to change to experience a better result next time.

· Create valid excuses so you won’t be stuck with the responsibility of failure.

· Recognize your weaknesses and believe you will continue to fail in those areas.


Correct. Own up to your mistakes, reflect on your choices, and reconsider your approach to try again to take responsibility for your failures.

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A whiz kid in computer science, DJ started his own company in computer technology, but he made mistakes when it came to managing his employees. He didn’t hire the right people and wasn’t able to manage them properly, which ultimately led to his company declaring bankruptcy and shutting its doors.

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But the story doesn’t end there. A few years later, DJ started a new company, also in computer technology. Learning from his past failure helped DJ identify what went wrong and how he could improve the next time around. He made better hiring decisions and put strong management practices into place. DJ says that if he hadn’t failed with his first company, he might not have succeeded with his second one.

As Walt Disney famously said, “All the adversity I’ve had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me… You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.” Sometimes we avoid risky situations because they’ve led to failure in the past. But the truth is, we all fail from time to time. By owning your failure and identifying what you can improve, you can learn from your mistakes. And, as you discovered in Chapter 5, having a growth mindset helps you use your failure to grow the new skills you need to eventually succeed. Armed with a growth mindset and Queen Latifah’s strategies for learning from your past, you will build up your confidence and learn how to navigate similar situations in the future. Remember, it’s what YOU choose to do with both your successes and failures that will give you the confidence advantage.


Now, it’s time to do a little self-reflecting. Queen Latifah’s ability to learn from her failures has been crucial to her overcoming obstacles and building up her confidence wherever she needs it.

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Think about a time or area of your life where you have failed. How can you use what you’ve learned to build confidence in a similar situation in the future?

A time in my life where I have failed happened when I applied to the New York City Police Department in 2008. I failed the 2 mile run assessment and had to resign. I lost my job, a full-time salary, my apartment and had to get help from the state. I feel I went wrong by giving up to soon. I could of worked harder and trained harder. Or once I resigned I could of reached out to the unemployment department to see if there was a job open for me right away. Instead, I fell into a depression and just stayed home. In the future I can ask for help from friends, family, and other employment resources. 

— Renee – August 16, 2020, at 5:30 p.m. EDT

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6Learn From The Past / Page 6.5 Assignment: Cultivating Confidence Part 3

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Objective: Apply Queen Latifah’s fourth Law of Confidence: Learn from the Past.

In this chapter, you’ve discovered how you can Learn from the Past to build up your confidence in the future. Now, you’ll get the chance to apply this strategy to help your coworker build up her confidence at work.


Some strategies you might use to Learn from the Past in order to build up your confidence include:

· Reflect on previous failures and make adjustments moving forward.

· Celebrate success and own the work you did to achieve it.

· Take control of how you respond to the lessons from success and failure.

Use Queen Latifah’s Learn from the Past strategies to give Cheryl advice on how to build her confidence.

Cheryl is your coworker at TelCom, a large cable and internet company. You’ve both worked there for the past two years. Cheryl started out part-time in the collections department and is now a full-time customer service representative. Despite the occasional rude or angry comment from customers, Cheryl genuinely likes helping solve the customers’ problems.
While her manager praises her for her patience and efficiency on calls, Cheryl has yet to earn the monthly sales bonus for selling customers additional services. This includes things like converting a service call into a service upgrade. Cheryl wants to earn more money and maybe move up in the company, but she feels uncomfortable and phony reciting the sales script. Whenever a customer tells Cheryl that they’re not interested in adding a premium channel or increasing their internet speed, she feels embarrassed that she even asked. She doesn’t feel confident that she can persuade enough customers to upgrade their television or internet package to ever earn the bonus. She also worries that if she doesn’t increase her sales soon, she will not be able to advance in the company and may even be fired.
Cheryl knows you’re taking this course and comes to you for advice on how she can build up her confidence at work.




Give an example of how Cheryl can use a strategy from Queen Latifah’s fourth Law of Confidence—Learn from the Past—to help her build her confidence at work.

Cheryl can learn from her past mistakes and not give up. She can suggest to her manager to implement a better script for her to read. This script can incorporate things Cheryl believes that can help bring the customer on board. When you become proactive in your success it helps builds your confidence. 

4 days ago
Use the following writing template to make revisions.

· Page 7.6: 

Assignment 2: Learn from the Past

6Learn From The Past / Page 6.6 Week in Review


Congratulations on completing Week 6! This week, you learned Queen Latifah’s fourth Law of Confidence—Learn from the Past! By learning from your past successes and failures, you can move confidently into the future.

Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
Here is a quick review:

· We learn from past experiences by association, a connection or link between two things. We also learn by consequences: rewards or punishments.

· We can change the way we look at our past experiences and use them to build our confidence.

· To learn from our past, we need to own and celebrate our successes and failures.


Next week, you’ll learn how to stop negativity from holding you down and how the power of positivity can boost your confidence!

You’ve reached the end of Chapter 6. Before moving on, take a break and reflect on what you’ve learned here. When you’re ready, use the Table of Contents menu in the upper left corner of this screen to select the chapter you want to view next.

7Be Positive / Page 7.1 Introduction

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Graphic with a quote from Queen Latifah reading, “Flip the script and remind yourself how dope you really are. Be positive.”

Clint McFarlin/Soomo Learning

Photograph of Queen Latifah speaking into a microphone while standing onstage, surrounded by a few people.

Theo Wargo/Getty Images

No matter how hard you study, train, and prepare for your career, one thing’s for certain: you won’t always be able to control all the challenges that come your way. But here’s what you CAN control—how you view your situation.

This week, for Queen Latifah’s fifth Law of Confidence, you’ll learn how thinking positive thoughts fills up your confidence tank, and how thinking negative thoughts depletes it. With the right tools, you can BE POSITIVE and push out negativity in order to fuel your confidence for a lifetime!

Top of Form

When you notice that your thoughts seem to be overwhelmingly negative, what do you do or say to attempt to change your perspective?

When I wanted to quit college, I had to find away to stay positive. So I thought about graduation, and I dreamed about walking across the stage in my cap and gown. This degree will allow me to obtain my dream job.

— Renee – August 20, 2020, at 8:24 p.m. EDT

Bottom of Form

7Be Positive / Page 7.2 How Positivity Affects Our Confidence

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Graphic with a quote from “Life” by Queen Latifah reading, “Tested with stress from this crazy life I live. Nevertheless, keep my attitude positive.”

Clint McFarlin/Soomo Learning

We all have an inner voice that “talks” to us from time to time. Perhaps you’ve been disappointed at the gym, and you find your inner voice saying, “I won’t ever get the body I want.” Or maybe you’ve congratulated yourself after getting a good grade and thought, “I CAN do this!” These thoughts and judgments that you tell yourself about yourself are called self-talk. And there are two types of self-talk all humans engage in.

When you put yourself down or unfairly compare yourself to others, that’s called negative self-talk. Negative self-talk is often irrational and based on your insecurities or fears. On the other hand, positive self-talk means thinking thoughts about yourself that are full of optimism. Positive self-talk comes easily when you’re feeling on top of your game, but can be very difficult when you face challenges.


Malcolm and Asher are computer engineers who have both worked at the same video game company for four years. Their boss has given each of them a computer programming assignment to meet a company deadline. Both Malcolm and Asher are smart and capable engineers, but they’ve been given more responsibility on this project than they’ve ever had before.

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Asher thinks to himself, “I’m freaked out about finishing this project on time and making mistakes. I don’t know if I can handle a project this big and I don’t want the video game to be delayed because of me—they’ll probably fire me if that happens. These next few weeks are going to be horrible.” Asher is practicing negative self-talk. Malcolm, on the other hand, thinks to himself, “I’m excited about being trusted with my biggest assignment at this company, and I’m ready to use it as a learning opportunity. I’m confident that I can make the deadline and hand in a program that everyone will be happy with. It may even lead to a promotion!” Malcolm is practicing positive self-talk. Engaging in this positive self-talk makes Malcolm more confident than Asher. It also helps him perform his best.

Just like Asher and Malcolm, the type of self-talk you use can have a major impact on your confidence and success. NEGATIVE self-talk hurts your confidence by causing you to doubt yourself. And when you doubt yourself, you take fewer risks and limit what you can learn and accomplish. On the flip side, POSITIVE self-talk boosts your confidence by motivating and validating you. It makes you more likely to explore opportunities and achieve your career dreams (Fredrickson, 2004).

If you want to build confidence in your career, you have to SHUT DOWN negative self-talk and instead PRACTICE positive self-talk. On the next few pages, you’ll learn how.


What’s the BEST way to experience the benefits of positive self-talk?

Top of Form

· You can deliberately practice using positive self-talk to enjoy a boost in motivation and consider new opportunities.

· There is no real process. Now that you have read about the benefits, your mind will automatically change its self-talk.

· Notice when you use negative self-talk and write it down in a journal.

· When other people use negative language, explain why they should change how they are thinking.


Correct. Learning positive self-talk is like any other habit. It takes time and practice. Keep at it to build your confidence!

Bottom of Form

7Be Positive / Page 7.3 Changing Your Self-Talk

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YOU have the ability to pump yourself up or drag yourself down by the way you talkto yourself.

We all have bad days or face career curveballs that make us more likely to use negative self-talk. The good news is that it’s possible to catch yourself doing it, and change your negatives into positives.

The process of changing negative self-talk to positive self-talk is called reframing. Here are the three simple steps you can use to help you reframe your self-talk:




Turn your “I can’t” into an “I can.”

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Pay attention to your self-talk over the next few days.

What negative self-talk pops up when things get tough, like when you’re running late or when you have a bad day at work? What worries or doubts come to mind as you’re trying to reach your goals? Do you notice any repeated or frequent negative thoughts?


After you have identified your negative self-talk, ask yourself whether the thoughts are accurate or irrational.

Are you overreacting? Are you being too hard on yourself? Are you comparing yourself to others in an unrealistic way? Would a friend feel the same way about you that you do?

Pay attention to how these thoughts make you FEEL. Negative self-talk robs you of your confidence and is not helpful to you.


Now that you’ve identified and evaluated your self-talk, it’s time to reframe and change the negative thoughts into positive ones. For each of the negative thoughts, create an alternative phrase that replaces the negative part with something positive. Each time the old thoughts creep back in, train yourself to use positive self-talk instead. You’ll notice how the positive thoughts boost your confidence and help you feel assured in your abilities and qualities. Check out the chart below for some examples.



“Everyone else in my department gets away with doing nothing while I pull all the weight. And when they actually do work, I have to go fix their mistakes.”

“I’m the best in my department, and I’m also a team player. I can’t always fix my teammates’ mistakes, but I can help them learn from the mistakes they make so that we can all work more effectively.”

“I can’t complete that project in two days. My boss is setting me up to fail!”

“I know the deadline is tight, but if I manage my time wisely, I can complete it.”

“Going back to college while working full-time was a stupid idea. It’s impossible to do all the reading and assignments and still have a social life.”

“I knew that going back to school while working full-time would be challenging. However, I know that the hard work and sacrifice will be worth it, even if I have to scale back my social life.”

Reframing your self-talk isn’t about lying to yourself and pretending that things are better than they really are. It’s about whether the way you think about your situation is accurate and helpful or irrational and damaging. If your thoughts aren’t helping you reach success, creating a different, positive way of thinking about the situation can give you the confidence you need to succeed.


Which of the following is an example of reframing the following statement? “I can’t complete two courses and work full-time this semester. It’s way too overwhelming.”

Top of Form

· I need everything to go perfectly, but as long as I have good luck, everything should work out fine.

· Trying to work and go to school at the same time is pointless, so I should prioritize one to focus on, and quit the other.

· I don’t really like these classes. They don’t make sense to me. If things don’t get more interesting soon, I’ll just withdraw.

· I will have to manage my time closely and be prepared for some bumpy days, but I can work through each of these successfully.


Correct. Taking a positive attitude for yourself can support your success. Reframing the statement to stay focused and optimistic through adversity can build your confidence.

Last saved about 4 hours ago.

Bottom of Form


After seven years of working her way up the ladder at a graphic design firm, Stefanie was recently promoted to be a partner. She’s the first female to join the upper management team at her company. With two graduate degrees, Stefanie is very qualified to help run the business. She’s respected throughout the company for being great at her job and a wonderful manager to those who work under her.

iStock/Getty Images

But since getting her promotion, Stefanie has been plagued by doubt and negative self-talk. She says to herself, “What if I don’t really deserve this role? Should I have stayed in a lower position where I know I could perform well? Will the others on the management team take me seriously?” Her negativity has shaken her confidence, causing her to talk less in meetings, doubt her ideas, and stumble through presentations.

But with the advice of a trusted mentor, Stefanie has been working to reframe her negative self-talk into positive self-talk. Before heading into presentations and meetings, she assures herself that she was chosen for the role because she is qualified and experienced. She tells herself that the promotion is a great opportunity for her to grow and learn. She reminds herself that the entire upper management team voted for her to join their ranks because they respect her and because she deserves the role. Her positive self-talk pays off, and Stefanie quickly regains the confidence she lost and begins building new confidence for the future.

Reframing helped Stefanie fuel her confidence, and it can do the same for you. But reframing your negative self-talk is just one of the ways you can practice being positive.

7Be Positive / Page 7.4 Practice Positive Self-Talk Daily

On this page: 2 of 2 attempted (100%)


Reframing your negative self-talk is just the first step to being positive in your life and career. Another way you can practice positive self-talk is by creating positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are simple sentences or phrases that acknowledge your goals, abilities, or values. Chances are you’ve probably seen someone post a positive affirmation—like an inspirational quote—on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

There’s power in positive affirmations. Remind yourself why things will work out instead of why they can’t.

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Here are some examples of positive affirmations:

· I will follow my career dreams. I will work hard, and it’s going to pay off.

· I am growing and changing for the better.

· I love the person I am becoming. I believe in my skills and abilities.

· I have great ideas, and I make useful contributions.

· I acknowledge my own self-worth; my confidence is rising.

· I am worthy of all the good things that happen in my life.

· I have or can get all the knowledge I need to succeed at work.

Graphic titled “Tips for Positive Affirmations” with a list of five tips: Don’t compare yourself to others. Don’t strive for perfection. Focus on things you can change. Don’t beat yourself up over a mistake. Celebrate the small stuff.

Clint McFarlin/Soomo Learning

There’s power in positive affirmations. Just as you’ve learned that negative self-talk can bring you down, reading or repeating positive affirmations on a daily basis can help boost your confidence to another level. Positive affirmations are actually proven to give you strength in situations where you might feel tested or challenged, such as taking a difficult school exam or negotiating a salary(Kang, Galinsky, Kray, & Shirako, 2015; Steele, 1988).

Positive affirmations should not be unrealistic desires (“A million dollars will magically appear in my bank account tomorrow”) or empty praise (“I am awesome!”), but accurate and positive reminders of who you are and what qualities you possess (“I work hard, and people trust me”).

In this week’s Strayer Talk, Queen Latifah shared with you how her mother, Rita Owens, taught her art students about positive affirmations. Rita had the students list the things they liked about themselves and tape them to their bathroom mirrors as a reminder of how incredible they really were. By doing so, Rita’s students were able to practice positive self-talk and start each day with a healthy dose of confidence.

So, whether it’s a note on your mirror, an inspirational quote on the home screen of your phone, or a mantra that you say in bed the moment you wake up in the morning, you can use positive self-affirmations as daily reminders of your values, strengths, and goals. The boosts you receive from reading those simple phrases will add up to help you power your positivity and master your confidence in your career!


In this week’s Strayer Talk, Dr. Janet Taylor led students in an exercise to create positive affirmations. Now it’s your turn!

Brainstorm a list of positive qualities about yourself. These aren’t things that you’ve DONE that are positive, but things ABOUT YOU that are positive. Then choose two of the positive qualities that give you the most confidence and write them in the spaces below.



Make a list of 5–10 of your positive qualities or characteristics that you believe will help you succeed in the workplace.
1. Organized 2. Sense of Humor 3. Team Player 4. Kind/Polite 5. Goal Oriented 6. Go Getter 7. Works well under pressure 8. Honest 9. Dependable/Flexable 10. Insightful

What are your top positive qualities?
I am Organized and Flexable.

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3 hours ago

Ready to build your own positive affirmation?

Using those two positive qualities, create a positive affirmation statement using the phrase below.



Record a personal positive affirmation.
Because I am Organized and Flexable, I can accommodate unexpected new problems and still stay organized..

Edit Response
3 hours ago

Remember—be sure to recite your new positive affirmation daily or whenever you feel you need a boost of confidence!

7Be Positive / Page 7.5 Assignment: Cultivating Confidence Part 4

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Objective: Apply Queen Latifah’s fifth Law of Confidence: Be Positive.

In this chapter, you’ve learned about Queen Latifah’s Be Positive strategies. Let’s review how you could apply these strategies to help Cheryl build up her confidence at work.


You’ve learned that you can build your confidence by practicing positive self-talk. Some strategies you might use to support this include:

· Reframe negative thoughts and behaviors.

· Confront and dismiss irrational beliefs.

· Practice daily positive affirmations.

Use Queen Latifah’s Be Positive strategies to give Cheryl advice on how to build her confidence.

Cheryl is your coworker at TelCom, a large cable and internet company. You’ve both worked there for the past two years. Cheryl started out part-time in the collections department and is now a full-time customer service representative. Despite the occasional rude or angry comment from customers, Cheryl genuinely likes helping solve the customers’ problems.
While her manager praises her for her patience and efficiency on calls, Cheryl has yet to earn the monthly sales bonus for selling customers additional services. This includes things like converting a service call into a service upgrade. Cheryl wants to earn more money and maybe move up in the company, but she feels uncomfortable and phony reciting the sales script. Whenever a customer tells Cheryl that they’re not interested in adding a premium channel or increasing their internet speed, she feels embarrassed that she even asked. She doesn’t feel confident that she can persuade enough customers to upgrade their television or internet package to ever earn the bonus. She also worries that if she doesn’t increase her sales soon, she will not be able to advance in the company and may even be fired.
Cheryl knows you’re taking this course and comes to you for advice on how she can build up her confidence at work.




Give an example of how Cheryl can use a strategy from Queen Latifah’s fifth Law of Confidence—Be Positive—to help her build her confidence at work.

Cheryl can use Queen Latifah’s fifth Law of Confidence “Be Positive “ to help build her confidence at work by reframing negative thoughts and behaviors. Never use words like can’t, won’t and I give up. Use your strengths to get you where you want to be. Change your behavior, by not giving up. Look for ways to help your self through out the day like positive affirmations. 

3 hours ago
Use the following writing template to make revisions.

· Page 7.6: 

Assignment 2: Be Positive

7Be Positive / Page 7.6 Assignment: Cultivating Confidence Submission

On this page: 7 of 7 attempted (100%)

Objective: Edit and download your Cultivating Confidence assignment to complete Assignment 2.

Over the last few weeks, you’ve explained how strategies from four of Queen Latifah’s Laws of Confidence—Be Yourself, Push Yourself, Learn from the Past, and Be Positive—will help your coworker, Cheryl, build up her confidence at work. On this page, you’ll write an introduction for the assignment as well as provide some concluding thoughts. You’ll also have the opportunity to edit your responses from the past few weeks. Then you’ll download Assignment 2 and submit it in Blackboard.

Feel free to refer back to the details of Cheryl’s situation by reviewing her case study on the previous page.



Write an introductory paragraph describing Cheryl and her situation. Introduce the four strategies you’ve used to let Cheryl know you have a plan to help her gain confidence at work. Be Yourself, Push Yourself, Learn from the Past, and Be Positive

Edit Response
3 hours ago
Cheryl has the right idea, she wants to advance but she is skeptical. If she is authentic in her approach she will get better results. Genuinely people tend to hear when are not authentic in your voice. Find ways your personality can come out when talking to customers. You can tell a joke or just start a conversation about something they might like. Do not be discouraged if someone does not want to buy extra products. There will be someone who will purchase a product and it will start to build your confidence. 
Edit Response
3 hours ago
By Cheryl pushing herself in her customer service position she could reach her sales goal. She must build the confidence she needs to persuade customer adding premium channel is what they really want. Cheryl May want to research other companies and write down what the offer versus what TelCom offers. Bring able to up sell your company to a customer impresses a lot of people. 
Edit Response
3 hours ago
Cheryl can learn from her past mistakes and not give up. She can suggest to her manager to implement a better script for her to read. This script can incorporate things Cheryl believes that can help bring the customer on board. When you become proactive in your success it helps builds your confidence. 
Edit Response
3 hours ago
Cheryl can use Queen Latifah’s fifth Law of Confidence “Be Positive “ to help build her confidence at work by reframing negative thoughts and behaviors. Never use words like can’t, won’t and I give up. Use your strengths to get you where you want to be. Change your behavior, by not giving up. Look for ways to help your self through out the day like positive affirmations. 
Edit Response
3 hours ago



Provide a summary of why you think the strategies you chose from Queen Latifah Laws of Confidence will help Cheryl build up her confidence at work. How will cultivating her confidence contribute to her success in her career? 

Edit Response
3 hours ago


Write an introductory paragraph describing Cheryl and her situation. Introduce the four strategies you’ve used to let Cheryl know you have a plan to help her gain confidence at work. Be Yourself, Push Yourself, Learn from the Past, and Be Positive
Cheryl has the right idea, she wants to advance but she is skeptical. If she is authentic in her approach she will get better results. Genuinely people tend to hear when are not authentic in your voice. Find ways your personality can come out when talking to customers. You can tell a joke or just start a conversation about something they might like. Do not be discouraged if someone does not want to buy extra products. There will be someone who will purchase a product and it will start to build your confidence. 
By Cheryl pushing herself in her customer service position she could reach her sales goal. She must build the confidence she needs to persuade customer adding premium channel is what they really want. Cheryl May want to research other companies and write down what the offer versus what TelCom offers. Bring able to up sell your company to a customer impresses a lot of people. 
Cheryl can learn from her past mistakes and not give up. She can suggest to her manager to implement a better script for her to read. This script can incorporate things Cheryl believes that can help bring the customer on board. When you become proactive in your success it helps builds your confidence. 
Cheryl can use Queen Latifah’s fifth Law of Confidence “Be Positive “ to help build her confidence at work by reframing negative thoughts and behaviors. Never use words like can’t, won’t and I give up. Use your strengths to get you where you want to be. Change your behavior, by not giving up. Look for ways to help your self through out the day like positive affirmations. 
Provide a summary of why you think the strategies you chose from Queen Latifah Laws of Confidence will help Cheryl build up her confidence at work. How will cultivating her confidence contribute to her success in her career? 

Edit Responses Download Assignment 2

3 hours ago

When you click the button to download Assignment 2 in the writing template above, the file may be automatically saved to your Downloads folder or to another location you’ve specified, depending on your browser’s settings. To ensure that your document is correctly formatted, you must open it in an application that fully supports the DOCX format, such as Microsoft Word.


Once you download your Cultivating Confidence assignment, click the link below to go back to Blackboard. Then, navigate to the Week 7 Assignment Submission screen to submit Assignment 2.

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