2 Discussion Questions and 2 Student Response, 1 Journal Entry and 1 Assignment w/Template

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CRJ449: Undergraduate Capstone in Criminal Justice

Week 4 Discussion 

Part 1

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Looking back at your work last week regarding crime scene investigation and the responsibilities of a police officer, consider your role as the first responding law enforcement officer at a crime scene.

· What would be your top three responsibilities when you arrive at the crime scene? Provide a rationale.

Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

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Part 2

Theresa Thompson 

RE: Week 4 Discussion

· 5

Good morning Professor,

As the first responding officer at the scene of a crime, my duty is to

1.I would be thinking about securing the scene along with making sure that the area was safe not only for myself but other officers, and other bystanders who may be watching the area. Also, I would approach the scene very carefully making sure not to disturb or contaminate the scene. I would pay attention to those around the area and any cars that may be present paying close attention to those around in case someone starts acting suspiciously or tries to leave in a hurry.

2.If the crime scene was in plain view and laying in front of a property or if the scene is inside of a residence then certain protocols must be taken to obtain a search warrant if the scene is inside a home so that a proper search could be made and the scene secured. If the scene is on a street then it is in plain view and no search warrant is required.

3.To be mindful of the surroundings making sure there are no possible threats to others such as dangerous people, or dangerous chemicals, or hazardous materials in the area if such things are found then back up is required of other officers or EMTs or the fire department to oversee the threats that may be posed.

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CRJ499: Undergraduate Capstone in Criminal Justice

Week 4 Journal Entry: Ethics

1. Week 4 Assignment – Journal: Ethics

This week, let’s turn for a moment to consider the importance of ethics in your career in the criminal justice system. Watch the following videos and identify the ethical issues for each. Then discuss how you would handle the situations and why.


CJ in Practice: Ethics in Policing-Gratuities



Criminal Justice in Practice: Ethics: Gratuities (brightcove.net)


CJ in Practice: Ethics in Policing-Inappropriate Relationships



Criminal Justice in Practice: Ethics: Inappropriate Relationship (brightcove.net)

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**This was last weeks remarks to the Journal Entry:

NOTE: You have thoroughly filled out the Pre-sentence Investigation Report (Adult) Report is completed in its entirety by making the necessary assumptions and creating the facts that are not included in the scenario, and you articulated the circumstances of the scenario in a narrative, as appropriate. However, your safe assign overall match % is too high I know that you can bring the overall % similarity to manageable chunk on the next assignment narrative, as appropriate.

Dr. Nelson Egunjobi

This means the information used in the report was not original. It was a lot of cut and paste.

JGR200: The Power of People

Week 4 DQ

Part 1: Research Can go a Long Way for Hiring the Right “Players”

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From talking to past employers to doing social media research, getting to know a candidate beyond their resume is crucial. As Coach has learned from working with hundreds of professional athletes, a player’s potential has more to do with their character than their stats. This week, we look at how a little research can go a long way toward finding the players that will help your team reach its goals. Read the Careerbuilder article that is a part of your weekly readings about employers using Social Media to help them evaluate job applicants. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media as a research tool? What’s one thing you would change in your social media presence if you were looking for a job, and why?

Note: To receive full credit, remember also to write 2 posts in the discussion: one original and a response to another student. Remember one or two sentences does not qualify as a substantive learning post for both original and peer responses.  Show off what you have learned!

Part 2: Student Response (Respond to the below Student)

Elizabeth Farley 

ItRE: Research Can go a Long Way for Hiring the Right “Players”

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Hello professor and classmates. This is a valuable tool to discuss especially when still actively pursuing a career. In the article it states that approximately 70 percent of all employers will do some amount of social media research on potential candidates. This is understandable considering most employers want to see a side of who they may hire that they may not be so open with in an interview. Often times an employer can go on social media accounts and find out specific information about candidates such as family oriented activities, other past times, major characteristics of the candidate can be seen by simply scrolling their pages. Employers may look to see if the person has ever bad mouthed a former employer, how they carry themselves online, as well as any drug use or illegal activity the candidate may be involved in. Knowing that over half of employers go online to research possible employees it should surely make you consider being more conscientious about any and all information you allow on social media. You should never be negative or talk badly about past, present, or future employers. This creates an unprofessional attitude for any potential employer who may view your social media. Also be sure to use good language, watch profanity, do not brag about wild nights out, or allow others to post things that shouldn’t be public knowledge. If you do all of these things and present an open, well rounded personality even on your social media pages it will surely help an employer feel more confident in moving forward with the hiring process with you. 

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WRK100: Preparing for the Future of Work

Assignment 4 Wk4

Make sure to read the detailed instructions and the scoring guide (rubric) for Assignment 2: Reflecting on Your Skills, Goals, and Accomplishments.

To submit your assignment, please go to Assignment 2 in Blackboard by clicking the Assignment 2 link above.

Course: WRK100: Preparing for the Future of Work

Assignment 2: Reflecting on Your Skills, Goals, and Accomplishments

Due: Week 4

Points: 100

Note about this assignment: To ensure students are properly placed into the English courses that will best set them up for successful college writing, it is customary for students to have their writing skills assessed. For students without transfer credit for college-level English courses, the writing you provide in Assignment 2 will be assessed to determine whether you should be placed into ENG090 or into ENG116. This review of your writing will not affect your grade on the assignment or the overall course; your instructor will grade Assignment 2 based on the rubric for the course, which is separate from the writing review.

What to submit/deliverables: Word document that contains Parts 1‐3 of the 

Assignment 2 Template


What is the value of doing this assignment? In this assignment, you will reflect on the qualities, values, strengths, areas of improvement, and accomplishments that capture who you are and how they connect to the 10 Skills and your personal, academic, and professional goals. You‘ll then practice your communication skill by writing about what you‘ve identified in ways appropriate for a CV or résumé (you will not need to complete a résumé). You‘ll use this information in Assignment 3 to create an action plan for developing skills that will help you reach your future goals. After completing this assignment, you will have a document you can bring to the Career Center where counselors can help you further develop your career strategy.

Your goal for this assignment is to: Reflect on and communicate your skills, goals, and accomplishments. To truly develop your communication skill it is important that you write using your own words and do not cut and paste from the Skills Definition table or any other source.

Steps to complete: In Week 4, complete and submit your assignment using the following steps:

STEP 1: Complete the four questions in Part 1: About Me, reflecting on your values, aspirations, key qualities, goals, strengths, and areas of growth.

• For questions 2, 3, and 4 in Part 1, make sure to write five or more complete sentences for each.

STEP 2: Complete the three steps in Part 2: Accomplishment Statements by reflecting on your past accomplishments, using the template to identify the challenges, actions, results, and details, and then writing two series of concise statements using the example accomplishments formatting provided.

STEP 3: Complete the four-question reflection in Part 3: Reflect on Your Experiences, considering Parts 1 and 2 of this assignment and the connections you have made to the 10 Skills.

STEP 4: Save the template with your completed responses as a Word file titled Your Name, WRK100_Assignment 2 Reflection and submit it in Blackboard in Week 4. 

Assignment 2 Template: Reflecting on Your Skills, Goals, and Accomplishments

Part 1: About Me

Answer the following questions to capture how you see yourself in terms of values, aspirations, key qualities, goals, strengths, and areas of growth:

1) Describe your values, motivations or aspirations in your own words.

2) Describe some of your main personal, academic, and professional goals. Make sure to write five or more complete sentences.

3) What are some of your strength areas? Think about the top 2–3 skills you would advertise about yourself, or consider what others come to you for advice about. Make sure to write five or more complete sentences.

4) What are some areas you would like to grow and improve in? Make sure to write five or more complete sentences.

Part 2: Accomplishment Statements

Accomplishments don’t have to be as large as climbing the top of Mount Everest or starting your own company. We accomplish many things in our lives every day that have meaning. For example, perhaps you organized volunteers for your school’s food drive or made an extremely profitable sale. Or, if you’re more advanced in your career, perhaps you’ve received a promotion or special recognition.

In this part of the assignment, you’ll identify two accomplishments from work, school, volunteering, or other activities. You’ll then practice communicating these in ways appropriate for a résumé.

To begin, brainstorm accomplishments from your work, school, volunteering, or other activities. Read the

Accomplishment Categories

section for a list. After you’ve identified two accomplishments, write statements for each accomplishment using the information below:

Step 1: Think about each of your accomplishments in these terms:


Situation, problem, or requirement.


Specific actions you took to resolve or meet the challenge.


The benefit created in specific and measurable terms. Be sure to tie results to the organization’s goals when possible.


Clarifying details, such as numbers or percentages, to provide context (consider answering how many, how much, how long, or how often).

Consider the example below of someone with experience as a retail manager:


An increase in customer complaints about the helpfulness of staff.


Developed a new training program for staff, got approval from district manager, and once approved implemented it with a regular review process.


After 3 months, customer complaints decreased.


Previously, customer complaints averaged 4 per week.
After 3 months, complaints averaged 1 or less per week.

Step 2: Write two accomplishment statements to practice using this format:









Step 3: Now, try writing your two accomplishment statements concisely for a résumé (you will not be completing a resume). Use either example format below to write your accomplishments:

Accomplishment Statement 1: Result + action + brief description including clarifying details.

Example: Decreased customer complaints from 3 per week to 1 or less per week by training staff and implementing a regular review process.

Accomplishment Statement 2: Action + brief description with clarifying details + results.

Example: Trained retail staff in customer-service techniques and implemented a regular review process, decreasing customer complaints from 3 per week to 1 or less per week.

Accomplishment Statement 1

Accomplishment Statement 2

Note: Delete this section before handing in your completed template.

Accomplishment Categories


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Saving Time:

shortening a procedure

optimizing a process

establishing a new procedure

investing in new technology

retraining staff

identifying inefficiencies

changing a schedule

recommending new systems

Saving Money:

using supplies more effectively

eliminating unneeded reports

contracting with a new vendor

reducing underperforming programs

properly scheduling staff

recruiting volunteers

creating something from scratch

finding cost-effective solutions

Making Money:

increasing sales/profits/market share

enlarging a market

finding a new market

expanding class offerings

developing new services

inventing something

winning a grant

enrolling new participants

retaining clients/customers/students

developing partnerships

upselling customers

extending contracts

Reducing Risk:

meeting government requirements

improving testing

fixing a problem

ensuring safety standards are met

decreasing negative behaviors

increasing positive behaviors

protecting against a hazard

developing policies

Improving Quality:

upgrading a system or software

updating a course

facilitating employee training

instating best practices

implementing new procedures


winning an award

securing a promotion

achieving a certification/degree

boosting customer satisfaction

improving employee engagement

increasing teamwork

reducing errors

receiving positive feedback

· earning a bonus

· accepting a board position

Creating Positive Outcomes:

implementing successful intervention

teaching life skills

observing behavioral change

fostering therapeutic relationships

Part 3: Reflect on Your Experiences

1) How has reflecting on your goals, strengths, areas of growth, and accomplishments been valuable for you?

2) What are ways you can build in a regular practice of reflection?

3) In your current understanding of the 10 Skills, identify 1–2 skills that you believe have helped you reach the accomplishments listed in Part 2. Briefly explain how.

4) After practicing writing your accomplishments in a résumé-appropriate style, do you feel more confident in expressing your accomplishments to an employer? Briefly explain.

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