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  1. Find a compensation plan on the internet to evaluate – include URL and/or attachment of document to your posting – indicate why you want to review this plan.
  2. Find a benefits plan on the internet to evaluate – include URL and/or attachment of document to your posting – indicate why you want to review this plan.

students answer


I chose to evaluate the compensation plan afforded to United Airlines employees. I would like to review this plan to gain an understanding for my brother who is now a pilot in the United States Army. After retiring in the military, he plans to fly commercial, so I thought it was interesting to evaluate the compensation being offered. Also, my aunt is currently a pilot for United Airlines.


The United Airlines’ employee benefits include: health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, mental health care, 401(k) plan, retirement plan, performance bonus, maternity and paternity leave, social clubs, business resource groups, vacation and paid time off, sick days, employee discounts, commuter checks and assistance, job training, professional development. Compared to other airlines, United does not have the best employee benefits however, employees can benefit in growing with the company, receive a pension plan that other airlines do not offer their employees, travel perks and significant discounts, and better wages. Applicants must assess what a company offers that is of importance to them. For instance, my brother may view a second retirement pension plan as a benefit especially because he has a family. Also, they love to travel and United can provide that as well. As a recipient to my aunt’s guess passes, this perk has allowed us to travel from Guam to California and Alaska without costing a fortune. Additionally, there are PTOs and very important. United may suit his needs in the future when he decides to work a civilian job.

Although United has these compensation benefits, they company can work more on improving their benefit packages as the article has stated that there hasn’t been much done for years. Also, as millennials are about to takeover the workforce, student loan debt has been an issue and the company should look into incentives for students who plan to pursue careers with United. This can help those in these situations perform quality work.

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