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Strategic Plan for the NBA to increase audience

Cedrick Greer



Strategic Plan for the NBA to increase audience


I. Analysis of the financial status of potential customers

a. Analyzing the financial situation of the fans so that pricing is done in a way that fans can pay for the ticket

i. The analysis helps the management to understand what price should be changed so that more fans who are the students can be in the position to attend

ii. Price should be low because more fans are students, so by pricing, students cannot be in a position to pay.

iii. Students are unable to pay when tickets are price high because they depend on their parents for survival.

I. Students get little money for their basic needs, and little is left, which can be used to buy a ticket.

a. Tickets to watch games are viewed as a luxury and not basic need; therefore, being given the last position.

b. For those who are unable to purchase should be given promotional tickets (Tomlinson, Buttle, & Moores, 1995).

II. Preparation of event posters for promotions and advertisements

a. Signs are essential in creating awareness to the general public about the event, which increases the number of audiences.

b. Posters attract the attention of students as it has visual retention impact, unlike when information is shared verbally.

c. When information is shared verbally, most individuals don’t take seriously, unlike when they read on their own on posters.

d. Reading on posters means that an individual is interested in the event, unlike telling people who may not be affected.

I. Involving influential individuals such as celebrities in organizing the event

a. Stars have a good connection with fans, so by including then in organizing and awareness creation, it attracts more fans.

b. Some fans will be motivated to attend the event to see the celebrities, and as a result, they will participate in-game (Tomlinson et al., 1995).

1. Use of social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and WhatsApp to advertise the game event

Most fans are students and are active on social media, so by using social media to promote, it will increase the number of audiences.

The number of audiences will increase because awareness of the event will increase as more potential fans will get the information on social media.

I. Creation of website where fans will be interacting

a. The website will help fans interact with each other, which creates a strong base for basketball, which makes the event interesting.

b. The website creates awareness because it allows users who are the fans to interact with each other.

c. Through the interactions, various dates of the events are shared, and it helps fans to remember the times of the game.

d. When fans remember the events, then attendance will increase.


Seungmo, K., Greenwell, T. C., Andrew, D. P., Lee, J., & Mahony, D. F. (2008). An analysis of spectator motives in an individual combat sport: A study of mixed martial arts fans. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 17(2), 109.

Tomlinson, M., Buttle, F., & Moores, B. (1995). The fan as a customer: Customer service in sports marketing. Journal of hospitality & leisure marketing, 3(1), 19-36.



Strategic Plan for the NBA to increase audience

Cedrick Greer



Strategic Plan for the NBA to increase audience


I. Analysis of the financial status of potential customers

a. Analyzing the financial situation of the fans so that pricing is done in a way that fans can pay for the ticket

i. The analysis helps the management to understand what price should be changed so that more fans who are the students can be in the position to attend

ii. Price should be low because more fans are students, so by pricing, students cannot be in a position to pay.

iii. Students are unable to pay when tickets are price high because they depend on their parents for survival.

I. Students get little money for their basic needs, and little is left, which can be used to buy a ticket.

a. Tickets to watch games are viewed as a luxury and not basic need; therefore, being given the last position.

b. For those who are unable to purchase should be given promotional tickets (Tomlinson, Buttle, & Moores, 1995).

II. Preparation of event posters for promotions and advertisements

a. Signs are essential in creating awareness to the general public about the event, which increases the number of audiences.

b. Posters attract the attention of students as it has visual retention impact, unlike when information is shared verbally.

c. When information is shared verbally, most individuals don’t take seriously, unlike when they read on their own on posters.

d. Reading on posters means that an individual is interested in the event, unlike telling people who may not be affected.

I. Involving influential individuals such as celebrities in organizing the event

a. Stars have a good connection with fans, so by including then in organizing and awareness creation, it attracts more fans.

b. Some fans will be motivated to attend the event to see the celebrities, and as a result, they will participate in-game (Tomlinson et al., 1995).

1. Use of social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and WhatsApp to advertise the game event

Most fans are students and are active on social media, so by using social media to promote, it will increase the number of audiences.

The number of audiences will increase because awareness of the event will increase as more potential fans will get the information on social media.

I. Creation of website where fans will be interacting

a. The website will help fans interact with each other, which creates a strong base for basketball, which makes the event interesting.

b. The website creates awareness because it allows users who are the fans to interact with each other.

c. Through the interactions, various dates of the events are shared, and it helps fans to remember the times of the game.

d. When fans remember the events, then attendance will increase.


Seungmo, K., Greenwell, T. C., Andrew, D. P., Lee, J., & Mahony, D. F. (2008). An analysis of spectator motives in an individual combat sport: A study of mixed martial arts fans. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 17(2), 109.

Tomlinson, M., Buttle, F., & Moores, B. (1995). The fan as a customer: Customer service in sports marketing. Journal of hospitality & leisure marketing, 3(1), 19-36.

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