150words each Response To My 2 Classmate Questions In 6 hours

Post at least two substantive responses to your colleagues. Responses could include suggestions for further resources, questions of clarification, or providing context and insight. Avoid simple posts of agreement; if you agree, explain why, and then thoughtfully further the conversation.

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Danielle Jones

– Thursday, November 12, 2020, 5:01 PM

Hello Satwinder.  I love the quote you posted!  When we rush through the skill of listening, we miss so much information.  A good pace is a great asset when it comes to listening.  You seem to have learned many skills from the reading. By reading your post, it seems your are already a great active listener.  I try to get all the information that I can absorb.  I take a lot of mental and physical notes while communicating.  I really like to remember the information for later review. For example, remembering a gift that one of my children wanted for their birthday was a great way to display active listening.   You are very detailed in your writing and possess great insight.  Keep up the good work. With your way of thinking, I believe you will go very far in career and life. You mentioned the ability to place yourself in the communicators place and I believe this is also a great trait.  Your are displaying interest in the communicator as you would want them to if you were talking. A mutual respect in communication allows us all to be heard.  Best  wishes to you.

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Michelle Pawl

– Saturday, November 7, 2020, 8:47 PM

Anticipating realizing beforehand; foretaste or foresee. I am a person who does anticipate is going to happen just to see if I am right. I usually get a gut feeling about things that go on. My friends tell me that I am crazy until it actually happens. I just wait for them to say how did you know I did not know that was going to happen or the person was a certain way. I just say it was a gut feeling and the facts will come out one way or another in time.
I do Judge pretty quick and it is only because you can tell by a person’s actions what type of person they are. When you have a gut feeling it is not that easy to turn off. I do listen to the person and I watch their interactions until I do see what I have suspected all along, then I just shut them off and start to think or do something else. I can try not to anticipate or judge so quick when it comes to people. In which that can help me out with my communication and public speaking

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