150 word analysis

150 word analysis/summary of ”The Structure of American Criminalogical Thinking by Clarence R. Jeffery. This article examined the question of “Would there be any crime tomorrow if criminal laws were repealed today?”

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” researches put their main focus on trying to determine what is a crime and who is actually a criminal. Also,  another reasoning about the question , is that Edwin Sutherland believed in the Positivist point of criminality  view. Sutherland, basically states that “criminals have no free will, and they commit crime due to material forces out of the individual’s control( determinism). Basically, he is saying that, crime is caused by natural forces.  But he also rejects that point of view. He further explains that crime should be defined by a legal definition and not by natural forces. Although, it sounds pretty good, I believe that by repealing  the law will not deter crime. It is possible that the crime rate would rise. I say this because it all depends the individual’s mindset and behavior.”

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