
minimum of 500 words with at least 3 peer review reference in 7th edition apa style.  Please answer every part of the two assignment.  This is two separate. assignment

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Week 1: National Practice Problem Exploration

Part one

 Evidence translation begins with the identification of a problem or concern. Reflect upon the eight national practice problems presented in the Global Burden of Disease Research. Select one of the practice problems to address the following.

  • From a global/nationwide perspective, how does the selected practice problem impact nurses, nursing care, healthcare organizations, and the quality of care being provided?
  • Identify the national level key stakeholders who are affected by the practice problem and stakeholders involved in resolution.
  • Are clinical practice guidelines used to address this problem? Why or why not? If used, provide a brief overview of the CPG. If a CPG is not used, propose an intervention that could be implemented on a national scale to address the problem.

Part two:  Reflection on the above assignment.  Minimum of 250 words  Reflective inquiry allows for expansion in self-awareness, identification of knowledge gaps, and assessment of learning goals.   reflect upon what you have learned and complete a reflective journal assignment:  

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  • Provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives.
  • What did you learn from this week to challenge your beliefs or attitudes?
  • How will this knowledge improve your effectiveness as a practice scholar?

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