This assignment provides you with an opportunity to consider the importance of management and leadership within a criminal justice organization by drafting at least a two page full essay. The two-page full essay must answer the following questions:

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Why is it important for management and leadership to exist within a criminal justice organization in order for that organization to function and run smoothly? 

What is the importance of policy and procedure manuals in organizations? 

How can such manuals influence the structure of criminal justice organizations?

First, select at least ONE of the following types of criminal justice organizations to include within your response:

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Department of Homeland Security,  

a state or local police department,  

a state or private correctional facility,  

the Federal Bureau of Investigation,

the Central Intelligence Agency,  

a local sheriff’s office,  

a forensic laboratory,  

local, state, or federal courts,  

a state department of children and families,  

a local juvenile detention center,  

a local victim advocacy program, or  

a criminal justice organization of your choosing.

Next, locate one article in the online library to support the assertions within your response.  I have chosen to pick the Federal Bureau of Investigation, for the essay.

Below is the article below.  

Reference: Effective Leadership Through Institutional Integrity. (2010). FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, 79(7), 26.

Leadership Spotlight \

Effective Leadership Through Institutionai Integrity

E ffective leaders understand that un-compromising and rigid institutional
integrity ought to be a core value of any law
enforcement or intelligence organization.
They appreciate their responsibility to monitor
and train their workforce with respect to laws,
procedures, regulations, and policies govern-
ing their operations and daily activities.

Successful leaders create, develop, and
sustain an environment where einployees
are not reluctant to report any recognized or
suspected failure to strictly adhere to law or
policy by themselves
or others. Personnel
want to be confident
that their leaders will
take the necessary
and corrective ac-
tions to document
and address these

In this evermore
multifaceted crimi-
nal and intelligence
gathering atmosphere where law enforce-
ment professionals function, leaders should
try to develop and foster an organizational
mentality conducive to ensuring compliance
with prevailing laws and policies. Leaders
will want to make certain that a formalized
procedure for dealing with any failure to
comply is obtainable. During the summer
of 2007, the FBI responded to this chal-
lenge by creating the Office of Integrity and

Compliance, part of the Office of the Direc-
tor, which oversees the Bureau’s Integrity and
Compliance Program.

Successful law enforcement leaders may
want to consider constructing and placing
into practice a compliance program within
their departments that can be tailored to pro-
actively discover and mitigate violations of
law, operational procedures, or administrative
regulations. Officers and other employees
ought to recognize and understand their re-
sponsibility to report incidents of misconduct,

misbehavior, or any
systemic failure to
follow rules. If it is to
succeed, an agency’s
program will guar-
antee confidentiality
and promote a spirit
of appreciation for
doing what is right,
instead of instilling a
fear of retaliation. A
reputable and well-

established compliance program can support
an organizational culture that encourages ethi-
cal and principled behavior. Such an endeavor
is the foundation for a triumphant, respected,
and professional law enforcement and intel-
ligence organization. “••

Special Agent Douglas B. Merel, an instructor in the
Leadership Development Institute at the FBI Academy,
prepared this Leadership Spotlight.

26 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

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